Categories > Original > Humor > The Amateur Professionals

The Way Back Whens

by Kill-Your-Own-Chorus 1 review

Six Friends, all of them tighter than ever, but what happens when one of them falters and goes head over heels for a guy they don't approve?

Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-11-04 - Updated: 2008-11-13 - 1395 words

CHAPTER 1: T h e W a y B a c k W h e n s.

I must say, as a sixteen year old, i never would have thought that this would happen to me. I never would have thought that a plain, short, small suburban girl would end up embarking on a dangerous and thrilling journey. Not by myself though, but with my friends, my pirates. We've all grown up together, we're tighter than a rack full of Drop Dead clothing and a pair of Nike Air Force Ones. But we almost weren't though, and it was all because of one stupid summer tour.

You see, there's Amy, she's the tall beauty. Not only is she gorgeous, but she's an A+ super student. There's a line of guys just itching for a date with her, and she's my best friend. Then, there's Tasha. She's sweeter than any peach you've ever tasted. She's got a smile that would make your heart soar and your brain spin. There's also Bridget, you could say she's the oddball of the bunch, but you love her to pieces. She knows more about the world than i think the world knows about itself. She's into symbolic art, and reading about wierd things, like, the dictionary of superstitions and a book of random facts. It's wierd, but it makes her more adorable. Then, there's Nadia. She's the adorable asian of our bunch. She's surprisingly the oldest of our group, which is wierd because she acts like she's six. She's into art and movies like any normal teenager, but she's also is into singing, she's got the voice of an angel. Not only that, but she acts like the cutest lil thing. All she has to do is flash her bright smile or giggle, and i guarantee you'll want to snatch her.

Oh, and let's not forget Tegan. Oh boy, where do i begin. She's got so much personality, i don't think i can even describe her to you. She's skinnier than a twig, more clever than a fox, and very spunky. She's smart, vegetarian, and very cute. She's into photography now, which is really cool. She carries her camera with her, wherever she goes. And then there's me. China. Yes, my name is China. I'm the short stack that darts around and pokes fun at people. I'm 5"0, optimistic, and a troubled girl full of laughter. I make silly goals for myself constantly, but one day i'll achieve them all. Speaking of goals, did i ever tell you of the one goal that practically screwed us over?

Well see, here's the thing...


----China's POV----

It's already 7:30 and I've got my Arizona at hand. BMTH is blasting in my brother's car, even though he loathes them. But since today is my day to pick music, he'll just have to deal. I clench to my Arizona as the world passes by through the window. With my free hand, i start to fiddle with my left ear. I had just gauged them, size 14's, and they hurt like a mofo. I couldn't wait to tell Tegan and the others. Sure it was small news, but it was kind of a big deal to me.

Finally, we reached the school. WCCHS, the mecca of stupidity. We were known as the stoner school, go figure. I wasn't surprised about that though, i was surprised in how much pride people still took in this place. In my three years of being here we never had field trips, none of my classes can afford new textbooks, and the rules here are stricter than ever. Why all this, you ask? Well because we went all out financial-wise and got ourselves a pimped out football field. Our football team is 2-7. Go Wildcats.

The minute the car stopped, i flung the door open. I rushed out of the car, flashed my ID, and made a beeline for the second floor. The second floor was where we all hung out. Amy, Nadia, Tasha, and Tegan's locker were all in the same hallway. Fortunate, right? Well, mine was on the third floor, and i had no classes up there. Yay for China. I weaved through Senior hall and landed in the science department. Everyone was huddled around Nadia and Amy's locker, laughing and buzzing about their weekend. I took a large swig of iced tea and clinged onto my plastic, see through backpack. I walked over casually and listened into Tegan's conversation.

----Tegan's POV----

Everyone huddled around me and stared at me as i continued to talk. I had recently recieved a bunch of texts from Tyler, this boy who i have a thing for. He keeps on giving me mixed signals about whether or not he likes me! It's pissing me off! I constantly ask my friend Ron to see what's up, but he's not really getting it either. I hate drama, if it were a girl i would've bitchslapped it by now. As i finished my rant, i noticed China had showed up to join the party. She was wearing a hoodie i had never seen before. It was grey with black stripes and had black scissors all over it. It looked pretty cool.

"About time you showed up, you face!" I snapped at her playfully. China just shrugged her shoulders and took a drink of her iced tea. I immediately took it from her hands and tipped it to take a swig. China gave me a funny look.

"Okay yeah, go ahead Twigs thanks for asking" i tried to hold back a giggle, i didn't really feel like choking today.

"So, china, did you finish my-"

"AHHH!" Tasha grunted as she clenched onto an imaginary neck. Everyone quickly snapped their heads at her and stared.

"Who shoved a stick up your butt today!"

"I've got so much work to do! I have 2 projects, 3 essays, AND i have to work an extra hour at my job!" Tasha clenched her teeth together as she dug into Nadia's locker and pulled out her Botany folder. Everyone shared lockers with each other, Nadia and Tasha were locker buddies, Amy and Michelle were locker buddies, and I was a loner. Which is okay, because that way i have a neat locker that's made the way i like it. China didn't have a locker buddy either. She just threw her stuff in whatever locker was available. That's probably why her backpack's so messy. She kept everything with her.

"Soooo does anyone wanna go see Bring Me The Horizon on the Drop Dead Tour* with me?!" China chirped all of the sudden. Everyone let out a groan in unison. China's eyes went wide and she looked at everyone blankly.

"What? What's wrong?" She asked in confusion.

"You always wanna see these bands, but we never do" Nadia spoke as she shut her locker. China gave a pouty face and folded her arms.

"well maybe I'm serious this time"

"And nobody here really listens to them, only you do," I added. China wrinkled her nose at me and stuck out her tongue. I just simply gave her the finger.

"HEY!" Tasha called out loudly. I jumped a little and stared at her. She let out a laugh.

"None of that, lady! Jesus is watching!" I was just about to make a witty comback, but then the 2 minute bell rang. Everyone began to scatter rapidly and say goodbye to each other. As i turned to head down the hall, i noticed China had a slightly sad look on her face. Poor girl. I walked up to her and put my arm on her shoulder.

"Don't worry hun," I spoke,"If it means this much to you, then we'll make it a date"

I watched as her dark eyes lit up, and a bright smile spread across her face. She let out a thank you and wrapped her arms around me, squeezing me and crushing my ribs.

"Thank you so much twiggy!" She chirped. I let out a giggle and hugged her back, that was until i felt her hand slide down my back and grab my butt. I pushed her away and let out a laugh as she bolted down to her first hour class.

"I LOVE YOU!" She screamed after me.

"I love you too hun" I called back.
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