Categories > Anime/Manga > Pokemon > Sabrina Nightengale

Team Rocket

by flying_angel 0 reviews

The prodigy Sabrina encounters Team Rocket. Will she attack them them?!

Category: Pokemon - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2008-06-26 - Updated: 2008-06-26 - 675 words

The forest was quiet as Sabrina and Absol advanced. Sabrina walked calmly, but was alert and keeping an eye on her surroundings. The sun was getting higher, and the forest was a bright green now, illuminated by the sun's rays. Over the canopy of the forest the girl could hear a flock of Pidgey flying overhead. A slight breeze played with her hair, and for a moment, nothing more, she was reminded of her home. She was pulled from her flashback when Absol growled and bounded ahead. Sabrina was immediately alert. But she did not quicken her pace. Fianlly she came to a small clearing where Absol had two humans and a Meowth sitting on a log surrounded. It was a boy and a girl. Absol was growling fiercly.

Sabrina's ice-blue eyes swept over the surroundings."Absol, silence." The Pokemon obeyed and sat down next to it's master. "Who are you?"

The female thought that this was a good time to suck up, because this trainer was defiantely stronger than the three of them. " My name is Jessie, and this is James," she indicated to the boy beside her.

"And I'm, Meowth!" The talking Pokemon did not phase Sabrina.

"Otherwise known as the members of Team Rocket," Sabrina said, her voice clipped.

The three gulped. If this trainer decided to attack them, they'd be finished.But Sabrina didn't give any signs of wanting a fight. In fact, she looked bored.

"Aren't you the guys who a couple of years ago were always trying to steal Ash's Pikachu?" They nodded. "And you lost every time?"

"Well, umm, actually," Jessie tried to save them, but instead limply hung her head. "I guess.We kind of...retired."

"A piece of advice to you then,"Sabrina turned to leave. "I'd watch it if I were you. Compared to me, Ash is still in preschool." She started walking in the opposite was she had came.

"W-wait!" The one called James called.

Sabrina stopped."What is it?"

"W-we told you our names, so you should tell us yours." As soon as the words came out, James regretted saying them.

Sabrina sighed quietly to herself. "If you must know, my name is Sabrina Nightengale. Anything else?" By now she was used to being a celebrity.

Jessie gasped. "You mean the Sabrina Nightengale?"

Sabrina mutely nodded.

"Aww, she ain't nothing special!" Meowth grumbled. "I could take out that Absol in two seconds flat!"

Sabrina looked amused now. "I highly doubt that. And anyway, I'm not in the mood for a battle. So long." Once again she turned to leave. And once again, James stopped her.


Sabrina turned around, clearly annoyed. "What is it, James?"

James walked over to Sabrina and took her by the arm. "We'll be back in a minute, Jessie." He called over his shoulder.

"He better not kiss her," Jessie mumbled under her breath.

James led Sabrina out of sight, but Absol still followed, ready to attack if necessary. Once they were out of sight, James let go of Sabrina and turned to face her.

She cocked her head to the side. "You look....troubled?"

James fiddled with his thumbs, not meeting her gaze."Look, the thing is, I don't know about Jessie, but it has been my dream to get into the Pokemon League. But me and Jess, we're just not strong enough...." He trailed off.

Sabrina studied him for a moment, and found it disturbing she had to look up at him."I suppose I could help you out a bit..." She looked thoughtful. "What Pokemon do you specialize in?"

James thought for a moment. "I'd have to say Poison and Grass types."

Sabrina nodded. "What about Jessie?"

"Poison, I'd have to say," He said without hesitation.

"Alright. Absol, stay here and protect them from any intruders." Taking a Pokeball from her belt she said to James, "I'll be back." She opened the Pokeball and out came a Pidgeot. She climbed onto the giant bird's back and took to the skies, the wid flowing through her hair.
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