Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Untold Paradox

Nine little words

by Dondon1827 1 review

Can things get any worse? Yeah, they can.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-08-31 - Updated: 2008-08-31 - 715 words

Tincy Wincy filler for now :D

"Dude, you okay?" Frank asked, patting Mikey on the shoulder. He just sat there, staring at the floor, not saying anything. "Mikey how did you get here, to the hospital?" Jamia asked him softly. He looked up "The rest of the guys are waiting in the van, its out in the parking lot" he said, in almost a whisper. Jamia took him by the arm and got him up "You go and wait in there, get some sleep before Alicia comes out of the doctors" Mikey got up but turned to them, "What if she doesnt come back?" he said, sounding worried. Frank smiled "We all know what she is like, give her some time to calm down then she will come back to you in a bit of a sulk" he said, it was always the same with Alicia. Mikey nodded, hugged them both and made his way back to the van. "Poor Mikes, he loves Alicia so much, I should of kept my stupid mouth shut" Jamia sighed, cursing herself. Frank patted her back "Its not your fault Mia, things happen for a reason." The doctor finally called them in and they set off for Jamia's final test.

Mikey strolled through the parking lot and into the van. He made his way to the back room ignoring the rest of them talking to him. "Mikey? Wheres Alicia, why are you back so quick"? Gerard said getting up to hear Mikey's reply. There wasnt one. He got into his bunk and shut the curtain along with his eyes, hoping when he woke up everything would be alright.

"Get up, Mikey are you ignoring me? Get up!" a voice called through the curtain of his bunk. Mikey slowly opened his eyes and pulled back the curtain, revealing Gerard. "Is Alicia back?" Mikey wondered. Gerard shook his head, "Thats the thing, we need to get going, she has been gone over an hour" he whined. Mikey wasnt sure how long it took to have an abortion, but he was pretty sure it wasnt this long. "I will call her then, give me a minute" he said pulling out his phone. It was turned off because of being in the hospital. He switched it on and tried to call Alicia but her phone was switched off. A text beeped on his screen and he opened it, it was from her. Nine words, nine words that set his mind and his heart racing. What the fuck does that mean? Where is she? Has she left me? Is she coming back?

Im sorry I lied
Dont wait up for me

"Fuck!" he slammed his phone down on the floor, it smashed in half and Gerard and Bob came in to see what the noise was. They found Mikey on the floor, beside his broken phone, crying. "Woah, shit whats wrong Mikey?" Bob asked picking him up. "I should have stayed with her, its not her fault is it?" he sobbed. Gerard and Bob looked at eachother confused "Mikey what are you talking about, stayed with who?" they asked. He sighed and wiped his teary eyes, "Sit down" he said to them. They all sat in Mikey's bunk and he told them all that had happened at the hospital, right up to him and Alicia arguing once again, he didnt mention the text message. Bob put his hand on Mikey's shoulder, "You and her need to have a good talk when she get's back to the bus, you guys need to sort this out" Mikey looked down at his lap, then up to Bob, looking him right in the eyes. "Thats the thing, I dont think she is coming back" he said, he was right.

Okay guuyyyysssss, here's the deal. I have quite a few sneaky things planned and so the next chapter I am going to skip a few months ahead. At the start of it I will give you a quick update of what has happened within the time I have skipped, dont worry it wont be as confusing as it sounds. You never know I may even post it tonight, if I get enough reviews
hint hint
If not, you will get it tomorow as normal :D
Love to you all!!
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