Categories > Original > Romance

The Ghost Of You

by chocydrops 0 reviews

Jamie seems like a normal girl. However her brother was murdered not long ago. But why is he still here, haunting her...

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Romance - Published: 2008-08-15 - Updated: 2008-08-15 - 768 words

Ollie silently walked into the classroom and sat in his usual seat at the back of the classroom. He had short, messy black hair and was wearing a short-sleeved, black top with the number 4 in roman numerals on the fromt; dirty, light blue jeans, a black wristband on his right wrist and what looked like a miniture belt just under it. He pulled a black notpad out of his bag and started to write whatever came to his mind. He pushed his thick rimmed glasses up and looked up at the door as his sister walked in. He smiled at her but his emerald green eyes didn't show it. His sister Kaylee had died not long ago but to him she was still here. She smiled at him and ran over to the seat next to him. She had long red hair that was up in 2 high ponytails and she was wearing a long-sleeved netting top underneath a strapped, yellow top with black lace across the top and tight, light blue jeans. Her chocolate brown eyes scanned the room before finally laying on the notepad that sat infront of him. He sighed and gently pushed the small pad across so she could read the randome song lyrics he had in it. After about 5 minutes students began filing into the classroom. He bent his head over his notepad again as he heard many of them metter about him. He wasn't very popular and being one of the first people in class didn't help. Everyone stopped talking as much when their teacher walked into the room. Everything happened just as usual after that, however He couldn't help but wonder where Jamie was. He didn't know much about Jamie but he knew she had a worse problem with popularity then him and apparently she had watched as her brother was murdered, but that was just a rumour. It had to be. Knowing no one would take any notice of him now class had started he silently took out his ipod and pressed play. As Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance played quietly in his ear he carried on with his lyrics. Not long after the door opened once again and He looked up to see Jamie walking through the door. She had shoulder-lengthe, blonde hair with a dark blue ribbon and was wearing a plae pink and white scarf; a choolate brown longsleeved top underneath a lighter brown strap top with black ribbon on the front and a dark, chocolate brown mini skirt.

"Sorry I'm late sir" The teacher looked up and nodded at Jamie.

"Just take your seat Miss Davies" Jamie nodded and scanned the classroom with her worried, dark grean eyes. She sat at the back not far from Ollie and somehow seemed to dodge Kaylee as if she thought she was just another classmate. Ollie shrugged his thoughts away befopre his attention was brought to the boy who followed Jamie to her seat. He hadn't noticed this boy before and no one else in the classroom seemed to notice him either. The boy had short, messy blonde hair and was wearing a blue vest top with a zip down the front. On his left arm was a tatoo of what looked like a barcode with the numbers 933465 underneath it. This boy looked so much like a male version of Jamie just a few years older like Kaylee. He watched as the boy sat down next to Jamie and started to play with her hair. She ignored him the same way Ollie did with Kaylee when there were people around. He didn't even notice as The Ghost Of You by My Chemical Romance started. He dropped his pen as the boy looked him straight in the eyes. There was something about the boys bright amber eyes that was different. Something told him that this boy was different to most people, even his sister. The boy smiled slyly at him then shifted his gaze to Kaylee who was between the 2. This convinced him even more that this boy was different. Ollie flinched as the boys gaze once again shifted to him, something about the way he was looking at him seemed to tell him something. But what that was he had trouble figuring out. The boy went to speak then stopped as he looked down at Jamie. He shook his head and looked away from Ollie as he began playing with Jamie's hair once again. Ollie turned back to his notepad but didn't even bother picking his pen up. He was to busy thinking about what had just happened.
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