Categories > Original > Horror > Along Came a Spider


by sickthingsatmidnight 0 reviews

Category: Horror - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-11-15 - Updated: 2008-11-15 - 1399 words

The Diary of Spider:
October 31
I watched from my van as my new victim made her way from the entrance of the Wal-Mart to her vehicle. She was a pretty blonde shorter than I with blue eyes that seemed to hold Heaven itself. When she entered her car and started the ignition, I did the same. She backed out of the parking space with only a blonde's finesse. I glimpsed that her license plate read "2CUTE-4U". I chuckled to myself; how entertained I was by such a small thing!

The blonde drove slowly to the red light. I stayed behind her inconspicuously, never letting my sight off her station wagon. It was pure luck that I didn't get caught up at the next red light. As we came to North Street, I let my eyes wander to the graying sky. It seemed like it would rain, though the man on the radio didn't call for it. The kiddies would be disappointed if it rained on Halloween, I thought to myself. That reminded me that I had to be back home by eight o'clock that night. I had to give treats to Charlene and her friends. Charlene is my little friend; an eight year old I met one day while on a stroll in my neighborhood. Nevermind that, I thought, keep to the task at hand.

I already had six legs. The blonde's would bring me closer to completing my collection; then I could begin piecing it all together. I could taste success, so sweet; I could see the collection of perfect legs all in row in my mind's eye. But I had to keep my head clear to complete it.

The blonde pulled into a driveway on Aberdine Lane. I observed the address as I passed by and put it into my memory. I drove down the lane, a rather homely place, a little ways then turned around. In about thirty minutes I would return to her house. I went to the nearest store and looked for a silk sheet. After seeing that I had the perfect one and buying it with my last victim's money, I went back to the van. I looked the sheet over. Perfect! How richly purple it was! Purple is my favorite color to wrap my victims with, though occasionally I'll use red or black.

So I drove back to the blonde's house. It had already started to drizzle. The time was six-thirty, I observed as I gazed at the van's built in clock. I parked the van down a little ways from the house. Slowly, I took a deep breath. The excitement building up in me, I slipped into my black leather gloves. I took a jar of chlororform and rag from out of the glove box. Quickly, I drenched the rag and got out of the van. Sticking the rag in my jacket pocket, I opened the back door of my vehicle and got rope. I slowly came to the window to observe if the blonde was in the entrance hall. No sign of her, so I slipped in the front door with ease. A smell so sweet hit me; the smell of roses. How delightful!

I could hear the sound of water running some where in the house. She must be in the shower, I thought. I crept through the house, stopping the look at pictures of what could have been family or friends. I smiled at the thought of how many people would pay for my little collection; how many people would be in mourning. This made me giddy, but I forced myself to be calm. I moved on to the rest of the house until I came to the bathroom. The door was open, and I could hear the blonde singing to herself some popular tune. I turned around and looked for the bedroom.

I finally came into the bedroom. As I entered I saw that nearly every inch of it was covered in pink. This disgusted me. Making sure she was still in the shower, I went through her drawers. I smelled her undergarments, so sweet. The hunger grew in me. I had to have her right then and there, but I calmed myself. I saw that her clothes were laid out on the king sized bed: a pink night shirt with, not surprisingly, pink pajamma bottoms. I sighed at such sickness.

The shower suddenly turned off. I had to hide some where, so I chose the closet. The smell in there was sweet as the undergarments. So I waited. As time passed by I noticed there was a web above me that held a beautiful spider, yet it scared me to death. I had to cover my mouth to keep from yelling. I tried to gently blow the creature away but to no avail. Shuffling over to the opposite corner, I pushed myself against the wall and closed my eyes. I listened for the sound of the blonde entering the room. After a few minutes, she came.

I peeked out the closet and saw she had her back to me getting her clothes on. Her figure was divine as Aphrodite. I snapped myself out of lustful behavior and crept out of the closet. Getting the rag out of my pocket, I launched my whole body on her, pinning the rag to her mouth and nostrils. I waited until she faded into what I hoped was nightmares. I took the rope and tied her up. She wasn't heavy as I picked her up. I brought her to the front door and laid her on the floor and went back to my van. I pulled it up infront of the house and got out. Making sure no one was around, I pulled her to the back of the van and threw her in. I jumped into the driver's seat and took off at a normal speed to avoid any witnesses.

I came to a stop light near my house. What pulled up beside me? A damn police car! I acted as normally as I could but was still scared of being figured out. What seemed like an eternity, the light turned green, and I was off again. It took no time to get home then. When I finally got there the time was seven-fifteen. Good timing. I parked in my garage and got out, shutting the doors. I opened the van's back door and pulled the blonde out. I brought her over my shoulder and carried her through my rather dilapadated house down to my cool basement.

I laid her upon the bed down there and unwrapped the rope from around her. Grabbing two pairs of handcuffs, I cuffed her to the rails above the bed. While I waited for her to come to, I went back to my van and got the silk sheet. I went back down to the basement and laid it upon the operating table. It took awhile for her to come back to earth. I was laying out tools that I needed to get the leg when she did. I had gagged her, so her screams were'nt so audible. As I sauntered over to the bed, I could see fear in her blue eyes, not Heaven anymore. I stroked her blonde hair and ran my fingers down her whole body. The excitement built up in me. I couldn't suppress it.... OH GOD! I COULDN'T SUPRESS IT! I COULDN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! I reached out and grabbed her with both gloved hands by her small throat. I shook her this way and that. I enjoyed it. Her eyes curled back into her head, the shiny blue not visible anymore. She was kicking hard, her knees hitting my lower back, but the ecstasy of the kill killed the pain. As seconds wore on, her kicks became less and less. Her body went into convulsions as the life was draining from her. Any second now, I told myself. Finally, her body went limp under my hands.

And on the bed she lays right now as I write this in my diary. So many entries already in it; entries of my last six conquests. I hear a knock upon my front door. That must be little Charlene. Oh how glad I am now that she is finally here. I must go and give her my special treats!
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