Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Pretty In Punk


by loveisdead22 1 review

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2008-10-17 - Updated: 2008-10-17 - 455 words

Rayn looked at Brendon and kissed his lips.
"God I missed you" Rayn said
"I missed you too" Brendon said pulling her close.
"So whats on the plate for today" Rayn asked
"Well keeping you out of sight" Brendon said
"Your no fun" Rayn said
"I know but you know Ryan, Spencer and Jon are already think something is up with us" Brendon said
"I know and I am sure they all know I am missing by now" Rayn said
"I sure Pete has put out an APB on you, I am still shock you just left" Brendon said
"I need to start doing things that make me happy not what makes everyone else happy" Rayn said
"I am glad to know that I am the one that makes you happy" Brendon said
"That you are" Rayn said
Rayn walked into Brendons house and looked around it was pretty empty and in dire need of a female touch.
"Bren you need to go furniture shopping" Rayn said
Brendon laughed. He pulled her into his arms. Rayn looked up at Brendon and kissed him.
"I knew it" Ryan yelled
"You knew what" Rayn said backing away from Brendon
"That you would be here" Ryan said
"So let me guess you are going to call Pete" Rayn said
"After you two explain why you where kissing" Ryan said
"Friends kiss" Brendon said
"Not like that" Ryan said
Rayn knew this day was bound to come when everyone would find out about her and Brendon.
"We are friends" Brendon said Rayn looked at him.
"I've never believe that" Ryan said
"Than don't" Rayn said
"What the hell are you too thinking" Ryan said
"Ryan calm down" Brendon said
"You know this could get us get off Decaydance" Ryan said
"He wouldn't and hes not going to find out" Rayn said
"I have to tell him its loyality" Ryan said grabbing his cellphone, Rayn looked at Brendon he shugged his shoulders a part of him wanted it to come out.
They watched Ryan dial Petes number.
"Hello" Pete said
"Hey" Ryan said
"Did you find her"
"Yeah she with Bren"
"Okay can I talk to her"
"Yeah but Pete I caught them kissing"
Rayn grabbed the phone.
"Its none of your business" She said
"Oh it is how long"
"Bullshit we all know this has going when we where together just noone could catch you guys"
"Think what you want" she said handing the phone back to Ryan.
Ryan said his goodbyes and shook his head at the two of them.
"So whos going to tell me how long" Ryan said
"Since the day after we got signed" Brendon said
Rayn elbowed him.
Ryan stood there shocked
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