Categories > Celebrities > Simple Plan > Worst Day Ever

03. Lying is the Most Fun A Guy can Have Without Taking his Clothes Off

by WaYcEsTisLoVe 0 reviews

Old friends soon reunited, And new sparks to be ignited.

Category: Simple Plan - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Romance - Characters: David Desrosiers,Pierre Bouvier - Published: 2008-09-07 - Updated: 2008-09-11 - 533 words

Pete walked over to me with a grin on his face.

"Told ya you loved them."

And 'loved', in this case, is not an overstatement.

I absolutely adored all the guys of The Academy Is..., but none more so than William Beckett.

Something about him had always gotten to me in the best of ways.

But that's a story for a different time.

I was shaken out of my reverie by Bill's exit from the bus.

Following right after him was Mike (who's voice I had recognized).

Then came Sisky, Michael Guy, and Butcher.

Pete was the first person Bill addressed, probably because he was closest.

"Man, I haven't seen you since the 'Sixteen Candles' shoot!" He exclaimed, taking Pete into a hug.

Every greeting followed the same structure until William was standing in front of with a smile on his face.

"You must be the infamous Rebecca Stump." He said, holding out his hand for me to take.

"Please, call me Becca." I responded, taking his hand.

"I've heard many things about you." Bill explained, bringing my hand to his lips.

I fought back a blush, and tried to get words to come out of my mouth.

"Only good things, I hope." I finally got out.

~A Few Hours Later~

Just as Pat had predicted, David decided to give us all a self-run tour of Montreal.

I don't think a single bench, tree, or trashcan went unintroduced.

On our way back to the venue the busses were parked at, Brendon dropped back from the group to walk beside me.

"Don't think I didn't notice earlier. I'd know the look on your face anywhere. You, Rebecca Elizabeth Stump, have a crush on William Beckett."

My face went several shades of red.

"Just a little one." I admitted.

"What do you think Pierre will say?"

I stopped in my tracks and turned to face my best friend of many years.

"B, if he liked me that way- which he doesn't- he's had plenty of time to ask me out. There's finally another person touring with us that I like, and I fully intend to make the most of it."

~Brendon's PoV~

I watched as Rebecca stalked off toward the front of the group.

"Oh, shit." I breathed.

I quickened my pace, until I was able to reach Pierre and pull him back with me.

"What is it, man?" He asked, fixing me with a confused look.

"Because you're too much of a pussy to tell Becca you like her-" He glared at me for my frank terms, "she thinks you don't, and she's gonna make a move on Beckett."

His features became worried.

"Well... what do I do?" Pierre asked hopelessly.

"I love the guy to death, but you and Becca are perfect for one another. You've gotta tell her, man."

"What if she doesn't-"

"She does." I stated, leaving no room for arguement.

"Alright. I trust you, Brendon. I'll tell her in the morning." He settled.

"Are you sure it can wait that long?" I asked, geturing toward Rebecca who was standing with Bill and laughing at something he said.

"I'll tell her tonight when we get back to the busses."

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