Categories > Anime/Manga > Death Note > Shinigami: Death of the Old World


by crazyeightpianogal 0 reviews

"Rem looked pretty damn doomed..."

Category: Death Note - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Horror - Characters: Rem - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-11-30 - Updated: 2008-12-01 - 1793 words

Rem was flat on her back, looking up at Daril Ghiroza, who had her pinned down…
“Now, then…,” said Daril. “Before we take you back to the King- where’s Ryuk?”
Ryuk gulped, it occurred to him to sneak away now, before it was too late…
“I said, where’s Ryuk?”
Rem didn’t answer. The fear was gone from her face; it had been replaced with a sort of stony resolution…
“I’ll ask you one more time, Rem. I know you know where Ryuk is. There’s no point in giving us the silent treatment. Tell me now, and maybe you’ll be let off easier.”
Rem said nothing. Ryuk was mystified…just moments before, she’d been trying to kill him herself; she should be spilling her guts right now…what was she doing?
“So, you’re not going to tell me, are you?”
“I can’t tell you what I don’t know myself,” Rem finally said, voice full of contempt. With a snarl, Kinddara pulled out a knife and swooped down...
Ryuk flinched; by the time it occurred to him to look away, it was too late, Kinddara had…stopped, with the knife pressing down on Rem’s throat…
“Tell me where he went, bitch!” Kinddara growled, face inches from Rem’s, pressing down harder with the knife.
“Kinddara! Where did you get another knife!?”
“Shaddup! And you, stop jerkin’ me around! I’m gonna SAW YOUR HEAD OFF if you don’t tell RIGHT NOW!” said Kinddara, already making a slicing motion, drawing a few drips of sand…
“CONTROL YOURSELF, Kinddara!” Daril shouted. “Control yourself, or I promise I’ll kill you personally!”
Kinddara turned away from Rem, stopping her slicing but keeping the knife in place, and she bared her teeth at Daril in preparation to say something, but before she could…
“Yes. That works just fine. All I ask is that you refrain from killing her…for now.”
Kinddara’s face went dopily slack in surprise…then, the manically happy and sinister grin that was always creeping Sidoh out…
“I can kill her?”
“Only if she refuses to cooperate-if so, then yes, I’ll let you kill her. Just wait until I give you the go-ahead.”
Sidoh was confused, and squeamish, and scared…weren’t they supposed to bring Rem back alive? Wouldn’t the King be mad if they killed her? What was Daril doing? Was he going to have to watch a shinigami die? He hoped not…that sounded icky…
Kinddara held the knife firmly against Rem’s throat, smiling gleefully at her.
“Keep the knife there for now, Kinddara, but don’t slice until I give the word. You’re insulting my intelligence, Rem. I know that you know where Ryuk is-don’t try to tell me otherwise. You acquired a death note recently, and there was only one place you could’ve gotten it from. If I were you, I’d tell me where he is, before…”
Rem couldn’t lift up her head to look at Daril due to the knife on her neck; instead, she looked down at her in a cross-eyed fashion…she sighed.
“Fine. If you must know, Ryuk is dead.”
Sidoh was surprised when a lump formed in his throat…he’d hoped to be relieved if he found out Ryuk was dead, because then he wouldn’t have to feel guilty about tracking him anymore…but instead, he was kind of…sad. Really sad, actually.
“When Kinddara threw the…?” he asked.
“You aren’t lying to me, are you, Rem?” said Daril.
“Why would I? Protecting Ryuk doesn’t benefit me in any way.”
“And yet, you’re doing it anyway…” Ryuk thought, still watching from inside the air vent. “Kind of ironic, really…finally, you’re talking like a real shinigami, but it’s just so you can protect me again…what’s wrong with you? Why should you care?” Just then, it occurred to Ryuk that he was still sitting there when should’ve run away a long time ago…what was wrong with him, now that he thought of it? Why should he care what happened to Rem?
“Well, words are just words, Rem; right now, I have no way of being certain you’re telling the truth…” said Daril.
Kinddara snickered in a perversely playful way; she raised the knife and brought it down and Rem let out a surprised gasp as sand dribbled out of a gash on her face…
“Control, Kinddara!” Daril warned.
Kinddara grinned up at Daril, looking almost thirsty, with all her teeth bared…
“Can I? Can I? Can I?” she asked.
Daril looked down at Rem, considering. Rem’s eye widened in alarm…Kinddara was literally vibrating with eagerness…
And still, against his better judgement, Ryuk was watching, holding his breath…it was like the worst of tense moments in movies, only a hundred times worse…okay, now was a good time to get out of here. Rem looked pretty damn doomed, and now was the last chance he’d have to sneak away while they were busy with her…so why wasn’t he leaving? He should leave, right now…but…but…
Why the hell couldn’t he?
This just wasn’t making sense. It still didn’t make sense to him as Kinddara snapped, roared, brought the knife up to drive it downward into Rem’s neck…and it still didn’t make sense as Ryuk leaped out of the air vent…his last clear thought was “I can’t believe I’m doing this…”
Then he landed on Kinddara with an insane feral roar; he was vaguely aware of being surprised that he could make such a noise; he knocked her off Rem and drove her into the floor as hard as he could. The knife flew out of Kinddara’s hand in a deadly arc toward Daril, who yelped in surprise as she dodged it; but it was nothing compared to the shriek Sidoh let out.
“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!” he screamed as he bolted out of the theatre…
“Sidoh! …” Daril shouted, but he was already long gone, his shrieks fading away into nothingness…
Ryuk’s momentum sent both him and Kinddara rolling along the floor, snarling and clawing at each other as they went. They leaped up when they came to a stop, circling each other briefly before attacking at the same time. Rem rolled over to get to her feet, but Daril pounced and pinned her back down. Ryuk briefly had Kinddara pinned as well, until she punched him in the face; he staggered off her and she leaped up to claw at his eyes, but he knocked her back onto the floor; she rolled out of the way as he attempted to strike again…then she spotted it; the knife in the corner of the theatre that had flown out of her hands…
She dodged past Ryuk and dashed toward the knife; he was right behind her, but it was obvious she’d get there first…he kept running anyway as Kinddara passed Daril and Rem; then, without being aware of thinking to do so, he kicked Daril off Rem and scooped her up in one fluid motion, never stopping as he spread his wings and took off through the theatre wall.
Kinddara grabbed the knife triumphantly and wheeled around to stab Ryuk, then gaped stupidly as she saw he wasn’t there…just Daril, getting to her feet and running toward the wall as she spread her wings and yelled, “Come on! We’ll lose them!” They flew right through the wall and the mass of duct tape that was left stuck to it…there was Ryuk, not too far ahead at all, flying while holding Rem…
“Oh crap…oh crap....,” Ryuk muttered, looking back at the hunters. “Can you fly?”
No answer…Ryuk looked down at Rem, who was clutching her bleeding cheek…instead of saying anything, she just nodded.
“Okay…I’m letting go in three, two, one…”
Ryuk dropped Rem, who immediately had her wings out and was flying along with him, still holding her cheek.
“We need a plan fast, Rem! Whaddya got? Anything?” Ryuk said, starting to sound panicky as he looked back again…
Rem nodded again, made a gesture that clearly meant “follow me”… she went into a steep dive, and Ryuk followed…with growing alarm, he saw that they were approaching the ground with no signs of slowing down, but then he understood…
Daril watched as Ryuk and Rem dove into the ground and under it, clearly having made themselves intangible. She dove right down after them, just a few seconds behind, feeling her way along after them in the darkness as they flew through the dirt and concrete; occasionally coming out in underground rooms…she couldn’t lose them again, not again…
But then, to her dismay, she was flying through ground with no trace of another shinigami…she stopped, and Kinddara ran into her. Daril pushed her out of the way and started backtracking…she came out in a tunnel. This was where their trail had stopped. The tunnel went on in a straight line on both sides for quite a distance, they hadn’t had time to fly that far down it either way-they must’ve changed direction. Daril flew up and down the tunnel, feeling for the spot they’d gone through, hoping to find it as quickly as possible, getting more and more frustrated as the seconds dragged into minutes, several minutes, still with no trace of them…
There was no trace of them. She’d checked this tunnel in both directions, twice as far as they could’ve flown in that little amount of time, every square inch of it, and there was no trace of them. Not one. Daril flopped down onto the floor of the tunnel, fists clenched, suppressing a scream of rage…it had taken so long; much longer than it should’ve, but finally, after weeks of searching, they’d found Rem and Ryuk, only to have them slip out from under their fingers…Rem had done it again, made her look like a fool using whatever trick there was to this tunnel that she didn’t know about…
Daril refused to look up at Kinddara, who was standing above her, because if she saw the look that was undoubtedly on Kinddara’s face right now, she probably wouldn’t be able to stop herself from killing her. Several long minutes passed that way, in silence.
“Now what?” Kinddara grunted.
Daril exhaled sharply as she got up slowly, carefully.
“We’re going to find Sidoh,” she said, her tone loaded with venom.
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