Categories > Original > Drama > Gemini Software Inc, Series 1

Episode 7 - Open House

by sammywrae 0 reviews

GSI invites its customers to see how they work. What could possibly go wrong?

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Humor - Published: 2008-08-14 - Updated: 2008-08-14 - 5334 words

{Disclaimer : This is a work of pure fiction. The initial setup is based on a real life situation, however - as someone once said - the moment you start writing it is always fiction. This should not be construed as my views on the people involved, and the situations that develop are purely developed for the purpose of telling a story, rather than because they reflect reality}
{As the opening credits play the camera swoops over Crown Way in wide swooshy loops. In a somewhat misguided attempt to make the location look sexier than it is the camera does lots of flashy loops and swooshy moves, eventually settling in a "landing" type motion infront of the front door to Unit 3-2 . In big bold black letters the words}

"Gemini Software Inc"

{then, in slightly smaller letters}


{the names come up but the bits in brackets don't. They are only for reference in the script since it was quicker than typing all the names out all the time}

"Leo Burrows (LB)"
"David Bonnie (DB)"
"Philip Chambers (PHC)"
"Peter Chase (PC)"
"Bradley Pursglove (BP)"
"Amy Garner (AG)"
"Michael Garner (MG)"
"Jack Harris (JH)"
"Andrew Jenkins (AJ)"
"Gary Jones (GJ)"
"Tony McLellan (TM)"
"Daniel McCormack (DM)"
"Charles Sales (CS)"
"Frank Smithson (FS)"
"Jessica Summers (JS)"
"Tony Summers (TS)"
"John Taylor (JT)"
"Robert Taylor (RT)"
"Steven Tomlinson (ST)"
"Ian Weston (IW)"
"Nigel Wheeler (NW)"
"Tony Williams (TW)"


"Eloise Jensen (EJ)"

{behind each credit comes a picture of the character from one of the episodes in the series. I will leave the pictures to your imaginations for now. After the last credit is done the screen fades to black for a second and the words}

"Episode 7 - Open House"

{appear. Then the episode starts and the "guest credits" appear as the show begins. Think Buffy/Andromeda for what I mean. Also - the brackets thing applies again}

"Guest Staring : Kirsten Harris (KH), Danielle Ray (DR), Penny McCoy (PM)"

{The scene opens on the front of the Gemini offices. A sign is suspended over the doors saying "Welcome". People are streaming in and out of the doors. Its the GSI Open House day. The camera moves in to the offices and starts to float around a little. The entire offices have been re-arranged from normal. Think village fair for the layout - the desks are set in "stall" formation with a computer on each and a member of staff in front of each one. As the camera continues round it goes in to the conference room which is layed out in more or less the same way only smaller. The only places that look the same are the Directors office, reception (although it has more posters than normal) and the server room - which is locked. The camera comes back in to the main room and more or less rests on top of the monitor of the computer infront of which is sat LB. (that was really bad writing - but who is going to see it?)}

LB : So Miss Lane - you are interested in purchasing the Project Management module of Valhalla. Would you like a brief demonstration?

Terri Lane (TL) : Yes please Mr Burrows.

LB : Are you interested in any other parts of the system - for example the PM side can integrate with personnel and the diary system to allow you to keep better track of the staff assigned to the projects

TL : Well - maybe later. For now all I am looking for is a good project management system.

LB : Very well.... {the camera moves off as he starts to demonstrate the PM Module - do you really want to watch this anyway? - and goes around the office a bit more. It comes to rest over DM's monitor who is demonstrating Val-Net to three customers. (They will be C1/C2/C3 cause they are not very important)}

DM : So - this is the first form you encounter. As you can see it allows the configuration of basic options as well as letting the user connect to the main database. There are three basic levels of connection - read only, read/write and administrate. However within the read only and read/write levels it is possible to configure the specific rights to specific sections...

C1 : For example?

DM : Well I will go in to this in greater detail but as a small example you can give someone read only access to the diary but give them read/write access to the project management screen.

C2 : Why would you ever do that?

DM : I don't suppose you would, but I promise there will be better examples in the demo. So - are there any more questions?

{The three shake their heads}

DM : Okay.... {goes in to the demo and the camera is off again. (Do you ever get the feeling I don't want to show Valhalla in action at all?) It flys over a few other demos that are going on, then comes back to LB as he is finishing}

LB : So - Miss Lane. Is there anything else I can show you?

TL : No thank you Mr Burrows - I think you have covered everything.

LB : Do you know if you will be interested in purchasing Valhalla for your company yet?

TL : I am not sure. And it is not just my decision. However based on what I have seen I will be recommending it to the management when I get back. Its exactly what we need.

LB : Excellent. If you would like to come this way I can show you out....

{The stand and he escorts her to the main doors}

LB : Have a nice trip.

TL : Thank you. And thank you for all your assistance. You have been most helpful.

LB : Its a pleasure {watches as she leaves, then turns back and goes in to the office. Sees AJ and walks over to him} I am just going on a short break, if that's alright

AJ : Go for it. You did very well with Miss Lane.

LB : you were listening?

AJ : Only bits of it. You should consider doing it professionally

LB : Oh dear no. Too easy. {Walks off smiling and goes in to the kitchen. There he sees a young woman} Hi. I just came in to get a drink

Woman : Oh that's fine. My name is Maxine Cale. {will be MC from here on}

LB : Leo Burrows

MC : And you work here?

LB : Yes - I am one of the development team

MC : Would you like to tell me about Valhalla?

LB : If you like. Can I ask which company you are from?

MC : Pathway Office Supplies (1). We are based in Glasgow

LB : And yet you came all the way here. I take it you have heard of Valhalla already?

MC : Someone recommended it to me. They said it was the best of its kind.

LB : That was nice of them. So - are you ready?

MC : Lead on {They leave the kitchen and go back to LB's desk. He offers her a seat and then sits down}

LB : So - Miss Cale - how much do you know about Valhalla already?

MC : Not a great deal. Why don't you start from the beginning as if I knew nothing.

LB : Certainly. But if I do start to tell you things you already know please stop me and I will move on to something else.

MC : Agreed.

LB : Very well. Valhalla is an office management system. It contains various modules - project management, personnel, diary management and so forth - that can be used either on their own or all together. While both methods have their advantages it is the integration of the modules that most customers have found useful. If you will give me a moment I will start up the project management system and show you some of its features {turns to the monitor} I might have to turn my back on you once or twice during the demo, I hope you will not hold it against me.

MC : I think I can survive the insult {smiles to herself as his back is turned}

LB : Ok - the first dialog to come up is the connection screen. This allows the user to log in to the main database. In this case the diary management, project management and personnel modules are all installed so this will connect the user to all three. Depending on the users clearance he will be able to access some or all of these modules in various levels of access.

MC : For example?

LB : Well - in this instance the user I am using - Mr Giles - is a project manager. So he will have full access to the project management module, but read only access to the diary and personnel modules. Also he will not have any access to the more private sections of personnel like salary and so forth.

MC : Interesting.

LB : So - once Mr Giles is connected he can alter projects - assign staff and so forth - but only if it does not conflict with anything else. And although he only has read-only access to the diary you can see that when he has assigned members of staff to his project it shows up in the diary.

MC : Then why does he only have read only access?

LB : Because it means he can't delete events that are already there. For example if he wanted to assign Miss Jenkins to his project he could not - because she is booked out as being absent from work for the duration.

MC : I get it. That's quite advanced for a basic system

LB : Thank you. The other part is that once a member of staff is assigned to a project they might have to take a day off or - worst case scenario - be fired or resign. So - if I reconnect to the application as Mr Travers - the company manager - then I can show you this {turns back to the computer and quickly types a lot of stuff}. So - as you can see Mr Harris is assigned to Mr Giles project. However two days before the project is due to start Mr Harris is fired because he was stealing from the company.

MC : What a bad man

LB : Indeed. So - Mr Travers goes to remove Mr Harris from the personnel database {clicks a button} As you can see it is flagging up a warning that Mr Harris is assigned to a project. While it is possible for Mr Travers to continue with the removal of the record he will know that it will affect other records in the system. (2)

MC : That's very impressive. Can I ask you a question?

LB : Certainly

MC : Do your bosses know you use characters from Buffy for demonstration purposes? {Sees the look of panic in his eyes} Don't worry - I think its kind of funny. (3)

LB : Thank you. Now - would you like to see the rest of the modules in action?

MC : Go ahead.

{As he continues the scene fades and the words "End Of Part 1" appear}

{Commercial Break}

{Advert 1 : Star Trek Nemisis - have you heard of it yet?} (4)

{Advert 2 : Nappy adverts - which is the better piece of material to get covered in crap?}

{End of Commercial Break}

{The screen shows "Part Two". The camera opens on PC talking to a group of customers in the conference room. He is obviously just finishing a speach of some kind}

PC : Well - that about covers everything. Are there any questions? {No one answers} Excellent. You can pick up copies of the datasheet on the way out.

{The customers start to file out and DR comes in}

DR : Hey-ho

PC : {turning} Dani. What are you doing here? {goes over and hugs her}

DR : I thought I would take you to lunch?

PC : Ok. I am done for the monring so... why not?

DR : I will be outside when you are done

PC : Ok. {She leaves and PC continues to shut down the PC. A moment later he is finished and he walks out of the conference room and to the main door. He stops a moment when he sees DR talking to MC then pushes the door open}

DR : Hey - Peter. I would like you to meet Maxine. She is from Glasgow

MC : Well - a little town outside of Glasgow. I work for a company there.

PC : And you are interested in Valhalla?

MC : I think it is pretty good. The guy who demonstrated it was very convincing

PC : Who was that?

MC : A gentleman named Leo Burrows. He was very concise and interesting. It is mostly because of his demo that I am going to recommend it to the staff.

PC : {slightly strained} Then I must remember to congratulate him.

MC : Oh don't worry - I think my managers will be sending a note about him in with the order. Anyway - I must be going {walks out with a slight smirk on her face. DR watches her go then turns to PC}

DR : Okay dear - lets go for lunch.

{As they walk of the camera shifts back inside. AJ is talking to three people (two men and a woman) - C4-C6 in the next section}

C5 : Here's the thing. Along with the need for an office management system we also need some kind of ... of release management system.

C6 : We write software for various companies. Most of it is OTS but some of it is tailored to specific users. And at the moment we are in chaos trying to manage the releases.

AJ : Do you have a version control system in place?

C4 : Yeah. We wrote one cause we could not find one that suited all our needs

AJ : Then I think you could use the file and correspondance management system to keep track of what you want. Let me give you an example... {turns to his screen} Say you have two customers - The Capulets and The Montagues. Now the Capulets require a version that has lots of bells and whistles where as the Montagues want the basic version you sell to most customers.

C5 : Okay - that happens quite a lot though generally not to Shakespearian families (5)

AJ : Well in that case you could store the various versions in a given place and track the locations with the file management system and use the correspondance manager to track what has been sent when.

C4 : Can you show us?

AJ : Okay - I will give it a shot {turns to his computer and as the he starts to demonstrate it the camera shifts over to ST and MG who are stood at the doors of the Directors office}

MG : I think its going pretty well so far.

ST : It could be worse. No one has started a fight this year.

MG : Are you always going to bring that up? It was not my fault (6)

ST : Yeah - that's what they all say. I think Andrew is doing pretty well. How did he get landed with those three exactly?

MG : Call it a test.

ST : You are just the most evil person in the world, aren't you?

BP : {entering} I always thought so

MG : Oh this is just not fair. I am going home.

ST : Not yet. There is the thing this afternoon

BP : You are not going to make us do that again are you? Its.... its silly

ST : Its tradition

MG : So is sending children down the mines but I don't see you doing that with Lyndsay and Micky (7)

ST : Okay - I just like it. Please?

MG : Ok maybe I will think about it. Hold on - Andrew is waving at us.

ST : Ok - I will go find out what he wants {walks over}

C4 : Steven - hello. Its nice to see you again

ST : Hey Joseph. I hope our development manager is being helpful

C5 : He is, but he suggested we talk to you about one of our requests.

AJ : They had a request about a new module for Valhalla and I did not want to just blindly commit the company...

ST : I understand. Would it be possible for us to discuss this in our office - it seams a better setting

C5 : Very well. {The three customers stand up along with AJ} Thank you Andrew - your talk was most illuminating.

AJ : Its a pleasure. {They walk off towards MG while ST stays a moment}

ST : Well done. What was the module they wanted?

AJ : A release control system of some kind. They write software and apparantly its getting beyond them to keep track of it all

ST : Hmmm. Do we have one?

AJ : Not as such no. But from what I can tell we have never needed it.

ST : Okay. Anyway - again well done. {He turns and follows the three customers while AJ sits down at the computer. The screen fades then comes back up with LB talking to PM}

PM : Its going pretty well this year. Are you due for a break yet?

LB : Its way past lunch time so I am going with yes. Plus I have been busy since I came in so I am way, way past due.

PM : Lets go then {They leave together and get in to PM's car} So - what's been the most fun part so far?

LB : Honestly? I don't know. There was a customer from a company called Pathway Office Supplies. Her name was Maxine and she seemed pretty interested.

PM : Cute?

LB : I guess. I hate to admit it but I wasn't paying much attention.

PM : Shame on you. Its been months since you and Cordy broke up - its about time you found someone else.

LB : I suppose. But...

PM : But what?

LB : There's Eloise.

PM : Your friend on line?

LB : Yeah. I know I have never met her, and I know we might not get along, but...

PM : Seriously? There is something there?

LB : Well yeah.

PM : Interesting. Do you know if she feels the same way?

LB : Oh yeah - cause I asked her last night "Hey Pinky do you by any chance like me the same way I like you?". {pause} No - I don't know

PM : But you are willing to give up this possibly cute supply woman for a chance at someone you don't know? Why?

LB : What's with the impossible to answer questions? {She keeps staring at him} I don't know. Its just... a feeling

PM : Oh - in that case I understand perfectly. How do you think I ended up with Susie?

LB : What do you think I should do?

PM : Give it a little time. See if there are any signs. Then - make a choice.

LB : Its that easy?

PM : It can be.

{The scene fades to black. The words "End Of Part Two" come up}

{Commercial Break}

{Advert 1 : Be part of a team. Join the RAF. Learn to kill people you will never meet}

{Trailer : Something is up at Gemini Software, and it all involves "That McCormack Girl". Same time next week}

{End of Commercial Break}

{The words "Part Three" come up and the scene opens on LB and PM coming back in to the car park. At the same time DR and PC are pulling in to the car park behind them. LB gets out and goes to open the door for PM. As she gets out she (not he) sees DR and PC getting out of DR's car. She taps LB's hand and he turns}

LB : {thought vo} Oh great. Just what I needed. {Looks at PM} Do you want to say hi?

PM : I guess. I haven't seen her in a while. Do you mind?

LB : Honestly? Not really. {Sees PC and DR coming over}

PM : Hey Sammy. How's it going?

DR : Hey Penny. I haven't seen you in ages. I am going fine. You know my boyfriend?

PM : Pete. Hey

PC : Penny. Leo - you out with Penny again?

LB : We are just friends. {Sees the look in PC's eyes but ignores him}

PC : Yes. Like you and Dani were just friends

DR : Peter - stop it. You know Leo and I were more than friends. {She smiles at him} But that's past and I am with you now

PM : So - how long have you two been together?

DR : About two months.

PM : How did you meet?

DR : Oh it was so cute. I was wandering around this dungeon and Pete came up and rescued me from a red dragon.

LB : Sorry?

PC : On line. We met in a MUD. Then we found out we lived very close to each other and.. well things went from there.

PM : Cool. {Smirks at LB} See - sometimes on-line romances can work out Leo.

DR : Leo? You....

LB : No. I was doing a study for a story I am writing. I wanted to show Penny that the net is not the best way to meet people because of the dangers involved.

DR : What conclusions did you come to?

LB : I couldn't figure out how to end the story so I guess its still up for discussion. {Glares at PM} Anyway - Penny - don't you have class this afternoon?

PM : I guess. I will see you later then Leo. And Sammy - it was nice seeing you again. {She walks over to her car and waves goodbye before getting in. LB watches her leave then turns back to the other two}

LB : I guess I should get inside. {Turns and walks towards the office. DR sprints after him}

DR : Hey - I take it you haven't told anyone about Penny then?

LB : She isn't exactly out yet, so I figured it was none of their business. And - by the by - thanks for not spilling it. (8)

DR : Its not my place either Leo. Anyway... I just wanted to say good for you.

LB : Thanks. You should get back to Pete and say goodbye. You two are going well?

DR : Very well. But from the look in your eyes you are not totally ready for details so I will leave it at that.

LB : Again - thank you. {Turns and goes inside and DR walks back to PC}

PC : Nice chat?

DR : Oh come on - you think I would do that infront of you? I just wanted to say hi. We haven't talked since he found out about us.

PC : Yeah - I know. Sorry. You have to go now?

DR : Pretty much. Plus they know me in the offices so I am not sure I can convince them I want to buy Valhalla modules.

PC : Pity. So - I will see you tonight?

DR : Tomorrow. I have class tonight.

PC : Okay {They kiss. She gets back in the car and he goes in to the offices. The scene fades}

{It reopens in the office. JH is talking to some customers. C7 and C8}

C7 : So - this can do what we want?

JH : Yes. For the needs you have outlined I would say that you can use Val-Net to replace your system on a multi-platform system. That way all of your staff can stay on their current computers.

C8 : That would be a very good thing. Our only other plan involves a massive upgrade across the board and...

JH : And that would take a lot of time and money. I think Val-Net can skip that step.

C7 : Good. The agency needs to save as much money as possible at the moment. {Looks around} Mr Harris?

JH : Yes?

C7 : Would it be okay if I talked to some of the other staff? Its not that I doubt your word but generally I like to talk to developers as well as the salesman

JH : Fair enough. {Looks around} Danny? Can you come over here a moment? {DM comes over} Gentlemen - I would like to introduce Daniel McCormack. He is out network administrator and one of our developers.

DM : Hi

C7 : So - you have worked on Val-Net?

DM : Well.... {looks at JH who shrugs} Not so much Val-Net but I am the key developer on the correspondance module. What is it that your company does?

C8 : We work for an adoption agency in London. Its pretty small, but growing and we need a management system we can more or less integrate with our current software.

DM : In that case I do recommend Val-Net. Since its browser based it can be used on any platform once the database is set up.

C7 : So Mr Harris said. You're from London, aren't you?

DM : Harlow (9) - so more or less yeah. How did you know?

C7 : I notice these things. Plus I tend to recognise people from my home town

DM : You are from Harlow?

C7 : Born and bred. {Notices his friend staring at him} Sorry. You were talking about Val-Net?

DM : Yes. It is written with a multi-platform interface in mind. And a scalable one - so that you can easily expand the size of your office with no real need for massive installations. Similarly upgrades can be done in the same way.

C8 : Well - I am sold. Mr Harris - are you the person to talk to about purchasing?

JH : I can give you price lists, but generally you should go through our Marketing Director Mr Garner. I can give you his e-mail address for you to contact him.

C8 : Thank you. And thank your Mr McCormack for your assistance. {He and C7 stand and there is hand shaking done. Then they leave. DM turns to JH}

DM : What do you think that was all about?

JH : No idea. But well done on the sales pitch. You should do the sales thing more often.

DM : Oh - no thanks. Too scary. {Goes back to his desk}

{Outside the office C7 and C8 are heading back to their car}

C8 : Do you care to explain that?

C7 : What?

C8 : What was going on with you and the programmer?

C7 : I thought I recognised him from somewhere - from back home. And... well there are somethings I have to check when we get back to the office

C8 : Okay. Now - are we going back tonight?

C7 : I know its late but I do want to get home to Dawn and the kids if possible. Jen was not well when I left this morning

C8 : Okay - we go. Do you want to drive the first shift?

C7 : Why not? {They get in the car and drive off. The scene fades and then comes back up in the offices. The doors are closed and most of the computers are off. ST and MG come out of their office and in to the main area}

ST : Okay guys - that's it. I don't think we are expecting anyone else tonight so you can all shut down your computers and go home.

LB : What about the tidy up? {Groans from all over the room} What?

ST : It can wait till tomorrow. Besides - be honest - do any of you have the energy to put the room back to rights tonight? {No one answers} Thought not.

MG : You have all done exceptional work today. You should all be proud of yourselves. And - since we are such nice kind bosses - tomorrow is a half day. Work will start at about 1pm {Slight cheers go up around the room} So - get out of here the lot of you.

{The staff start to shut down their systems and leave. MG and ST watch them for a moment, then go back to their office and close the door. Once that happens RT wanders over to AG}

RT : A bunch of us are going down the pub tonight. Want to come?

AG : Why not? Its been a busy day.

{Cut to the outside where LB is getting in to his car. He sees PC across the way}

LB : Pete? Are you and Sammy coming to the pub?

PC : She has class tonight but I will be along later

LB : Cool {Gets in and drives off}

{DM and DB are walking out of the door}

DB : So - you have no idea what he was talking about?

DM : Nah. He just asked me a lot of questions then he shut up.

DB : Wierd. You coming?

DM : Yeah. I will be along.

{The scene shifts back inside as BP goes in to the office}

BP : So guys - I think that went pretty well.

ST : Better than last year at least {casts a glare at MG who shrugs} and a lot of people have said they will recommend it.

BP : So how many sales will that translate in to?

MG : No idea. But most likely enough to justify having this day. So - do we do it again next year?

ST : Oh definitely. If not for the sales then for the experience. The developers get to meet the customers. The customers get to meet the developers. Its all good clean fun.

BP : You are way too peppy Steven. Lets go to the pub and get some beer in to you.

{The scene fades, then comes back up as LB is typing at his computer at home}

EJ : So - how did it all go down there?

LB : Pretty well. Lots of happy customers. Lots of happy managers. No fight. Half a day off tomorrow. So I am happy.

EJ : Cool.

LB : There was one interesting moment. I was out with Penny and we ran in to Cordy and Malfoy.

EJ : Oh dear :} What happened?

LB : Well Cordy kept the truth about Penny's new adventures in the world of romance. And I have no idea why but Malfoy seemed really pissed off about something

EJ : Maybe he got annoyed with one of the customers and was regretting it.

LB : Maybe - we can only hope anyway. So - how did you spend your day?

EJ : Not doing a lot really. Work. Reading. Lunch. The usual.

LB : Sounds like... a very dull day.

EJ : Well - it had its moments. {pause} Hey - I gotta go. DA (10) is about to start.

LB : Really? Cool. Do you think Max and Logan are ever going to get it together?

EJ : I do hope so. What's life without a little romance and mystery now and then?

LB : What indeed. {pauses. Then thought vo} Just tell her you fool {typing} See you later then

EJ : Night Perky.

{For once the scene shifts to the other computer. We see hands reach out to turn the monitor off. Then the camera shifts up and back to reveal the face of EJ. She looks remarkably like MC from the Open House (what with her being the same woman and all)}

{The screen fades to black and the words "Executive Producer - Sammy Wrae" come up on the screen. Then the closing credits role, detailing the people who made this possible. But you can live without knowing their names for now, can't you?}

{This is a shooting script for GSI/E7. As such there might be changes in the final broadcast not included here}


Episode Notes

1) "Pathway Office Supplies" From a "Dilbert" episode ("The Takeover")

2) Valhalla Demo This is pretty much how the system will work when it is developed

3) Leo's demonstration Obviously a Buffy fan as well

4) Star Trek Nemisis At the time of writing (around 2002) there were no adverts, promotions or anything about it

5) The Capulets and The Montagues From Romeo and Juliet, obviously

6) The fight This might be mentioned again in the future

7) Tradition/Sending kids down the mine I tend to use this argument a lot when people hark on about "tradition"

8) Penny being "out" This will be developed as the series goes on

9) "Harlow" My home town. Seriously!

10) DA "Dark Angel"
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