Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > Kingdom Hearts: My Heart's Journey

Chapter 1: My awaking

by Takuya 0 reviews

Takuya is an normal 14 year old girl with a love for video games, mostly Kingdom hearts. What she doesn't know is that this dream will become reality, How she'll have to save all worlds, save her b...

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Fantasy, Humor, Romance - Characters: Aeris, Cid, Cloud, Kairi, Leon, Riku, Selphie, Sephiroth, Sora, Tidus, Wakka, Yuffie - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2006-03-07 - Updated: 2006-03-07 - 2455 words

~Kingdom hearts: My heart's journey.~
Somethings that happen in this story is based off some of KH and KH2 and eveything else is my story.
Now to begain my journey.......

~POV~point of view.
Everything in the ** is sounds, actions or expressions and everything in the {} thoughts and stuff, and everything in the "" is what someone is saying an everything in () is me talking.

Chapter 1: My awaking

"So weird"

"What is this place?"

"Is any of this for real.....

...or not"

A world in between

A forgotten world


You must change

The destiny........

The memorie.......

The curse.............

The chosen............

And the forgotten.........

my destiny is set before me.....

when or if I complete it.....

where will my destiny take me next

Remember the forgotten......

"Everything is coming back to me, the true..."

"What are you so afraid of?"

"This time...I´ll fight"

"For you....."


"Where's Sora?

"His voice...........its left me."

"I must find him."

??????: I'm falling but where am I falling from I can't remember anything.
I began to hear very familiar music start to play {simple and clean duh} as I fell, I was finaly
able to open my eyes to see where I was.
??????: Water?! Am I in the water?Why am I not drowning?
floating downward it just got colder, darker and harder to see the light from the surface images
floating through my mind as if they were a river I saw my friends, my family and my fears.
??????:Why me? Why now?Why have I seen this before?
Finaly reaching the bottom I softly land on my feet looking down I notice I was standing on a
stain glass window with Snow White on it.
??????: Wait a sec I know where I am this is from kingdom hearts.{but how?}
Playing the game aleast 50 times I finaly realized this is Sora's dream world and can almost
remember every scene from the game and what happens next.
Voice: So much to do, so little time...Take your time.....Don't be afraid....The door is still shut.
??????: Afraid of what? An what door?
Voice: Takuya......
Me: Huh? Whos talking to me?
Turning around to where I heard the voice to see who it was, but no one was there thinking it
was just my imagnation I start looking to all sides trying to find who said my name.

Me: That was strange.

Voice: Step foreward...Takuya can you?

Me: Freaking out now and starts yelling Where am I? {why am I yelling at nothing?}{I hate yelling at nobody.}

Voice: Step foreward can you do it?

As if the Voice not even hearing me, I decided to walk afew steps forward then the stain
glass began to shake three pedestools rise from the stain glass almost like magic.

Me: Okay.....I think next I...

Voice: Power sleeps deep within you...If you give it form...It will give you strength.Choose well.
The pedestools had weapons floating over them One held a sword, another a shield, and the
last had a staff, I walk up to the staff and waved my hand over it and under it but
no wires, no nothing just floating there.{creepy}

Me: How creepy.........

Voice: The power of the mystic. Inner strength. A staff of wonder and ruin. Is this the power you seek?
Me: Yes I will be the masteh of FIRE! {Mhahahahaha, fires my favorite element}
Voice: Your path is set.
My staff dissapeared from my hands.{Hey.......T^T}
Voice: Now, what will you give up in exchange?
Looking at the remaining weapons I choose strength over defence so I walked over to the shield.
Voice: The power of the Gardian.Do you give up this power? {whats up with the shortness}
Me: Yes...I do.{I can't belive I just said that.........Oh forget it}
The shield dissapeared.
Voice: You've chosen the power of the mystic. You've given up the power of the gardian. Is this the form you choose?
Me: Yeah sure.{Insert sarcasm here}
The glass under me began to break into pieces it finaly shattered falling into the darkness along
with me {all is lost}...Falling helplessly into the dark abyss.

Me: {Please don't let this hurt.}

Slowing down as I fell I gently landed on another stain glass picture this time of
Cinderella and some other things from the movie. The staff appeared in my hands.{Neato}

Voice: You've gained the power to fight.

So I swung the staff around in several circles to get a feel for it.

Voice: Alright You've got it! Use this power to protect yourself and others from harm.

Me: Cool!

Some shadows rised from the stain glass.

Voice: There will be times you have to fight.

Me: Fight!gulp I don't know how to fight, atleast not with a stupid staff.(stupid me I sould have taken
the durn sword){"Durn" is my word for d**m}

More and more Shadows appeared coming from the glass below.

Voice: Keep your light burning strong.

Me: Oh Carp I'm in trouble.

The Shadows started scratching in a frenzy and jumping on me like a dogpile
of darkness.


I crawled out of the pile and targeted one heartless.


Then repeatedly hit it on the head until it dissapeared into nothing,
leaving only a small pinkish-yellow heart that slowly floated upwards.

Me: I killed it. Yay me!{Kill your durn butt}

Voice: Quick behind you!

The small heartless jumped on my back and tryed taking a swip
at my neck with its small claws.

Me: No piggie back ride for you.{No one, I repeat NO ONE trys to kill me}

After throwing it off my back and taking one slash at it, it died.

Me: Thank you Sora thats what I get from endless hours of
playing and watching Sora fight in KH......that was almost to easy.{Might I repeat ALMOST!}

But from out of no where a shadow was still alive, it looked almost as if melting on the
stain glass floor the darkness began to engolf the platform under me. Trying to struggle
and get out of the darkness but the more I struggled the faster I was sinking.
Finaly I lost all sight.

Me: screaming Let go of me you crazy things.{CRAZY}

I'm laying on another stain glass picture but this time no princess just pink heart shapes.{I HATE pink}
Opening my eyes it ways still dark above me and all around.

Me: geting up Now where am I?{Oh yeah still in lala land}

A beautiful ivory door appeared in front of me, walking towards it I tryed to grip the handle
but passed right through it.{stupid doors}

Me: What the.....I can't grab it. (This is just like KH){again, Stupid doors}

Turning around a red chest appeared in a sparkling of light.
walking over to it and tapping it with my staff it opened there was nothing inside {krud} and it
dissapeared. Hearing a thud I turned around to see a crate sitting in the middle of
the floor.

Me: This is geting to weird...{to much}

Voice: Show your strenghth.

Me: Not you again......

Voice: No sassing me shortie, I don't get paid much for this job so shut up and listin.

Me: okay.............{I hate it when people call me short, I'M NOT SHORT JUST VERTICALLY CHALLENGED!}

Voice: Now show your strenghth please.

Annoyed I decided to kill the freaking box, I did a three hit combo and busted
it open and a potion came flying out. bang Hit me in the face and left a small cut on me.

Me: Owie................{pity me I'm new at this.}

Voice: Not what I ment but good, Plenty of strenghth.

The lining around the door became solid and a barrel appeared on the other side of the platform.

Voice: Now lift that barrel and don't kill it this time.

Me: Alright, alright. (I wish that womens voice would stop bugging me about this stuff
I already know what to do I've played the game like a gozillion times.)

So I walked over to the stupid barrel and picked it up with no trouble at all
after doing so it dissappeared and the rest of the door became solid.I walked
over to the doors and pulled on the door acouple of times.

Me: Stupid freaking doors.

The door opened and light came pouring out, an almost blinded me all of the
sudden I was in at the park where I played as a little kid.

Voice: Hold on. The door won't open just yet. First, tell me more about yourself.

I saw my three most bestfriends there Tress, Arian and Karen.

Me: why am I here?{still in lala land}

I walked up to Karen who was laying on a blanket.
Karen: Hello Takuya, What do you want outta life?
Me: I want to see rare sights I guess, I always wanted to travel.
Karen: Remember where ever you go you'll all ways have your home to return to.

I was confused but before I could ask her anything else Karen vanished, so
I slowly ran over to my friend Tress sitting at a picnic table.

Tress: Hey TY, what are you most afraid of?
Me: hey man, just between us I'm afraid of being Indecisive.{Yeah I hate being wrong about stuff to}
Tress: Don't worry Everyone is wrong sometimes.

The same thing happened to him, Tress vanished just like Karen did so I walked
over to my bestfriend in the world Arian who was sitting in a tree.{Of all places}

Arian: what's the most important thing in the world to you?

Me: Friendship. (Without that there would be no world.) {I sound like a moron in my mind}

Arian: Friends are forever.

Arian began fading in and out.
Me: Arian please don't you disappear to......
But it was to late she was gone also. I felt like crying my friends disappeared right before my eyes.

Voice: You want to see rare sights. You're afraid of being Indecisive. You want friendship.
Your adventure begins at dawn. As long as the sun is shining, your journey should be a pleasant one.

Me: Tearie eyed Ok.{I'm to emotional}

Another blinding light came from nowhere and I was on another stained glass platform {Durn the stupid
stain glass platforms} this time sleeping beauty, A heartless poped up and attacked with afew hits it was dead but
this one droped little green energy balls. I walked over and poked one of the green
energy balls and it absorbed into my finger and my face felt better the cut I had from
before healed like it was never there.

Voice: You need to heal abit more, Here.
A round green pad appeared in the middle of the small platform I was on.
Me: A save point.......OMG! I know what happens next.
Voice: You sissy just go along with it.
Me: Fine, but don't call me a sissy.(She REALLY needs a boyfriend.)

I walk over to the save point as soon as I steped on it I felt better
in no time, after standing there for about five minutes a light came from it andfloated to
the edge of the glass platform and stained glass stairs appeared.

Me: Well Its time to face the music or else I'll never get out of here.{I don't like being in lala land}

I ran as fast as I could up the stairs when I stoped in the middle to look back,
the stairs behind me were gone disappearing with every step I took.

Me: Wow , Just like in kingdom hearts.{coolness}

Reaching the top of the stairs I saw the beautiful picture of Belle in her ball gown.

Me: looking down I loved that movie! {its my favorite.}
Voice: Come closer to the light.
Me: Bug off!
Voice: NOW!
Me: Ok.

Steping closer to the light I turned around for a second to see if my shadow was rising but no
so I turned back around to the light. {stupid me}

Me: So is this all just a dream or something?{Lala land}
Voice: The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes.
Me: Oh cr*p I knew it.
I turned around and saw my own Darkside rise from the beautiful stained glass.
Trying to run away I almost fall off the edge of the stupid glass platform realizing that I
can't run anymore I turned to my darkside. {Star wars music starts playing......its a pun}

Voice: Don't be afraid.....
Towering atleast 5 stories it takes a step foreward.
Voice: And don't forget......
Steping foreward again its geting ready to strike, I draw my staff {ok that sounds stupid} and
prepare to fight for my life.
Me: I've beaten this thing over a million times in kingdom hearts, theres
no reason why I can't beat this thing again!

The fight begins. I start by running around in a circle trying to confuse it but it doesn't work
so I grabed its arm and swung up to its head{matrix moment} but only hit its shoulder and landed there, Thinking
this would be a good shot at its face I jumped at it with my staff, unfortunately it grabed my
whole body and tryed to squeezed the life out of me.{like toothpaste}
Me: (No I won't lose)screamingNooo!{I'm a quiter not a loser}
Light burned the Darkside's hand and it let go, I fell to the floor. Geting up I started
to dust myself off, running towards the Darkside I jumped and slashed its face with my
dream staff. Landing behind it I was surprised I even was able to jump that high{wow super jump}
I stood up and turned around so did my Darkside. The Darkside started screaming in pain
as the stained glass was being over run by darkness, I jumped backwards and my staff
disappeared {That really sucks} while trying to keep my balance I couldn't and fell on my backside.

Shakie Voice:.......So don't be afraid...........
Darkness slowly engolfing the glass and me along with it.....
Shakie Voice:..........And don't forget.........
Finaly the darkness had almost swallowed me.
Me: I can't see.......I'm drowning......
Shakie Voice:..........You hold the mightiest weapon of all......
Shakie Voice:...So don't forget......
me: coughing
Shakie Voice: ......Your heart is strong......
The darkness swallowed me.{I'm a coughdrop.......I know stupid}
Voice:.....You are the one who will reclose the door to the Darkness and open the
door to the light.......Remember........
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