Categories > Celebrities > Simple Plan > Worst Day Ever

01. Classifieds

by WaYcEsTisLoVe 0 reviews

Patrick's just a killjoy.

Category: Simple Plan - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Characters: David Desrosiers,Pierre Bouvier - Warnings: [V] [R] - Published: 2008-09-05 - Updated: 2008-09-11 - 480 words

"Pat, please?" I begged, giving my best set of puppy-dog eyes.

"Not gonna happen, Rebecca. You'll find out tomorrow, and no sooner."


"No 'but's. Tomorrow. Now go to bed. Knowing David, he'll drag every single one of us all around Montreal. We all need our rest."

"Hmph. Fine, you killjoy."

I pouted and crossed my arms, crossing through the living room to get to the bunks in the back.

As I walked past the curtain, I saw Pete lying in his bed with his eyes wide open.

"Can't sleep again?" I asked, sitting beside him on the mattress.

"Nope." He sighed. "I was hoping maybe I'd get an hour in, but it's no use."

"I can stay up with you!" I said brightly. "I'm much too excited to sleep. I don't get why the fourth band on the tour has to be some huge mystery! I mean, if I can know that Pierre and the guys, and Brendon & Co, are gonna be here, what makes the other band any different?"

Pete chuckled nervously, and my eyes shot to his face, searching it carefully.

"Pete, you don't. . . know who the other band is. . .do you?"

His eyes immediately dropped to the floor, knowing I'd detect a lie from him in a second.

"No." He answered quickly.

"Petey, you're lying to me." I stated.

"Yes. Yes, I am."

"So are you going to tell me the truth?"

He shook his head adamently.

"Why not?" I whined.

"Trick's orders. If we tell you, we're dead." Joe responded as he walked past us toward the bathroom.

I huffed for the second time that night, deciding I was at least deserving a single question.

"At least tell me if I like them. I would hate to have gone through all this for a band he was hiding because I hate them."

Pete smiled at me.

"You love them." He answered.

I smiled back, and suddenly yawned deeply.

"Sorry to say, Pete, but for some reason I'm exceedingly tired."

"That's no problem. I'll see if I can't take some Benadryl to help me sleep."

"Alright. I'll see you in the morning."

I gave him a hug, called goodnight to the others, and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I write very often, and was thinking about starting a new story. To help me, I've decided to post a small contest to volley for the spots of main character and best friend.

Basically, I give you a lyric all you have to do is name the entire title of the song and the artist.

The story is about MCR, so if you don't like them, don't worry about all this.

Without further ado, the quote:

"A pretty face, but you do so carry on"

It's probably easiest if you use the review box to do this, just so you know.

PLEASE review!!!!
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