Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 1. Fire Among The Ashes

17. Fire Among The Ashes

by xoxofallenangelxoxo 0 reviews

Listening to: A Beautiful Lie - 30 Seconds To Mars Im Gee-gee gonna die?!?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-07-17 - Updated: 2008-07-17 - 576 words - Complete

The room was dark but the curtains were open. It was dark outside. I shut the door behind me and gasped as I saw Gerard. He was so pale in the moonlight. He looked sad even though his eyes were closed. His long, black hair was messed up, His head resting on a white pillow. His face looked tired. It made my heart ache to see him like this. I would give anything to see him open those beautiful eyes of his and wrap his arms around me and hold me close. But he doesnt. He just lies there. I stand there for about 3 minutes but until I can't bear it any more. I take his hand. I sit on the chair next to him and pull back some of his black hair away from his ear.
"Gerard you probably can't hear this. But i'll say it anyway ok Gee? Because... Oh Gee. I'm still in love with you. But now you might be dying...And it's all my fault. Dont you dare die on me Gee. I could never forgive myself if you died Gee. Please Gee. Wake up" I say tears spilling down my cheeks. I kiss his cold hand. Then I really start to cry, And I know that the tears will never stop.
I stay with him for a while but then I had to leave cos his parents came. Once we'd all seen him the nurse said we had to leave except for Mikey. So me, Frankie, Ray and Bob all left, Me crying enough for the lot of us.
It was the next day and we were in the studio recording again. I was singing again and it came to the part where Gee has to scream. I open my mouth and this weird wail comes out and the next thing I know I'm on the floor sobbing. The guys rush forward dropping their instruments and pick me up. I manage to say that I want to go see Gee again so they all nod and pack their stuff away.
We're in the car just a few minutes later on the way to the hospital. I run inside again and rush into Gerard's room. There's no one in there so I'm alone with him. I rush forward and this time I hug him and I don't wanna let go. My eyes are blurred with tears and my face is buried n his neck. He smells just like Gerard which make me cry harder. I suddenly feel an arm around my neck and Gerard murmurs something. I let go and look at him. Gerard opens his eyes and blinks a few times, His eyes adjusting. Then he sees me and smiles.
"Hey Crissi" He says smiling as tears appear in his eyes.
"Gerard! Oh Gerard!" I say and squeeze him tight. He hugs me back as hard as he can.
"I wouldn't have died on you Crissi. Not ever." He whispers into my ear.
"I love you Gerard" I whisper back and he laughs shakily.
"I never stopped loving you Gee. I promise you."
"I love you too Crissi." He says and he starts to cry. I kiss his forehead and he looks up at me again with his beautiful hazel eyes. Then I lean down as he leans up and we kiss for a couple of minutes. When we break apart, I know I never want to leave him again.
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