Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Margo & Sonny's Infinite Playlist.

Hello Kitty + Dear Daniel =

by Kill-Your-Own-Chorus 0 reviews

Do the math, beezy's.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-09-03 - Updated: 2008-09-04 - 1294 words

Ryleigh noticed the signs change from english to Chinese. More and more people were showing up as they proceded up the street. The faint sound of music and cheering grew louder and louder. Then, out of nowhere, she ended up in a sea of people, dancing and cheering for a special occasion. She had officially arrived in Chinatown! Not only that, but she was at the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival! Beautiful oriental buildings stood tall and proud. Asian girls were dressed in beautiful colored silks. Tourists littered the streets holding shopping bags, cellphones, and hands with their partners. Colorful paper lanterns lit up the streets as shiny fierce dragons danced in the streets. Matt watched as Ryleigh's face lit up in awe. She turned sharply and leaped into his arms, hugging him tightly.

"Ohmygod THANK YOU!" She chirped with excitement. Matt turned her back around and pushed her into the crowd. Children were setting off little fire crackers as Acrobats danced in streets. Store owners held out Toys and clothes, urging tourists to buy their products. One particular woman was holding out two big plushies. They were baby Dear Daniel and baby Hello Kitty. Ryleigh's eyes lit up with joy! She led her and Matt over to the stall and released herself from the blanket. The woman handed Ryleigh the dolls. She fell absolutely head over heels for them. Hello Kitty was wearing pink footie pajamas, while Dear Daniel was wearing baby blue ones.

"5 dollar each" the old woman spoke softly as she adjusted her glasses. Damn it. Ryleigh had smoked all her money downtown at all the stores. She felt a little disappointed. She handed the dolls back and thanked the woman. Ryleigh turned to Matt and smiled brightly. She turned her heel and began to walk forward, only Matt wasn't following her. She turned back to find Matt talking to the old woman. The woman nodded brightly and Matt looked at her and smiled. He started reaching into his pocket.

"Oh shit no," Ryleigh muttered to herself,"Matt please don't."

The old woman smiled and placed the dolls in a bag. She handed them over to Matt and bowed humbly. Matt thanked her and ran over to Ryleigh with a bright smile. Ry wrapped her arms around him.

"Matt" she whined a little,"You shouldn't have done that!"

Matt held her tighter and swayed her a little.

"I wanted to though," He spoke softly,"This is my treat."

Matt unwrapped his arms and handed her the dolls. Ryleigh hugged the bag tightly. Matt was being so kind to her, she couldn't believe how he could be a jerk. She had to repay Matt in some way. Suddenly an idea sparked in her head. She reached into the bag and pulled out Dear Daniel. She handed him over to Matt. He gave her a surprised look.

"You're giving him to me?" Matt asked. Ryleigh nodded and smiled brightly.

"I get Hello Kitty, and you get Dear Daniel," She explained,"That way i feel less guilty."

Matt smiled and took the doll into his hands.

"Thank you" He spoke softly,"and now it's time for me to repay you"

Just then he leaned down and softly planted a kiss on her lips. Ryleigh tensed up at first, but immediately relaxed. She gently placed her free hand on his neck and pressed him closer. Matt smoothly broke the kiss and stared at her. Ryleigh immediately fell into his eyes. They were so gorgeous right now, so pale and mysterious. Matt smiled and softly pecked her lips once more.

"I Love you Hello Kitty," He spoke between kisses. Ryleigh smiled softly in his lips.

"I love you Dear Daniel" She whispered back.

The festival went on with such joy and excitement, Ryleigh felt like she would burst! The acrobats dressed in shiny silks and gold pieces flipped and contorted around the streets. Firecrackers and sparklers lit up the town as music rung in the air. Ryleigh watched as a family of Chinese people lit off a set of fireworks. They shot up into the sky and burst into beautiful flowers of fire and color. Ryleigh sighed as she sat on a bench on the side of the street. She closed her eyes for a moment and listened to the world around her. This night couldn't have been any cooler. Here she was with a wonderful guy enjoying a joyous festival, spending the whole day laughing and talking about everything. What could be better? She began to think about Matt and how wonderful he was to her today. It had only been a day and she was already a sucker for him. She couldn't see how Margo thought he was an asshole, he was probably the nicest guy she'd met so far. Just then something warm poked her nose. She opened her eyes to find a brown box in front of her nose. She looked up at Matt and sniffed the box. It's smelled delicious.

"Try one," He offered as he opened up the box. Ryleigh looked in awe at the beautifully made, and golden brown Mooncakes. They glistened from the light of the fireworks, the sweet aroma filled her nose. She thanked Matt and took one out of its pouch. Ryleigh could feel the heat on her hand, it was still warm and fresh. Matt sat down next to her and took one out as well. He held it up and to next to her cake, he was proposing an odd sort of toast.

"Cheers," He announced,"To an adventurous night"

"Full of adrenaline and wonder" Ryleigh added with a slight giggle. And with those words, they both happily consumed the cakes and watched as the fireworks exploded in the sky.

Matt took a hold of Ryleigh's hand as they walked up to the doorway of her house. It was actually quite large, a four story house to be exact. It had a nice pure green lawn, three garages, and neatly cut bushes. Cobblestone statues and a little fountain stood in the front. You'd never expect someone like Ry to live there.

Matt and Ryleigh stopped at the door hand in hand. She smiled at him and took him into a tight hug. He shifted his head and gently pecked her cheek.

"Thanks for being with me tonight" He whispered in her ear. Ryleigh grinned and kissed his ear.

"Thanks for stealing me" She whispered back. Matt snickered a little and unwrapped his arms. Ryleigh reached for the knob and twisted it.

"I'd invite you in, but my parents are home" She whispered. Matt smirked and leaned back into her ear.

"I'll take that risk" He whispered as he nipped her ear seductively. Ryleigh felt her knees go weak, she took in a deep breath and opened the door cautiously.

"Sorry Matt, i can't" She apologized. Matt fully wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed her body against his.

"You know what i would do to you?" He asked seductively. Ryleigh took hold of his hands and tried to pry them off, but Matt only held tighter. He kissed the back of her neck and leaned into her ear again.

"I would pin you to the bed," he whispered in a heavy voice,"and kiss you until your lips were numb"

Ryleigh giggled and rested her head back onto his shoulder.

"What, no sex?" she asked. Matt smiled into her neck.

"Baby, not on the first night" He finally unwrapped his arms and Ryleigh took his hand.

"Okay, but you have to be really quiet" She instructed. Matt gave a triumphant smile as he followed her into the house and up to her bedroom. Tonight, he was gonna make her go crazy for him.
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