Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sing Like A Girl!

Chapter Five: Be Who You Don't Want To Be

by holyfroraytoro 0 reviews

Lo, and more is revealed of the tale.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-11-10 - Updated: 2008-11-10 - 558 words

Ray clumsily knocked on the door of the men's room, and the voices of his four bandmates answered him.


"What he said."

"Takin' a fuckin' piss!"

"You don't have to knock!"

Ray rolled his eyes. "You all had better be decent in there!" he called, shoving open the door with his shoulder.

"Holy shit man, th' fuck!" Frankie shrieked, hurriedly zipping his fly. Gerard responded a bit more calmly to the situation.

"Ray what's wrong?" he asked worriedly as Ray carefully turned on the cold water in the sink, laying Rayne on the floor and wetting a paper towel. He folded it several times, squeezing off the excess water before he gently pressed it to the girl's forehead.

"She passed out." Ray said curtly, trying to force his hands to stop shaking.

"Shit. Did she hit her head on anything?" Mikey gasped.

"No. Caught her."

"What happened?"

"She stood up, stopped talking in the middle of a sentence, and collapsed." Ray replied as Rayne groaned. Ray's hands were shaking harder now.

"Ray?" Gerard said cautiously as Ray staggered to his feet, his whole body starting to tremble.

"G-Gerard!" Ray said in a panic, hugging himself to try and stop the tremors.

"Ray, here quick, take these." Frank said hurriedly, rummaging around in his messenger bag and producing a pill bottle. "I use 'em at night after shows. Muscle relaxers." he explained as Ray dry swallowed two, huddling into a ball on the floor, his knees drawn up to his chest. "S' how I sleep so well, without having to run around for another five hours to unwind." Frank said proudly as Gerard took the bottle from Ray, examining it.

"Everything seems okay...non-addictive...easy to swallow..." Gerard mumbled, absently patting the top of Ray's head as the guitarist curled up against a stall, trembling violently. Rayne started awake, sitting up.

"Where am I? My head..." she groaned, dropping her head into her hands and pressing the damp paper towel harder against her pounding temples.

"You okay there?" Mikey asked, rubbing her back gently.

"Yeah...just...shouldn't have done that last...part..." Rayne said, falling backwards in a half-faint.

Frank supported her back, breaking her fall. Ray's tremors had finally eased, and he was on Rayne in an instant.

"Who did this to you? Who gave you the black eye, the bruises?" he asked angrily as her shirt slid up to expose a wide expanse of black, purple, and sickening green.

Rayne shook her head from side to side, denying anyone had done anything. That just incensed Ray even more.

"Who did it?!!" he roared. Rayne cringed, a single tear running down her cheek as she hid her face.

"Please, please don't be like him..." she whispered, barely audible. Ray froze.

"Like who? I...I wasn't trying to be--" Ray stammered.

"You're still doing it."

"I-I'm sorry, I--"

"I'm gonna' get back to Once you guys finish your business, come back in." she said, getting weakly to her feet. She seemed to be taking the fact that she was in the mens room rather well, and quickly walked back outside.

"Dammit!" Ray swore, swinging a fist into the wall and shattering a tile. Gerard sighed.

"We'd best do as we're told." he groaned, washing his hands and leaving.

"Yeah." Ray said absently.

Who was I being?
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