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by karkar1994 1 review

memories of Mrs. Fred Weasley

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Fred - Warnings: [!!!] [X] [?] - Published: 2008-09-27 - Updated: 2008-09-27 - 780 words

Picking out a dress to wear to my husbands funeral is the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

Telling my children that their father was never coming home, was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

Trying not to cry when I passed our wedding pictures in the hall was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

My closet was full of colorful clothes, Fred favorites up front, and all the dark colors in the back. Digging through the closet was tough, because my seven month old stomach got in the way. I pulled out my black long sleeve dress; Fred's favorite black dress. it was short, stopping mid-thigh, and the sleeve flowed when they hit my wrists. It hugged my pregnant stomach loosely and flattered my new, more prominent chest.

"Bugger !" Mum would be here soon and Alice and Peter weren't even awake yet.

Alice my four year-old was brighter than most children. We already knew she would be a witch; she could turn on and off the living room light without a single word. She had my dark brown hair and her father's eyes. She was short ,like me, but a prankster like her father. She took Fred's death the hardest.

Peter was only two, just learning to say mummy and daddy. He had the red hair that all Weasleys had. His eyes were my bright blue though and he was tall for a two year-old. I waddled into his room to wake him up. His big blue eyes were red and puffy. Unlike Alice, Peter didn't understand why Daddy wasn't coming home.

He started to cry when he saw me. He knew that today was the last day he could see Daddy in person. He wouldn't actually see Fred. He and Alice weren't allowed to be around his corpse, Molly's orders. He continued to sob as I changed him into the black suit, his tears seemed never ending.

Alice was in a trance. No tears. No dry sobs. She was emotionless. She was unresponsive and I had to help her into the black dress that Ginny had bought.

I heard the quiet hellos from downstairs meaning that they were all here. I walked behind Alice and Peter quietly, as they ran into the arms of their family. Ron had his arm around Hermione, Harry was holding Ginny to his side tightly. Arthur had lifted Alice up and he and Molly were conversing with her silently. Charlie and Percy had Collin and they were telling him that everything would be alright and that Fred was in a better place. Bill was holding Fleur to his side and next to them was George.

I walked over to him first and wrapped my arms around his waist. He leaned down and wrapped his arms around me as well. I could feel every Weasleys' eyes on us but I didn't care. From then on this was as close as I could be to Fred. I wouldn't dare sleep with him ,but he looked and had the same joking personality most of the time as Fred did.

Molly and Arthur hugged me next, then Fleur and Bill, Percy, then Charlie. Ron and Hermione hugged me next and last was Ginny and Harry. Ginny was in tears as she whispered the words 'I love you' into my ear.

We left the house a few minutes later. I held Alice's hand tightly in mine. We walked out to the funeral home.

I didn't listen throughout the ceremony, and I only paid attention when Harry and Ron went up to the podium where George was when he had choked up during his speech about Fred. The best friends led George back to his seat and then when all of the visitors left the room, we were allowed to say good-bye. Molly and Arthur went first. Next, Harry and Ginny, then Ron and Hermione, and next was Fleur ,Bill, Charlie, then Percy. I was next.

"Hey baby." I whispered, one of my tears fell onto his face and I caught it with my finger. His face was hard and cold. There was no smile on his face and I desperately wanted this to be one of his pranks. For him to sit up any minute and call out 'Gotcha!' followed by a loud obnoxious laugh. The one that only he possessed. But he didn't and he wouldn't.

I kissed his lips and for the first time he didn't kiss back. I walked away and I faintly heard George say 'How could you do this to me man?'

I asked him the same question.

How could you do this to me, Fred?
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