Categories > Anime/Manga > Death Note > Precious


by flying_angel 0 reviews

Ryuuzaki takes the rest of the day to ponder things, and Kairi asks him out on a date???? Not that Ryuuzaki would call it that...

Category: Death Note - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: L - Published: 2008-07-08 - Updated: 2008-07-08 - 1045 words

"Umm..." Ryuuzaki didn't exactly know what to say at this point. He couldn't exactly come out and say that he was L, the world's best detective. The public's title, though, not his. He was spared from answering this question because Kairi's cell phone rang.

Fumbling in a purse the detective hadn't realized was there, she pulled out a sleek, blue Motorola Razor. "Hello?"

Ryuuzaki was studying her as she talked. Her face seemed to fall as she listened, then her eyes widened in shock. "No, no-it's-it's nothing like that!" Her face was red, and she started stammering nervously. Ryuuzaki pondered her reaction. Could it have anything to do if she was Kira? The idea rested in his mind, but he wasn't so sure. This was one of the first times he couldn't sum up a situation. It made him frustrated. He listened to the conversation.

"I'm sorry....No, I-...I understand, it's just that....Yes. Yes, alright. I'll be there as soon as I can. I'm sorry." Head lowered, she hung up.

As far as he could tell, she was getting reprimanded for something, and the person on the other end would not listen to her explanations. The girl looked disappointed, and at the same time frustrated. She looked up at him as she pocketed the phone in her back pocket.

"That was my boss. I forgot that it's my day to work, and well, she.." Kairi gestured helplessly.

Ryuuzaki nodded. Though he had never experienced this, he had heard of people that had. "She lectured tried to explain, she cut you off..." He looked at her for confirmation.

Kairi nodded. "She wants me to come in, so I have to get going. I'm really sorry I have to rush off like this." For a moment she hesitated, thinking. "I'd really like to hear about what's gone on with you. I get off around seven. Do you think you could come around six-thirty?"

He really couldn't afford to, he had to work on the Kira case. "Actually-" But she cut him off.

"I work at the coffee shop, the one in front of the park." She looked at him in earnest.

No, he shouldn't. One, she was making him frustrated, and no one could do that, with the exception of Light. Two, he still had no leads on the Kira case, and he needed to get busy. On the other hand, he needed to take a break every once in awhile, or so the others said. And it wasn't anything personal, he would just see if she was Kira. He looked up and saw her watching him, and he caught her eye. She inclined her head a bit, meaning she wanted an answer.

"Well, I suppose I could." His toes were rubbing each other.

"Oh, that's great!" She bit her lip for a moment. "It's not, like, a date or anything, right?"

"No," he said slowly."Just two....friends, if that's the right word...talking over coffee. Do you think it's a date?"

She immediately turned a bright shade of pink. "N-no."

"Then I guess we're clear on that. Now didn't you have to be going?"

"Oh yeah." Kairi turned to go down the rungs. "I won't need to catch you again, will I?" She said with a playful smile.

Ryuuzaki allowed himself the pleasure of a little humor. "Only if you want to." Oops. He guessed that wasn't the right thing to say, because she raised an eyebrow.

"Are you flirting?"

"No. Are you?"

"Umm, no?" She sounded unsure this time.

"Alright. Now please start going down, or I will have to resort to extreme measures." He wasn't kidding, at least he didn't think he was.

"I wonder what those could be?"

He couldn't believe it! She was making fun of him! Well, he'd tried to warn her. What he was about to do next would teach her, and help him to see if she was Kira or not. No matter what the circumstances, he could not let his guard down.

So he walked over to Kairi and scooped her up, bag-of-potatoes style.

"Hey! Let me down! I have to go to work, you know!" She struggled, to no avail.

He shrugged, which was kind of hard, considering he had a girl slung over his shoulder."Well, you asked." Then, using the tips of his fingers, he stealthily slid her phone out of her back pocket.

Not stealthily enough. "Hey! Are you touching my butt?!!!"

His arm froze in the air for a moment. Then he slowly brought it down. "No."

"It felt like it!" She pulled at a lock of his hair.

"Ouch." He reached up to swat her hand away. But then he felt something poke his backside. Alright, this is enough, he thought wearily. You couldn't pay me enough sugar to deal with this. Making sure she wouldn't seriously damage her head, he dropped her.

"Hey! What was that for?" She grumbled as she rubbed her bum.

"Three reasons." Ryuuzaki held up three fingers. "One, you asked me to. Two, you've drunk too many cappucinos. And three, you touched my butt."She giggled at the last one. Which puzzled him. Didn't everyone say 'butt'? "Why do you ask?"

As she climbed to her feet, she held up two fingers. "One, I only did it because you did it first. And two, that hurt!"

He really needed to get back before Watari got worried. So he brushed past her and started down the rungs. "We'd better go before you get fired."

"Oh, yeah." She started down after him.

Once they were down on solid ground, Kairi turned to him. "I had a good time, despite all the little incidents."

Ryuuzaki rolled his eyes. "So the coffee shop at six thirty, correct?"

"Correct," she confirmed. She went to turn away, then turned back. "It was nice to see you again." With that, she ruffled his hair a bit, then skipped towards the direction of the coffee shop. Leaving Ryuuzaki in shock.

It was 100 percent certain that she had ruffled his hair.....but did he enjoy it? He shook the confusing thoughts from his head and took off towards the entrance of headquarters.

ok, all done! stay tuned for the next chapter!!!
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