Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Bet You Ten Bucks I Can Make You Regret Her

Author's Fucking Note

by XxMyChemicalPanicsxX 12 reviews

You don't have to read it if you don't want to. Honestly. I don't give a fartknocker. lol.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Published: 2008-06-22 - Updated: 2008-06-23 - 268 words - Complete


I finished my very first fan fiction.
I must say the journey was a combination of fun and scary.

Fun because I got to write all I wanted without censoring myself. Please believe me when I tell you, there is only a handful of people who know what my tongue in capable of.
And half of the people in that hand know how sick my mind is.

But not anymore!

And scary because I'm always afraid of what people will say about some of the chapters. But most of all, once I put another chapter up, I CAN'T STAY AWAY FROM THE FUCKING COMPUTER!!!

I just have to know how many views I got and how many/ if I got reviews.
It's kinda an obsession.

So if people addicted to Myspace are Myspace freaks I'm a....????

Not important.
Answer that question if you want to.

Also, I am freaking amazed (and a little frightened) at the amount of feedback I got.
It's fucking bananas.
B-A-N-A-N-A-S, bananas.

(Hey, I owe that song my life. Now I know when to stop saying anananananan. Ok you get the point.)


Enough of my endless and random banter.

So now the story's over I got nothing to do.
But I'll survive.
But since this isn't really a chapter you could review and tell me stuff about the story that you liked if you want.

But whatever.

XxIceCreamHeadachesxX (especially)
and a whole lot of other fucking people I know I'm forgetting but alas, I can't help that

pretty much,

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