Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You Can Always Cover Me With Makeup

Super Sadist

by trashy_fairy 0 reviews

i hate writing summaries.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008-10-12 - Updated: 2008-10-12 - 417 words

Then. Frank.
'Hey, who's that?'
It's Stevie who notices him, solitary on the other side of the grey-stained school lunch room. I don't bother to look up at first; I know what he's like with the new kids- flirting, loving and unceremoniously trashing each pretty, pale creature as if they never meant anything to him (and I doubt they ever did). Why bother to acknowledge what will doubtless become his latest acquisition?
'It's that Mikey's brother, isn't it?'
'What's he doing here?'
'I heard he got kicked out of his last school,' Daniel interjects, 'Some kind of misunderstood budding genius. The next Hawking, I heard.'
'No? Really?'
I intensify my grip on the soda can I'm holding, biting down on my lip to stop myself from yelling at the morons. These two piss me off more than I could have thought possible, but I have to hang round with them or else I'd be some pathetic loner, and who needs that?
'What's he doing in this shithole then?' I squint up at them through my fringe, irritation bubbling in my throat. 'Can't you just give him a break? He's probably terrified...first day and all...'
'He's....not giving me that impression, Frankie.'
I look up for the first time. The soda can slips from my fingers.
Artificially flavoured fizz explodes all over the floor, provoking an enraged yelp from Daniel as it drenches his shoes and spatters me.
'Whatcha doing? Idiot!'
But I'm not listening to his expostulations; why? My eyes are fixed on the boys face, feeding off the pallid perfection, his shadowed, eerily beautiful features uplit with flourescent overhead lighting. He notices me staring and scowls, turns away.
'FRANK,' my reverie is rudely shattered with a faceful of angry Daniel 'What the fuck are you doing?'
'I'm going to talk to him,' Abruptly, Stevie stands up 'I'm gonna ask why he got chucked out,' and before I can yell to him, tell him to stop, he's made his way over to the mystery of a boy and is animatedly talking at him.
He turns his face towards Stevie, deadpan, and snarls out something which none of us can hear but which is evidently formulated from words of pure posion. Stevie pales, scrambles up and stumbles towards us. As he sits down, I notice that his hands are shaking.

I allow myself a small smile.
Well. This could be interesting.
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