Categories > Original > Poetry

The Funny Times in Life

by AliceAlexiz19 0 reviews

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2008-09-14 - Updated: 2008-09-14 - 273 words - Complete

Going to a town celebration.
With your friend.
Enjoying yourselves.
You guys get some snow cones.
You start t walk around.
Then you fall in a hole.
Your snow cone goes everywhere.
To make matters worse a pack of hot guys go by.

You know those stupid of girls in horror films.
How they have late reactions and are totally BLONDE.
That has happened to me and my friend.
It all started like any other day.
We got home from school.
We unpacked and was getting ready to go to the park.
My sister begged to come to the park with us.
I said no.
So she goes to my mom and begs her.
My friend lets name her Flossy.
Flossy takes off to our front door.
I follow her.
We get to the door.
She cant get it open.
It’s locked.
We hear my sis coming.
We scream she gets it open,
But she runs into the screen door.
I see her.
She coming.
Flossy gets the screen door open.
We run and scream.

You are walking down a crowded hallway
You drop your pencil
You bend down to get it
You feel an uncomfortable breeze.

Or when your best friend stays over,
And you scare yourselves
So bad that you either
Have to get your mommy
Or that you pee your pants.

When you are dared to feel your best friends crushes hair.
You go up to him when he’s not looks.
Rub his soft brown curly hair
Then run.
I like to call it the RUB & RUN.
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