Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Pretenders

The Pretenders

by dtng101 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-07-28 - Updated: 2008-07-28 - 986 words

A/NOKAY SO HERE'S THE SEQUEL TO TELL ME LIE AFTER LIE.JANE IS FOURTEEN,GERARD IS NINTEEN AND MIKEY IS SIXTEEN.SO HERE IT PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X Jane's pov. Today was the last day of summer. And me,my parents,brothers,aunt and uncle. Just cames from our little vacation in Florida. If your still wondering I still live with my aunt and uncle.Even though my parents and brothers practicly begged me to live with them.I refused,because I will feel like if I abanded the people who I considered more than my aunt and uncle.Their like my first parents.But I do and go and vist my parents sometimes thru out the week. So they headed back to their house that was like four streets down from my house and we went inside my house. The weather was awful it's ranning with wind outside. we got out and thanked my parents for the ride."Ahh no"said my uncle closing the door"yeah it's a lot dryier in here uncle luis"I said right behing him"definatliy"said my aunt I went upstairs to my room,while hearing my aunt and uncle saying how warm and dry it was inside than outside that was wet and windy. I entered my room and picked up the photo I had of my grandmother Elena I stared at it for some few minutes. I sit it down by my drawer and went downstairs. To see what my aunt and uncle were up to. I was cleaning the place a little to give my aunt and uncle a lttle help around the small hallway that lead staright to the main door of the house.When I saw a man drained in wet clothes,wet hair from the storm that was outside,and held a snake in his hand.I got frighten since I have always beeb scared of any type of snakes."Found something do you want it"mumbeled the strange man on the door almost facing the snake close to me."No ahh"I screamed and soon fell stragith on my butt and knocked down a painting with me."Relax what's the matter with you"said the man to me"uncle luis!!"I screamed"what"he asked coming down the stairs He saw the man and grabbed a bat that was close by the stairs."Hey get the hell out of here"he screamed and chased the man almost down half the street"Jane you alright"he said closing the door behind him"Yeah I'm dine he just surprised me that's all"I said touching my chest"yes"he said out of breath"Are you sure"he repeated"yeah I'am find"I said"Uncle Luis"I said looking down that the stranger left his snake behind.It was slithering by my uncle's shoe"Ahhh"he screamed and then sadly killed it
NEXT MORNING Mikey and Gerard drived me to school."don't worry kiddo i'll be by your side"said Mikey looking at my worried expersion as we entered the school gates."Yeah I'am just a little nervous starting the ninth grade"I said with a nervous augh added"don't worry it's a peice of cake it's almost like eight grade again,plus if you need any help you know were to find me"he said similing at me as we madeour way to the office to pick up my scheule for my classes."Thanks your the best brother so is Gee"I said"I know I know"he said giving me a cocky simile
FURTHER IN THE SCHOOL BUILDING Mikay,Alirae and Charli.The three girls that most people liked to call'The witches of school'. They we're passing Mikay in the middle Alirae on her right and Charli on her left passing by thru the halls with their long leather black jackets,long black boots.Heavy make-up.Black lipstick crossed everywhere. Alirae wore the same except for a longer sweater that covered up her scares that she had since a bad burning incident in the past.And wore a white turtle neck to cover her other scares.And wore black tights.All covered up while the other two,Mikay and Charlie were liberate."Hey scary bitch alret"said Ray toro the biggest jerk in school told his other jerk as a friend Frank.And Bob the three assholes of school."uhhh I though of satin"said Bob praying along with Frank and Ray. Mikay looked at Frank with an evil smirk while they passed by them."oh god she just looked at me"said Frank with a frighten voice Mikay was a nice sweet girl,but something happened to her as soon as she entered eight grade.Now she's in tenth grade.People say that she was poisess."think warm places,think warm places"said frank with a frighten voice closing his eyes Mikay,Alirae and Charli accompined Mikay to her locker. While Alirae looked thru her witch craft book.Looking at it closly."The book say today there would be an arrival of something"said Alirae"Yeah wonderful,I'am getting my rag"said Mikay taking out her books"A new element earth,air water,maybe it's our fourth."I said"We don't need a fourth"said Mikay"Mikay we need some one to call the corners north east and west"said Alirae looking up from her book to look at Mikay."Four would make a circle"said Charli"Maybe she could be the fourth"said miay pointing at an officer Soon all of them stared alughing and headed to class.a/nREVIEW PLEASE!
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