Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Heart of the Warrior Book VII

Chapter 18: Insane In the Membrane

by madnesspersonified 0 reviews

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Sci-fi - Characters: Dumbledore,Ginny,Harry,Lily,Voldemort - Warnings: [!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2008-06-22 - Updated: 2008-06-22 - 5828 words

Chapter Eighteen: Insane in the Membrane.

Bellatrix Lestrange lead a very petrified looking fourth year girl by the arm, to the office of her Master, Lord Voldemort. The girl whimpered, but Bellatrix held no sympathy for trouble makers cut from her cloth. Bellatrix saw two surly looking Aurors guarding the outside of her Master’s office, not that he needed protection. In recognition, the two Aurors stepped to the side, allowing Bellatrix entrance. Bellatrix continued to move forward, without acknowledging the presence of the Aurors. The girl attempted to bolt, but Bellatrix roughly wrenched her forward by the arm.

“Please, don’t…” whimpered the girl.

“You should have thought about the consequences before you dared to disgrace the halls of Hogwarts, with your actions,” commented Bellatrix in a wicked voice. “The Dark Lord knows exactly what to do with trouble makers such as you. Now move it!”

Bellatrix put her wand at the throat of the girl, whose eyes widened in absolute fear, as the door swung open, granting Bellatrix entrance due to her dark mark. Moving forward, the girl looked around, to see the imposing figure of Lord Voldemort sitting calmly behind the desk. The entire office was devoid of most light and an creepy chill could be felt throughout the air.

“Kneel before the Dark Lord!” yelled Bellatrix in a wicked voice, as she forced the girl to her knees before the Dark Lord, who sat behind the desk, unsmiling, as he looked at Bellatrix through his slit like red eyes, before addressing her.

“Bellatrix, I had thought I told you to oversee the training of the Cruciatus Curse,” commented Voldemort softly.

“Please forgive me, my Lord, but while the other students are at least making an attempt to learn, this one refuses to even attempt, because of moral obligations,” said Bellatrix in an absolutely disgusted tone of voice, as she looked at the girl.

“Explain yourself,” demanded Voldemort, as he stared down the girl, who was rather terrified at the moment, but found her tongue to explain.

“Well, it’s wrong…to torture Muggles like that, I mean, they can’t really fight back,” said the girl quickly. “That curse…I heard the screams…it’s hurting them…”

“Foolish girl, Muggles are nothing but animals, mindless beasts, they don’t deserve to breath the same air we do,” said Bellatrix wickedly “So what if they are hurt? They need to be taught a lesson, to be put in their place, because of their inferiority. They pollute all of existence…”

“Perhaps this young lady has a point,” commented Voldemort and Bellatrix looked at the Dark Lord, like he had lost his mind, but Voldemort continued. “Perhaps torturing Muggles is not for the best, after all, they are rather notorious for breaking rather quickly under the curse. Perhaps a different test subject would be in order, to really who has the potential to use this tool.”

The girl gasped in fear as Voldemort extended his skeletal white hand, before stroking her cheek in a leering manner.

“Such a pretty child, such a waste of magical power, but I do thank you for volunteering,” said Voldemort coldly. “Bellatrix, take this girl back, but she will no longer have to learn the curse. Rather, the students who have shown impressive aptitude will now take the next step and utilize the curse on her. Perhaps it will also discourage future attempts at resisting us.”

“As you wish, my Lord,” said Bellatrix, as she dragged the girl out of his sight.

“No, please, don’t, no, no, don’t, this isn’t right, someone will stop you, please don’t hurt me!” shouted the girl, but Bellatrix paid her no mind, as she was dragged off, as Voldemort watched her go with an indifference expression etched upon his face. The fools who attempted to rebel against his regime would pay dearly, but hope that his power would be broken was lessening by the day for all that opposed him. Still, there were still fools who attempted to stand up to Voldemort and they paid dearly. With both Potter and Dumbledore out of the way, Voldemort was confident that no one could stand up to him, he was untouchable.

In the sewers in New York, Raph was knocked backwards into the wall by a grotesque frog monster, effected by the outbreak. The monster moved forward but Raph dodged the attack, as Leo and Mikey was battling another pair of frog monsters, with Harry, Hailey, and Ginny avoiding a vicious assault from the frog monster, as Don dodged in for the attack, leg bandaged from the recent encounter with the roach mutants, as the grotesque genetic reject swiped its claws towards him, but Don barely blocked the attack, before he was pushed back.

“Man, it bites not being able to use our weapons to deal with these things,” commented Raph with a grunt, as he was knocked to the ground and the frog leapt at him, but Raph managed to flip him over to the ground, before he removed a tranquilizer gun from behind his back and fired a dart right at the horrid mutant. The frog gave a gasp as it began paralyzed.

“Yeah, but remember, if this stuff splatters, more mutants and more of a mess for us to clean up,” said Harry, as he dodged out of the way, putting his adversary in position to be shot in the back with a tranquilizer dart from Hailey. The frog monster dropped to the ground, completely paralyzed.

“Yeah, I know,” said Raph grudgingly, as he kicked a piece of rubble in the way of a mutant that was engaging Mikey. The mutant turned its attention to Raph, which allowed Mikey to shoot it right in the back with the tranquilizer dart. The frog mutant staggered around, smashing something, refusing to go down.

“This one’s a bit stronger, it won’t go down,” said Mikey.

“This should put it to sleep,” said Leo, as he impacted two more darts into the back of the frog, as it dropped to the ground, as on the other end of the tunnel, Harry lured another frog mutant in, allowing both Ginny and Hailey to shoot it simultaneously, putting the beast down. It dropped to the ground, put into slumber.

“Did we get them all?” asked Hailey, as she looked around, and the others nodded in confirmation.

“For now,” said Leo cryptically, as he looked from side to side, as the tunnels had been completely purged of any of their mutant guests. “Still, Don’s theory was correct, the mutagen is evolving at an insane rate, who knows what it will in effect next.”

“We’ll fight it, but the next step would be to find an antidote for the mutagen,” said Harry. “Until them, we can only put these things down as fast as we can find them, so someone doesn’t break them open and infect anything else.”

“Still, the paralysis potion that Lily brewed worked well enough, even if we had to give a couple of those things two or three doses to put them down,” inputted Ginny.

“Yeah, it works well now, but if this mutagen evolves to another level, we might require either many more doses or something a bit stronger,” commented Don. “I’m working around the clock to find an antidote, but it’s going rather slow, as there are so many variables to test, to find a universal cure that will affect a variety of species.”

“Keep working Don, Hermione, Mum, and I are working to attempt to see if something magical that can serve as a cure for this plague, but once again, all the variables are difficult to nail day,” said Harry. “We’ll find a cure, but right now, contain everything so it doesn’t splatter and spread.”

Back in the lab that Agent Bishop created for him in Arena Fifty One, Stockman was hard at work on a project. At that instant, the doors slid open and Agent Bishop stepped inside, surveying Stockman over the top of his sunglasses.

“Stockman, the third case of another swarm of mutants has been reported in New York, in just a matter of less than twenty minutes and if our calculations are correct, soon it will spread outside the city,” remarked Bishop. “Do you have a cure Stockman?”

“In time Agent Bishop, in time, first I need to finish your end of the bargain from when I helped you take down the Shredder’s star ship, remember, my new body,” commented Stockman as his robotic shell stepped back, to reveal an exact duplicate of Stockman’s original human body.

“Stockman, this can wait, it is essential that the outbreak is contained, all of humanity hangs in the balance and in a matter of weeks, there is potential that the virus could be evolved enough to effect humans,” responded Bishop, who was irritated with how Stockman was putting his own needs over his job, but Stockman remained undeterred as he continued work on his body.

“Agent Bishop relax, I read the reports, there’s only just a slight potential that the outbreak will evolve that far, besides my new body will allow me more mobility than this hunk of tin that I’m currently in,” said Stockman, as he backed off. “I combined the alien accelerants with the genetic material used to make your new body to ensure higher durability.”

“Are you certain this is wise, Doctor Stockman?” inquired Bishop calmly. “This same alien accelerant that caused the outbreak in the first place?”

“I have run numerous tests, everything is stabilized, I am confident that this transfer will work,” said Stockman. “Now do you need anything before I put myself asleep and wake up in my new body?”

“Just be careful not to damage that brain of yours Stockman, it is the only thing you have that is of any value to me,” replied Bishop coolly, before he walked off, leaving Stockman to scoff.

“Perhaps the fool should get a brain of his own to use,” muttered Stockman before he laid himself down the table, fastening the cables lead to his brand new body, before he turned to the activating module. In a matter of moments, he would have a brand new body to replace the one where the Shredder and Hun had ruthlessly whittled away piece by piece. “Activate the neural transference process.”

Electrical currents flowed between the robotic shell where Stockman’s mind currently was, slowly transferring his brain, along with all of his memories. As the process slowly put Stockman to sleep, his subconscious began to replay the memories on his life, including his childhood.

Eight year old Baxter Stockman carried a plastic container containing a lone roach across the kitchen in his home. He placed the container on the table and took out a glass beaker, containing a sickly yellow acid. The roach attempted to scurry, but young Baxter stopped it, before he held up the beaker of acid, to conduct an experiment. A happy look of curiosity appeared on the young boy’s face, but he was brought out of his thoughts by the door opening. Baxter looked up to see the form of his mother walking to the door. Happily the young boy rushed over towards his mother.

Mamma, you’re finally home!” exclaimed Baxter in a happy voice as he hugged his mother.

Hello Baxter, I managed to find that chemistry set that you’ve been asking for,” stated Mrs. Stockman, as he handed her very pleased son the kit.

Thanks Mamma, will you play with me with it?” asked Baxter in a hopeful voice but his mother looked at him.

Sorry, Baxter, but I have to work a double shift today, to help pay the bills,” said Mrs. Stockman in an apologetic voice. “I just had time to stop by during my break to bring you this but I promise, once I have time, I will spend it with you.”

Baxter nodded, as he watched his mother walk out the door, as he opened the chemistry set, pleased with the fact that his mother remembered that he wanted it so much. Now that he had this, he had no need to conduct his crude experiment on the roach, so he picked up the plastic container before he tipped it forward. It allowed the roach its freedom, as it jumped out the window, back outside to leave Baxter all alone.

Back in Bishop’s lab, Stockman’s fingers began to twitch, as his body came to its senses and he sat up in the lab, looking around pleased that the experiment had been a complete success.

“I, Doctor Baxter Stockman, have completely returned!” announced Stockman in a pleased voice, as he rose to his feet, looking around, smelling the air, just enjoying being completely alive once again, instead of a brain inside a cold, robotic shell. Taking his first tentative steps forward, as he put on a lab coat, Stockman felt liberated, almost reborn.

Outside some time later, Stockman stood outside, enjoying the feel of the warm breeze against his body, it had been too long, before Bishop walked up to him, looking at Stockman with a calm expression on his face.

“The experiment was a success Stockman,” commented Bishop as he looked him up and down.

“Absolutely, it worked and I have a second chance at life, I’m going to make the most of it, I’m truly reborn,” said Stockman but Bishop just looked at him.

“Careful Stockman, you’ve just been in that new body for a matter of minutes, I would not celebrate too soon, there’s always a chance for side effects,” warned Bishop. “Now, I have new data awaiting you in the lab from the latest round of outbreak attacks. I would suggest you’d get a jump on looking at it.”

“Right away, Agent Bishop,” replied Stockman, but as he stepped forward, he felt slightly off balance and he felt his right arm ripple from underneath the sleeve of his lab coat. Stockman looked on, in shock, as he saw his arm settle back down, unmoving.

“Is there a problem, Doctor Stockman?” prompted Bishop but Stockman quickly shook his head in response.

“No, I don’t think so, it must be the skin assimilating to itself, there will still be side effects, but perhaps it will be best to conduct some studies, to look for any potential problems,” said Stockman quietly, as he moved off, leaving Bishop in the shadows, a calculating expression on his face as he watched Stockman leave.

Stockman feverishly poured over the notes that had been generated when he put his body underneath a full bio-genetic scan. Frowning, Stockman looked over them, checking and double checking all variables.

“According to this nothing is wrong, except for a slight fluctuation in the accelerant, but I doubt that would be a problem, it will settle itself, yes, everything will be fine, my new body will be back to normal,” muttered Stockman, as he looked around at the lab, as sweat dripped from his face onto the table in front of him and he blinked, he saw the form of his mother standing in the doorway. “Mamma?”

“You’ve been working yourself too hard again, Baxter,” commented Mrs. Stockman in a good natured voice, before she looked over her son. “Oh and I’d really put something on that finger, baby, it’s starting to look really nasty.”

Stockman looked at his hand and gasped in absolutely fear. Before his very eyes, he saw the skin on his right pinky finger rotting, as it began to turn into dust. What was his dream body, all but a few moments ago, was now turning into a nightmare, as he watched it decompose before his very eyes.

In a flash, Stockman’s eyes flashed open. The scientist breathed a rather prominent sigh of relief.

“Just a nightmare,” muttered Stockman as he absentmindedly raised his right hand and gasped, much like the dream, his right pinky finger was rotting, the sickening smell of flesh filling his nostrils, but the smell becoming less prominent the more it rotted, something that Stockman was certain should not be happening.

Angrily, Stockman moved forward and smashed over the shelves in the lab, knocking them over. With an angered expression, he knocked over another shelf, a large piece of glass impacting his shoulder. Yet, despite this, Stockman felt absolutely nothing, not the glass embedded in his arm, not the ground below his feet, the nerve endings have been completely numbed.

“No, no, this can’t be!” yelled Stockman, as he continued to smash up the lab in a fit of rage and he found that his right arm was being dislocated, almost falling out. His eyes widened, there was no way he would allow his body to come apart, not after he worked so hard, the countless hours that he worked to make sure that he returned to a full body. Stockman picked up a large metal hammer and began slamming it into his shoulder, attempting to jam it back into the socket, loud cracks echoing throughout the lab, before he dropped to his knees and reared his head back, yelling in absolute agony. “No, not this way, I refuse…I can still salvage this, just need a new body, that’s it, another new body, a powerful body…”

Stockman looked up, almost seeing the taunting face of one Harry Potter on the ceiling. A twisted grin appeared on Stockman’s face, as he recalled with bitterness, the role that the extremely powerful wizard had played in foiling multiple plans of his, causing him to lose body part after body part of his original body.

“Yes, you do seem durable Potter, yes, the perfect vehicle, one more mind swap, sweet irony after all you cost me, that I would be the one to destroy you, the fated Harry Potter,” babbled Stockman under his breath as the door opened, with two commandos entered the room.

“Doctor Stockman, are you okay, we heard a disturbance,” said one of the commandos, but Stockman looked up, with a wide eyed crazed look etched in his eyes.

“Oh, I will fine, but you won’t be,” remarked Stockman in a crazed voice as he sprung forward, knocking one of the commandos in the wall. Despite all that had deteriorated, at the very least, Stockman was still pleased to have the super human strength. The other commando attempted to attack Stockman but Stockman grabbed him around the head with his hand, before slamming the back of the commandos head against the wall. In an instant, Stockman picked up the laser blaster that the commando dropped, before he rushed forward towards the exit.

He heard the alarm going off, the only senses that had not completely left him were those of hearing and sight. Quickly, he made his way towards the cargo bay, as a group of commandos pointed their laser blasters at him. Reaching into a crate, Stockman picked up an explosive charge before he flung it at the commandos. It detonated, causing the group to scramble, as Stockman entered a helicopter. He started it as, as the roof opened up and the helicopter rose into the sky, before it flew forward at high speeds. Ideally, it would transport him from Area Fifty One to New York City in around a half hour time and then Baxter Stockman would have a more lasting body.

Back in the sewers, the group crowded around, as Don was in the process of showing them something.

“After all the vehicles were destroyed at the hands of the Foot and not to mention the outbreak, I spent what little free time I had putting this together, behold the new and improved Battle Shell!” announced Don as he pulled the tarp off to reveal a modified moving van.

“It’s inside the moving van?” prompted Mikey in a confused voice.

“It is the moving van,” replied Don, as he moved over. “I put in some improvements on the previous model, that will be useful in tracking down our new mutant pest problem, it is much easier than just mindlessly hunting around on foot.”

“Excellent work Don, you really outdid yourself this time,” commented Harry, as he looked over the new and improved Battle Shell as Ginny consulted her watch.

“I really need to get going, we’re going to go over some advanced Defense Against the Dark Arts material tomorrow, before we head up to take the test to get our equivalency to the N.E.W.Ts and I doubt I’ll be able to concentrate without a lack of sleep,” said Ginny and Harry nodded, as Hailey also moved forward. “Coming Harry?”

“No, you two go right ahead, I think we’re going to do one more quick patrol of the city, before calling it a night,” remarked Harry before he kissed Ginny good bye and gave his sister a hug. “Be careful you two, the Foot might still be lurking out there, don’t get into trouble.”

“Don’t worry Harry, we’ll take our time, the second something goes wrong we’ll be sure to call you if we need help,” replied Hailey and Ginny nodded, before the two girls walked off, as Harry turned to join his brothers before one more quick patrol, but keeping his fingertips on the two way mirror at all times. With both the Foot and the mutants outside in the city, Harry was worried, no much how he knew Hailey and Ginny could both take care of themselves.

On the surface many moments later, Hailey and Ginny walked, they stuck safely to the shadows and watched. They paused at a noise, but let out a sign of relief when it was only the wind.

“Almost there, the city’s too quite for my liking,” muttered Hailey. “Maybe we should have waited for Harry.”

“No, Harry has enough to worry about, besides he’s trained us so he doesn’t have to constantly run off after us,” said Ginny. “He’ll be there for us when we need him, but at the same time, he’s trusting enough to give us breathing room. Most in his position wouldn’t do that.”

At that sound, foot steps quickly approached, causing time to freeze. It was a loud thumping noise, as the twisted form of Baxter Stockman appeared in the shadows, looking at both Hailey and Ginny with surprise, but then glee.

“Quite fortuitous that I would find you here, Miss Weasley, now you will be coming with me right now!” yelled Stockman in a crazed voice, but Ginny quickly withdrew her wand and sent a silent stunning spell at Stockman, but it bounced off the mad scientist.

“STUPEFY!” yelled Ginny loudly, but once again, the stunning spell had no effect, as Stockman continued to move forward, but both Hailey and Ginny raised their wands at the same time, sending two simultaneous stunning spells at Stockman, but he was only staggered back a step, before he knocked Hailey right in the mouth, before he grabbed Ginny roughly by the arm.

“Do you not think I would taken steps to ensure that my new body would be invulnerable to magic!” yelled Stockman as he was almost foaming at the mouth. “Now, stop struggling, and come with me, I require your assistance for an experiment that I’m going to conduct on young Mr. Potter.”

Quickly, Hailey knocked Stockman from behind with both of her feet, causing him to stagger back. Ginny quickly shot cords from her wand right at Stockman. They cocooned themselves around the mad scientist, as he struggled. Ginny reached for her mirror to call Harry, but Stockman ripped himself free and knocked her to the ground, causing the mirror to fly from her hand. With a vicious punch, he also dropped Hailey, before Stockman lightly clubbed Ginny across the back of the neck, causing her to pass out.

“Now, I have you and soon, I’m going to take Potter back to where it all started!” yelled Stockman as he dragged the unconscious form of Ginny to the helicopter as Hailey became to come to her senses. She aimed her wand and attempted to stall the helicopter, but her spell just flew through mid air. Stockman aimed a missile cannon at her, forcing Hailey to take cover as the missiles impacted the street, before the helicopter zoomed off. Needless to say, Hailey wasted no time in pulling out her mirror.

“HARRY!” yelled Hailey frantically as she looked at the mirror, frantic and sure enough seconds later Harry’s face appeared on the other end of the mirror.

“Hailey, I was just coming back, what’s the matter?” asked Harry as he caught sight of his sister’s slightly bruised face, his concern growing at that.

“Stockman, he came out, attacked both me and Ginny, took Ginny,” said Hailey who was absolutely shaking from seeing the state, both mentally and physically that Stockman was in and the fact that her best friend was being taken with that thing and Harry turned as pale as a ghost.

“Where did he go?” demanded Harry.

“I don’t know Harry, he was raving, delusional even, he had a new human body, but it looks like it’s breaking down,” reported Hailey and Harry nodded, the fact that losing a second body would push someone over the edge. “Oh, and he said he was going to take it back to where it all started.”

“Stocktronics,” muttered Harry under his breath, referring to the lab that he and his brothers first met Stockman in when Harry was ten, after he had unleashed his legions of mouser robots on the city. “Hailey, get home right now, I’ll go there.”

“Be careful Harry,” said Hailey, as the mirror link between the two Potter siblings went dead.

At Stocktronics, Ginny found herself coming to and found herself shackled to a wooden chair. Frantically, she searched for her wand, but did not find it on her.

“Looking for this,” commented Stockman, as he twirled Ginny’s wand between two rotting fingers. “You know, it’s not like it would do you much good, as those shackles are resistant to magic, a little gift from Lord Voldemort to the Shredder, that I managed to swipe before I handed him my resignation to the Foot to work for Agent Bishop.”

“Whatever you’re planning, Harry will stop you,” spat Ginny in a defiant voice.

“Not this time,” said Stockman savagely as he held up a rotating saw, with a manic glare in his eyes. “This body was good in theory, but it has limitations, but the body of Harry Potter, it’s strong. While magic flies in the face of everything I know as a scientist, I do have the practice to make myself familiar with all of my enemies and I know that your beloved Mr. Potter was the only person to survive the most powerful magic there is, the Killing Curse. That kind of power and durability is rather attractive to me.”

Stockman gave Ginny a twisted smile, with discolored drool dripping from his mouth.

“I will slice open the skull of Harry Potter and rip his brain out, before putting mine in,” concluded Stockman in a crazed tone of voice. “Thankfully at least Potter is of moderate intelligence, so at least it won’t be that tight of a fit.”

“You’re mad!” yelled Ginny in an absolute mortified voice.

“Perhaps, but I’ll be power mad in a matter of moments,” commented Stockman before his eyes slid out of focus, with a blank, vapid look in them as his mind flashed back in time once again.

It was a few years after young Baxter Stockman had received his first chemistry set, he was sitting at the bedside of his mother, who looked very weak and extremely ill.

Oh honey, Mamma’s not feeling her best, I’m afraid I don’t have much time left,” said Mrs. Stockman weakly and Baxter’s eyes widened in horror.

“/No!” shouted Baxter. /

Now, be a good boy and remember Baxter, you can do anything that you set your mind to, you remember that,” commented Mrs. Stockman as she patted her son on the hand, before she closed her eyes, for what turned out to be the last time in her life.

“No, don’t leave me Mamma, please don’t leave me,” muttered Stockman but Ginny reached her foot over, spotting a sharp jagged metal object lying in front of her. If she could somehow pull it over with her foot, she could break the chains and find a way to contact Harry, so he did not needlessly put himself in danger.

Ginny nearly gripped it, but her foot slipped, causing the metal to clang across the ground, causing Stockman’s eyes to snap back open and turn to Ginny, before he walked over, and grabbed the jagged piece of metal, before pulling it out of her reach.

“Nice try, but do you really think it would be that easy?” demanded Stockman but at that moment, the front entrance doors swung open, causing Stockman to quickly crouch behind an operating table, as Harry entered the main lab.

“Ginny,” said Harry in relief as he moved over, as Stockman pulled out a stun laser.

“HARRY WATCH OUT, IT’S A TRAP!” shouted Ginny and sure enough, Stockman began firing a laser blaster at Harry, causing him to duck and dodge heavy stream of laser fire that Stockman launched at him, before he removed a shuriken from his sleeve and aimed it right at the laser blaster, causing it to be knocked from Stockman’s hand.

Quickly, Harry moved over but Stockman caught his hand, before he wrenched it backwards. A loud pop and Harry was staggered, his elbow damaged by the enhanced body of Stockman. Stockman rushed over but Harry dodged the attack, before he swung up onto the pipes from above. In an instant, Harry aimed his foot right into the jaw of Stockman. A loud crack echoed throughout the lab as Stockman dropped to his knees, his jaw hanging from a few strands of rotted skin, with blood dripping down, as Harry moved over to attend to Ginny, in an attempt to break her free, but Stockman calmly snapped his jaw back into place, before he grabbed Harry by the back of the throat and threw him halfway across the lab. The force caused Harry to smash into a table as Stockman raised a large syringe over his head, before advancing on Harry.

“Time for your sedative, Mr. Potter!” shouted Stockman in a crazed voice as he aimed the needle right at Harry’s throat, but Harry managed to block it with his hands, his strength enhanced by a sudden burst of accidental magic, before he pushed Stockman back. Quickly, Harry gracefully launched himself over Stockman, ending up behind him, before he loaded his tranquilizer gun with a dart, containing a double dose of paralysis potion. Quickly, Harry fired it in the back of Stockman. For a second, Harry thought he was home free but Stockman’s head turned around one hundred and eight degrees, giving him the impression that his head was on backwards.

“There was enough in that dart to paralyze a human for six months,” muttered Harry as Stockman charged Harry, but Harry just managed to slide out of the way.

“Yes, but thanks to this faulty body, I can’t feel anything, but yet I’m still standing, so what’s a little less feeling!” yelled Stockman as he smashed Harry right in the face, knocking him down, causing several vials to drop off of a nearby shelf. “It’s because of you Potter that I’m like this and now, I’m going to destroy you…”

Stockman lifted a table over his head, but Harry spotted a vial of acid lying by his side. Quickly removing the cork, as Stockman advanced, Harry threw the acid right at Stockman, causing it to splash right into his eyes. Stockman staggered backwards, causing the heavy table to drop onto him, pinning down, as Harry quickly rushed over, before he managed to pull Ginny free. He extended his hand, helping Ginny to her feet.

“You okay?” asked Harry in a concerned voice, as Ginny collected her wand.

“I am now,” said Ginny, as she looked around but Stockman had pulled the table off of him, throwing it, causing it to smash into the shelf, causing several dangerous chemicals to splash onto the floor, causing the area around him to bubble, but Stockman seemed not to notice, as he pointed another laser blaster right at Harry and Ginny.

“This is the end Potter!” yelled Stockman, as there was no skin on his face around his eyes, as yellow pus dripped to the ground, as he aimed the laser at the two, but suddenly Stockman paused, his eyes glazed over. “No, no, it was never meant to get this far, I’m sorry I disappointed you, I didn’t mean to…I thought this was what you wanted…it’s my mistake…but…I had to do it…please forgive me Mamma, forgive me…”

Stockman’s eyes snapped back open, as he gave his head a shake just as he watched the shuriken of Harry connect with his blaster, causing it to blow to bits and causing the chemicals on the floor to be set ablaze! Harry grabbed Ginny by the arm, and put a shield charm around them, before they launched themselves through an open window, just as Stocktronics blew sky high! Loud explosions echoed throughout the landscape as deadly toxic chemical clouds blew from the window, but both Harry and Ginny were protected from Harry’s extremely powerful shield charm, as they walked off to blaring sirens.

“The end of Stockman?” asked Ginny quietly but Harry just shrugged.

“I thought so before and he’s come back,” replied Harry, as he looked off into the distance. “Without anyway to verify given the state that Stocktronics is in, there is really no way to tell.”

“Still, no one could have survived that explosion,” remarked Ginny logically.

“Perhaps, but it’s really a shame, at one time Stockman was considered one of the greatest scientific minds in the world, but given his recent years, it kind of pollutes that,” replied Harry. “For his sake, perhaps his achievements will be remembered, instead of his atrocities.”

Ginny nodded, it was a shame when someone with such promise threw away everything they achieved because of a few misguided decisions, as she and Harry returned to the Potter residence, ready for bed. It had been a long day.
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