Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > To Be Announced

I could peel a fucking orange with my nipples right now.

by God_Reads_Ferards

And in the darkness, you shall find love.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2008-09-04 - Updated: 2008-09-04 - 1373 words - Complete

Over the course of the next two hours the storm rages loudly through the city, leaving a path of flooding and destruction in its wake. Just outside I can see trees being pulled from the ground and power lines toppling over. The infirmary room is cold, the back-up generators only strong enough to keep the clinic lit for a few hours. Soon the entire building will be dark and freezing; not just a handful of rooms near the lobby. Gee mutters softly, his pale face creasing with pain and cold, his nimble fingers clutching the thin blanket closer to his body.

I bite my lip and drag a heavy quilt from the nearby storage shelf. I lay it over him, smoothing the blanket over the curves of his body, coaxing him back into Sleep’s warm embrace, “Shhh that’s it. Just sleep, Gee.”

I draw in a deep breath, watching Gee’s breathing rise to the ceiling in quick, white puffs. I feel myself start to shiver, my clothes still wet from running in the rain. I’m gonna be in the same boat as Gee if I don’t warm up soon. I stand up from the chair, my muscles tight and sluggish from the cold, biting air in the room. I stumble over to the supply shelf, the generators giving out a tired whir before shutting down completely, leaving me to dig around in the darkness. I finally feel the soft fabric of cotton and pull the blanket around my chest, perching myself on the small bay window, staring out into the world. I hear the ruffle of fabric and turn to look at Gee's bed. He hasn’t spoken or even stirred since I dragged him in here, making a little more than worried about his health. My eyes are heavy and the air is even heavier and wintry now that the light has been cut from the room. Sleep sounds so wonderful right now. Just burrow under the quilt and cuddle up next to Gee, stealing a shred of warmth off of him as I drift off. My sight flickers back to the window, the sky growing ever darker as vicious, water-logged clouds roll in, the occasional jagged lightning giving me brief glimpses of the room.


Gee’s voice shatters the intense silence, making my head whip up and nearly giving myself whiplash. He hasn’t opened his eyes; he just keeps whimpering and reaching out into the darkness. I walk over to him, pulling myself away from the cold glass and lowering myself into the freezing plastic chair. “What is it Gee?”

He still won’t open his eyes.


I raise the back of my hand to his pallid cheek; the flesh is so icy it seems cooler than the frozen air surrounding us. I don’t want him to go to the hospital. If only the power would come back, I could warm up some blankets and the heaters would kick back on. But nothing. Just the blinding darkness and bitter cold. I sigh deeply, and stare down at his inert figure, the logical side screaming the sensible, albeit sexual, solution.

"I'm so sorry about this Gee..." I mutter, pulling my sneakers off.

I strip out of my scrubs and wince as the hit the floor with a sodden squelch. The air brushes against my naked skin, making me shiver wildly and rub my hands up and down my arms. Gee doesn't even notice I'm standing stark naked in front of him fully exposed and vulnerable. And the cold isn't helping much either if you catch my drift.

I could peel a fucking orange with my nipples right now.

Gee lets out another heartbreaking whimper, trying to curl into a ball and make the pain and cold disappear from around it. I rub the side of my face, might as well get this over with. I walk around to the other side of the bed, my bare feet sticking to the linoleum. I peel back the layers of blankets, slowly sliding myself in next to Gee. I gasp when his cold skin hits my chest, the temperature difference so shocking a nearly let out a scream. But Gee doesn't react, his breathing doesn't even change. Just little labored gasps that rise from his mouth like translucent cotton balls. Wrapping my arms around him, I pull him closer to me, manipulating the blankets around us in an attempt to warm him back up. Or at least get him to full consciousness. I lay my head on his shoulder, rubbing my hands along his arm and chest and making mental accounts of the entire situation. I really hope Anna doesn't come in right now... she'd kill me.

"Wake up." I grunt, forcing my eyes open.

I can't fall asleep. Sleep is the enemy. Sleepy no goody. But the soft fingers of slumber are kneading at my eyes, and I feel them start to droop and drag downward. A sharp crack of lightning bolts past the window, illuminating the room in quick burst of ultimate light. The thunder crashes shortly afterward, shaking the bed and knocking a picture off the wall.

It doesn't even phase Gee.

Now the panic kicks into overdrive, and with shaking fingers, I check his pulse just below his chin. It's rapid and faint, almost like the quick flutter of a hummingbird's wings. I bite down on my lip, and rap his shoulder, "Gee... open your eyes Gee..."

But he doesn't move. Nothing about him changes except a few strands of hair falling over his blank face. The lights flicker overhead, and I can hear the basement roaring to life in a series of blasts and rumbles. Slowly, the power returns, and the sharp tang of heated air fills my nostrils.

"Gee, the power is back on... you can wake up now."

My hand travels up to his eyes, my fingers working nimbly to pull back the slack lids and examine his radiant irises. I fish the pen light out of my soaked pants, and run them over his eyes.

His pupils barely even budge.


I drag myself out of the tiny bed, pulling on a warm, dry set of scrubs. I don't need my underwear, and it doesn't really matter at this point, right? After I'm dressed, for better lack of a word, I bundle Gee into whatever source of heat I can find and scoop him into my arms, cradling his head against my shoulder. I kick open the door, popping off one of the hinges and sending it flying across the corridor. There's another 50 dollars from my paycheck. I toddle to the front desk, where Anna is bent over the phone, talking in a harsh hurried manner. Her eyes catch me, and she gives me a demeaning look, "What on earth's name are you doing?"

I look down at Gee, his face so pale and perfect he resembles a glass doll, "Hospital... he needs a hospital."

Anna rolls her eyes, "He needs to stay in the infirmary. He's only sleeping."

I shake my head, stomping my foot down in sophomoric protest, "No! You don't understand, he's extremely ill!"

She huffs loudly and strides over, arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed, "What's wrong with him."

I stammer, trying to remember the correct medical terms, "Uhh... Hy-hypothermia, which lead to tachycardia and possible hypoxia..."

Her eyes scan his face, before snapping up to meet mine, "Did you double check his vitals."

"Yes ma'am," I lie quickly, willing to sell my soul to just get the hell away form her.

She turns away, waving her hand as a sign of approval. I re-adjust Gee so he's laying across my arms and his chest is touching mine. I carrying him out to the van, thanking the gods that the rain had finally ceased, even if only for a moment. I lay him across a row of seats, using a discarded jacket to prop his head up. I try to buckle him in, before crawling into the front seat and starting the van. As the engine sputters and growls with life, I can;t help but to think...

Did I wait too long?
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