Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > The Sleepover

The Sleepover

by HarunoSakura 0 reviews

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Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Hinata,Ino,Temari,Sakura,Tenten - Published: 2008-10-15 - Updated: 2009-02-27 - 342 words

A girl dialed her friends' phone numbers, and they all picked up at the same time.

"Hey, girl! What's cookin'?" asked Sakura.

"Nothin much...except for my sleepover party!"Temari yelled.

"Sleepover!? Awesome! Count me in!" they all said.

"It's at moi's house. At...whenever you wanna come. Ends at...whenever you wanna leave! Gaara's gonna be there too!"

"Ok. Cya!"


~Temari POV~

"Hey, baby."

"Hey, Shika!" I ran over to him, and kissed him.

"Why are you so happy?"

"I just want to spend some time with you before I go back to Suna."

"I thought you were going to stay for another two weeks!"

"I'm having a sleepover party. Sorry, Shika."

"It's fine. Wanna come over for a while? We could play shogi?"

"Knowing you, you wanna do something else." Which I don't mind.

"Guilty as charged."

"Alright. Let's go then."

"Hell yea!" Whoever said he was lazy? I changed him. his mom and dad owe me a bunch.

~Tenten POV~

"Neji! Where are you?" I looked at the training field he usually was in. Just then, someone popped up behind me. "eek!" I turned around.

"Hey, Tenten. What did you need." God. He's soo sexy sometimes.

"Um...I need to go to Suna."


"But first, let's have some fun." I lead him to my house, which was completely empty.

~Hinata's POV~

"Sasuke-kun! Where are you?" (A/N:She's not shy in this.)

"i'm right here. What do you want."

"I'm going to Suna for a party. I won't see you for a while, me to your bedroom."

~Ino POV~

"Kiba! Get your ass over here!"

"yes, sexy?"

"Oh, drop it. I need to go to suna for a party. You can keep Mira company right?"

"Of course I can. But I need payment first."

"Oh, alright."

~Sakura POV~

'I'm so glad I can finally see Gaara again. I haven't seen him for ages! Well, I should pack now.'

A/N: How did you like the first part? Remember to comment, or i won't continue!
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