Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > The Secrets We Keep...

Chapter 1

by flawedrainbow 1 review

-Evie's POV-

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2008-09-15 - Updated: 2008-09-16 - 646 words

Hey Guys. This story here is being written chapter to chapter by both PanicFOBAcademy26 and I. I'll be writing Evie's POV whereas PanicFOBAcademy26 will be writing Holly's. We hope you enjoy our story. Read & Review!


The sun was only just rising in the sky when I awoke from my slumber. I moved my neck left and right before stretching my arms out in front of me and waking myself up. The alleyway was cold, and empty apart from myself huddled beside the dumpster. I slowly got myself up, dusted off my clothes, grabbed my backpack and began to make my way to the shelter not that far away.

Each morning (or whenever I could get there) I would go to the shelter to have a shower and clean myself up. It’s definitely a lot harder to stay clean when you’re homeless. It took me a few minutes to get there, and once I did, Adrienne handed me some clothes, let me go through to the bathroom.

You see, my name is Evie Hale, I’m 18 and I’m homeless. I have been ever since my parents abandoned me at the age of 7. I only trust one person in this world, and her name is Holly Stumph. My best friend, and probably the only person who I could ever get close to. And no, she doesn’t know I’m homeless, and I plan to keep it that way.

I washed my long brown hair, and began to scrub the dirt off my skin vigorously. After 10 years of living on the streets, you’d think I’d be used to the dirt by now. I sighed once I was finished before wrapping one of the thin towels around me and drying myself off. I quickly changed into the clothes Adrienne had given me, which were an old pair of faded jeans and a plain black shirt plus undergarments. After putting on my clothes, I pulled on my jacket, shoved my old clothes into my backpack and walked out of the shelter with a goodbye wave to Adrienne.

You see, I’ve been coming here for years now and Adrienne has always been here. She’s probably in her late 30’s early 40’s and is a total sweetheart. With everything that she’s done for me, like helping me get that scholarship for high school and giving me clothes, she’s basically my mother. Although, no matter how many times she’s offered, I refuse to live with her. I don’t like to impose upon people. What she’s already doing is more than enough.

I walked down the streets towards Holly’s house where I normally meet her in the mornings. When I rounded the corner, I noticed she was already there waiting for me. A smile graced the features on my face as I walked over to her.
“Holly!” I said happily, wrapping her in a hug as I got closer to her.
“Morning.” She replied tiredly, returning the hug.
As we pulled away, I looked at her face. Her brown eyes were not sparkling like they normally did; they were red and looked tired. Her pink lips were not upwards in a smile like they normally were, and her beautiful red hair was no longer sparkly and vibrant, but hanging by her face lifelessly.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her, she shook her head, “Don’t lie.” I added.
She sighed and looked at the ground.
I pulled her chin up, “Hey. It’s me. You tell me everything remember?” I said to her softly, trying to comfort her.
She nodded and sighed once again, “You have to promise not to be m-mad.” She stuttered.
I could see the tears brimming at the corners of her eyes.
“I promise. You can tell me.” I smiled at her.
“I-I... I’m pregnant.”
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