Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 1. Fire Among The Ashes

6. Fire Among The Ashes

by xoxofallenangelxoxo 0 reviews

This chapter is a filler. Im stalling for teh big event which comes up later on. I promise to get the others in hopefully in the next few chapters.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-07-17 - Updated: 2008-07-17 - 375 words - Complete

Gerard sits down on the couch next to me and hands me my water.
"So..What's your name?" He asks turning to face me.
"I'm Crystal. But everyone calls me Crissi." I say shuddering. I hate my name so much.
"Wow. Crystal's an awesome name." He says smiling.
"So what's yours?" I ask as I sip my water.
"Gerard" He says.
"Really?" I ask and he nods.
"I've never heard that name before" I add.
"Not many people have." He replies. I suddenly get the feeling he's staring me. I have a weird thing about people looking at me. Which is pretty hard to avoid especially because of my makeup and clothes. Oh yeah the hair is an eyecatcher too.
"What?" I ask. He suddenly jumps and quickly looks away.
"I..uhh..." He stutters suddenly turning red. A draft blows in and I shiver. Well don't blame me for shivering all the time! I am only wearing my underwear and vest!
"How come I'm not in my clothes?" I ask looking down.
"Oh um yeah you kinda...Threw up on them" Gerard says. I groan and shiver again.
"It's freezing in here.." I say.
"Oh. Here" Gerard says getting up from the end of the couch. He gets a blanket from behind my head. He leans over me and wraps it around my shoulders. Then he leans back and looks me in the eyes.
"Thank you for everything Gerard." I say quietly. He smiles warmly.
"It's no problem. I get kinda lonely here anyways." He replies. My heart is racing as I realise our faces are only inches apart. He moves forward slowly. I can feel his warm breath on my lips now.
"It's not everyday I get to rescue a beautiful girl from a party. Even if she was totally drunk." He says his eyes studying my face. Then he moves away just as I thought I was gonna faint. I shake my head. The room is awkwardly silent. I yawn.
"Tired?" He asks. I nod.
"Come here"
I shuffle over and rest my head on his chest. He wraps his arms around me and sighs, Resting his head gently on my shoulder.
I fall asleep to the steady sound of his beating heart...
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