Categories > Original > Romance > Ungraspable Love

End of Ungraspable

by leooryan23 0 reviews

End of a great love story tradgically

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Published: 2008-06-26 - Updated: 2008-06-26 - 391 words - Complete

My girlfriend for six months was the most perfect girl, I thought. _________ was everything to me. The only problem was that after our great Summer Vacation ended. We hardly spent time seeing each other any more. She was a year older than me and when she went to LMS I stayed in Washington. When I went to LMS she went to Hosler. It seemed as if fate was toying with me. My friend although kept close to her. They too were friends for some time, and he told me anything and everything that she went through at Hosler.
One day I went to my friend’s house to play soccer for a bit. I got to his house before he did, and walked inside. I said hello to his mother as I waited for him to come home from school. He finally arrived, and I went outside to greet him. I waved and he just looked at me and nodded his head back and forth. He came up to me, placed his hand on my shoulder and said “dude, I have something to tell you, your girlfriend has another man” and then he walked inside. I just stood there staring down at the ground, felt as if I had just been punched and all my air had been taken out of me. I walked to the shade that lied under the little oak tree that was in his yard. I sat there, just thinking of all the memories I had with her there, just everything I shared with her. He soon called her, and told her someone is here for her.
She arrived quickly to his house and told him hi. She did not see me. He said that someone was under the tree. She walked toward me and leaned under the long branches that the tree had. She smiled at me (the same smile that I fell in love with) and said hi, as if everything was alright. I just smiled at her, and then looked toward the ground. I was speechless. My friend came in and said what I couldn’t. He screamed and said “He knows your cheating on him, and says that it’s over”. She looked at me. But I couldn’t look at her. She turned around and ran away, out of my life FOREVER.
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