Categories > Celebrities > Simple Plan > Behind Closed Doors

Hotel Living And Dates A Plenty

by Medusa 3 reviews

Bad news

Category: Simple Plan - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Chuck Comeau,David Desrosiers,Jeff Stinco,Patrick Langlois,Pierre Bouvier,Sebastien Lefebvre - Published: 2008-08-04 - Updated: 2008-08-04 - 2021 words

Climbing the stairs back to my room, I was pissed off with Chuck mostly. Grrrr...What the hell did he have to tell us that couldn't wait till later...hmmmm?

I opened the door to see Amy sitting in bed with a bowl of cereal resting on her stomach watching cartoons.

"Where's Leonie?" I asked, scanning the room

"Jared came and took her away somewhere" Amy replied eyes glued to the screen

"Well, you have to get dressed" I told her, stuffing my dirty clothes into my bag

"Why? What's up?" She asked looking over at me

"Chuck wants to speak to us" I replied swinging my bag onto my shoulder

"No, I meant what's up with you" She flung the covers back and put the bowl down

"I was having a really cute moment with Frank and Chuck had to ruin it by sending Pat over to get me" I sighed, plopping down on the bed

"Awww...." Amy cooed, rubbing my arms "There will be other cute moments" She smiled, hugging me

"Yeah" I whispered feeling sorry for myself

"I'll be dressed in just a sec then we can go and kick Chuck's ass" Amy suggested, grabbing some clean clothes

"Sounds like a plan" I laughed, standing up and grabbing my brush

Twenty minutes later, Amy and I had made it down stairs just in time to meet the guys.

"What’s this thing that you had to tell us?" Jeff asked Chuck after we had said hi

"Well...I don't know how to tell you..."

"Just get on with it, Chuck" Pierre sighed

Somehow Pierre looked different today; my minor observation of Pierre was interrupted by Chuck starting to talk again.

"Erm...the bus broke down this morning when they we're driving it over here. Something to do with the engine"

"And that means?" David asked frustrated

"They can't get it fixed or get us a new bus for a week" Chuck finished

"A WEEK" I yelled, throwing my hands up

"We're practically in the middle of nowhere, Amelia. They're is like one mechanic for about ten miles" Chuck explained looking around to see if anyone had heard me

"Can't we fly?" Seb asked, standing extremely close to Amy

"Nope, that's why we we're given the bus...cheaper to cart us all around"

"Oh god" I groaned "So, what are we meant to do then?" I asked, looking at Chuck

"We've to stay here till further notice" Chuck explained handing us new room passes

"Are we not in the same rooms?" Amy asked, taking her key from him

"Nope, different floors" He said, before disappearing to reception

"Perfect" I sighed, dropping into a conveniently placed couch

"It'll be alright" Amy soothed me

"Could this week get any worse?"

"Yup, I'm not going to see you for it" Leonie remarked from behind me

"Oh no" I sighed, looking up at her

"I've got to go onto the next date with Jared" Leonie sighed sitting down next to me

"Dammit" I moaned punching the arm of the chair

"I thought you would have been elated this morning" Leonie asked pulling her bag towards her

"I was until Pat came and told me Chuck wanted to speak to us" I explained "Oh god...I'm not going to see Frank for a week" I groaned

"Amelia, Chuck said that we've to go back to the bus and pick something’s up" Seb said sheepishly trying not to upset me anymore

"Thanks Seb" I smiled and looked at Amy "Why don't you and Amy go on ahead, I've got something I want to talk to Leonie about" I shooed them away

"What is it?" Leonie asked, sitting forward to look at me

"Nothing, I just want to see them spend some time together" I smiled, looking at her

"They'd make such a cute couple" Leonie sighed, standing up "Well, I better go and find Jared before he gets himself into trouble" She said turning to me

"Okay" I stood up and hugged her "I guess I'll see you in a week. Have an amazing time without me" I smirked

"Oh, I'll try but I'm not promising anything" She smiled, leaving me alone in the lobby

I lifted my bag off the floor where I had dumped it and looked around, I suppose this place is going to be my home for a while, sighing, I trudged across the lobby.

"Hey Amelia" Frank called, coming towards me "I just heard"

Wow, news travels fast.

"I'm bummed out" I said looking at him

"It'll be alright" He smiled, hugging me

"I know...I was just enjoying tour life" I laughed

"I'll be waiting for you when you rejoin the tour" He said into my neck

"You’re too cute, Frank" I smiled kissing his scorpion tattoo and stepping out of his arms

"Cya, in a week" He sighed, kissing me softly

"Cya, in a week" I repeated before heading out to the car that Chuck was impatiently standing by.


I was sat next to Seb in the back seat of the minivan, trying not to let the awkward silence bother me. I looked out the window and sighed, trying to think of something to say.

"Your set last night was good" I blushed looking at my hands...not the most intelligent thing to say

"Thanks, I thought we played really good too" Seb replied also looking down at his hands

I twiddled my thumbs and looked at the side of his face.

"Are you excited about being in one place for longer than a few days?" I asked

"Yeah, it should be fun even though we're in a tiny town"

"Maybe we could hang out or something" I suggested, glancing up at him

"Wow, that would be amazing" Seb smiled, looking up at me too

"Cool" I smiled, tilting my head slightly

"Hey Amy" Amelia said turning round to look at me, breaking the moment me and Seb we're having

"Yeah" I sighed, looking at her

"Are we sharing a room?" She asked, legs kicked up onto David's

"Erm...if you’re in room 629" I said taking my key out of my pocket

"Dammit. I'm in room 421" She sighed

"Who am I sharing a room with then?" I asked looking round the mini van

"It looks like I'm sharing a room with David" Amelia remarked looking at David as he produced his key

"Woooohoooo" David screamed, hugging Amelia "Wow, we’re going to have so much fun. We're going to stay awake all night" David told Amelia squeezing her

Amelia smiled and sat back.

"So, who are you sharing a room with Amy?"

"She's in the same room as me" Seb whispered, looking at his key

Amelia winked at me before turning back round to talk with David. My smile couldn't get any wider, me and Seb sharing a room...together.

"We can swap if you want" Seb said holding out his key

"No, it’s okay" I said, folding his fingers round the key "Unless you want to swap" I frowned a little

"No, I'd like to share a room with you" He sighed "It'll be fun to get away from the other guys for a while" He smiled looking at our hands which we're still touching between us

I looked down and realised I hadn't taken my hand away and blushed placing it back by my side.


Reaching the bus, I jumped out the minivan and walked inside to get some clean clothes for the week ahead. I was still on cloud nine about how much fun I had this morning just eating breakfast with Kaitlyn. She had ordered fruit and cereal and we had a laugh feeding each other strawberry's. I really didn't know what hit me, usually the girl has left before I've even woke up and I'm left alone to have breakfast alone but with Kaitlyn there's a spark, a connection.

I smiled to myself as I shoved random clothes into a rucksack before jumping off the bus again and standing outside the minivan waiting for everyone. Should I call her even though I only left her about half an hour ago? I flipped open my phone to see that I'd got a text message.

Hey Pie, I get off work early tonight. Give me a call if you’re free

She knew I was still in town, before Chuck had called a band meeting we we're standing in the lobby trying to say goodbye to each other. As soon as the meeting was over I had told her the good news.

I did a little dance on the spot; she wanted to see me again.

"You alright, Pierre" Jeff asked, sliding open the door

"Erm...Yeah I'm fine thanks" I stopped with my arms in the air

"Get in" Jeff smirked, holding open the door for me

We sat and talked about last night, I left out the part about Kaitlyn, I wanted to wait and see how she felt about me before telling everyone about her.

"And David danced across the bar, smashing five glasses as he went" Jeff continued, laughing

"Oh god, has Chuck given him the lecture?" I asked, as Seb climbed into the back of the mini van

"Talking about last night?" He asked, dumping his bag in the back


"Nope, he's not lectured him, we're waiting for it though" Seb smiled as David squealed from inside the bus

"AMELIA THEY'RE MY SKINNY'S" He screamed, running off the bus and round the van

"DAVID THEY'RE MINE" Amelia, screamed chasing after him

"Now, now children" Pat said, grabbing Amelia round the waist as she ran past him "They're no need to fight" He remarked as Amelia was giving David death glares

"They're mine, Pat" Amelia whined "Look in the pocket" She mentioned, pointing to the pair of skinnys in David's hand

David put his hand into pockets and produced five dollars and a lip balm.

"See that’s the lip balm I bought at a gas station last week"

"Sorry" David, murmured holding the jeans out

"Thank you" Amelia smiled taking them back and sticking her tongue out at him

"Hurry up and finish packing" Chuck moaned, putting his bag in the trunk

"Okay" Amelia and David called going back onto the bus

Once Amelia, Amy and David we're finished packing they had two bags each and we're dragging them out the door to the mini van

"What are you bringing with you?" Chuck asked, from the driver’s seat

"Oh you know the essentials" Amy smiled, climbing over Seb to sit down

"Two bags worth?" Jeff asked turning towards them

"Yeah, ones clothes the others make-up and hair stuff" Amelia told him, fluffing her hair

"Why does David have two then?" I asked, looking round from my position in the front seat

"It's mostly clothes, I brought...if I need make up at all I'll just use Amelia" He told us matter of fact

"Yeah, right" Amelia laughed, punching David's arm lightly

Getting back to the hotel was, longer than then ride out there. Chuck kept complaining about the traffic and why there we're so many cars coming through this town anyway. Once we we're settled back into our rooms, I called Kaitlyn.

"Hello" she answered sounding out of breath

"Hey Kaitlyn" I smiled, shifting the phone slightly

"Hey Pie, how are you?" She asked

"I'm alright, just back from collecting some clothes"


There was a long pause in the conversation before she sighed.

"Are you busy tonight?" I asked, running my hand over my face

"Not really probably watching a movie and eating some ice cream. You want to come over and share it with me?"

"That sounds awesome...When do you get off work?"

"I finish at seven"

"I'll pick you up then" I smiled

"Great" I could hear her smiling

"Bye then"

"Bye Pierre"

I hung up, my smile practically bursting off my face, I had a date with Kaitlyn tonight and I didn't feel anxious or feeling the urge to breath into a paper bag from fear of dating someone.
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