Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > The Sharpest Lives

Chapter 3

by anime_girl01 0 reviews


Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Ayame,Inuyasha,Kagome,Koga,Miroku,Sango - Published: 2008-08-04 - Updated: 2008-08-05 - 617 words

The next day at school the,well I guess you can say the unexpected, happened.For Kagome anyway.She was sitting in class.Doing nothing except for trying not to fall asleep.Everyone was in the classroom although it was still minutes away for class to start.

She sat up when she heard her cousin,Kikyo,call her name.They didn't get along at all.Kagome looked over her shoulder at her cousin.She was wearing a super short pink skirt and a nearly see through halter top that had a jewel on the front.'Oh great!What does she want now?' Kagome thought.

She got up to walk over to her.Half way there she actually ended up tripping.Before falling flat on her ass she was caught by someone.Who could it have been?She opened her eyes and looked up.

She looked up into his golden amber eyes.She was actually suprised."Are you alright?" he asked her.All she could do was just stare.He helped her stand up.When she got a clear mind she still coudn't answer and just nodded her head.

"Oh my goodness!Kagome,are you okay?" Sango asked walking over to her."Hi.Thanks alot.She's really clumsy," Sango said.After Kagome actually remembered how to speak she put out her hand."Hi,my name is-""Kagome Higurashi.Nice to meet you I'm Inuyasha," he said taking her hand.

She looked at him confused.He took out the pink phone he had found yesterday and gave it to her."I believe this belongs to you," Inuyasha said.She took it and looked up at him.Before she could say anything the bell rang and everyone sat in their seats.

Sango tapped her on the shoulder."I thought you said you left it in your locker.""I must have dropped it," Kagome said.After class She got up to him before he left."Thanks for catching me...and giving me my phone back," she said nervous that she probably looked like an idiot earlier.

"No problem," Inuyasha said throwing his backpack over his shoulder.They walked out of class."So how did you know my name?" Kagome asked him."Well the sticker on the back of your phone doesn't help,if you're trying to conceal your name," he said.Sango ran up to them.

"Here Kagome.You forgotyour notebook in the classroom again," she said giving it to her.Sango looked at him and said,"Hi,I don't think we've met.My name is Sango," she said smiling at him."Hey Sango!"They turned around and saw Miroku."Hey is this punk messing withyou," he said pulling her away from Inuyasha."Why you got to be aal up on my woman for," he said,very overprotective.

"Relax Miroku," Sango said grabbing his arm,"This is Inuyasha.He's new.""Oh," Miroku said."Good, cause I was scared of you anyway," he said backing off.Kagome laughed. Seeing as they had the next class together,phys.ed.,they walked together.

"So how do you like the school so far?" Miroku asked him after they were dressed in their p.e uniform."It's alright I guess," Inuyasha said looking down."Alright everyone,here are your teams for today and the rest of the week," Mr.Muro said taking out a chart. "Kagome,Miroku,Sango,Ayame,Koga,and Inuyasha.You six wil lbe team one."He went down the chart.

"Naraku,Kyoto,Niro,Kaya,Kikyo,and Yura.Team two."He read a couple of more names until there were six different teams.After taking all the teams to their fields they started sport I'm personally not so good at:()
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