Categories > Anime/Manga > Gundam Wing > Chronicles of a Carnival

004: A View to a Quatre:

by Hincaru 0 reviews

Category: Gundam Wing - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Duo,Heero,Quatre,Trowa,Wufei,Zechs - Published: 2008-12-15 - Updated: 2008-12-16 - 2600 words

Warning: I hint strongly twords 3x4 (they belong together like 1 belongs to 2!)

004: A View to a Quatre:

"OW! You Yankee DOUCHE BAG!"

"Get outta my bed you CHINKY BASTARD!!!"

Quatre spat his tea all over the table. The screams scared him so badly that he left the table and ran to Duo's room, where the screams came from.

"What's going on in..." Quatre's sentence trailed. Wufei was leaning helplessly on the wall, pale a bruised, looking like he was in a lot of pain. Duo was on the opposite wall clinging to his blanket looking completely molested. Both of them turned their attention to their new guest in the doorway.

"I woke up and he was in my bed!"

"I wasn't doing anything!"

"You were trying to cop a feel and you know it!!"

"Why would anyone ever want to touch you?!"

"EVERYONE wants to touch me!!"

On that note Quatre turned and walked away, closing the door to block the noise from the other sleeping pilots. He walked to the kitchen and grabbed a towel to clean the wasted tea. It was only five in the morning and Quatre was already was only five in the morning..and Quatre was already traumatized.

Five Hours Later

"Wufei...what are you doing in Duo's bed..?!"

Quatre walked to the back of the house to see what Heero was talking about. When he looked in the doorway what he saw made him sigh deeply. Duo and Wufei had gone back to bed next to each other despite the fight they had had for an hour that morning. Heero picked up Wufei by the back of his shirt, gagging him.

"Get up...both of you."

Everyone moved quickly to the living room, not wanting to throw Heero into a bad move, and they all joined Trowa around the coffee table. This was the first time anyone could get a good look at Wufei.

"What th' hell happened to you?" Duo asked with a laugh in his voice.

Wufei's eyes were blackened, his body was bruised, he had scratches and scars, and his skin was deathly pale.

"I fell down the stairs."

There are no stairs...

"So what did the police want with you?" Trowa asked the question on everyone's mind, and Duo snickered.

"They had me mistaken..." Wufei glared over at Duo, "It seems that someone ran wild in the carnival and blamed it on me."

"That's awful!" Duo exclaimed.

"You know..twice yesterday I saw two different people got hurt at that carnival!" Quatre stated this with a worried tone.

"Who?" Duo and Wufei asked together.

"Well, earlier in the afternoon I saw someone almost tip over on the ferris wheel, and later that night I saw someone fall out of a roller coaster."

Duo and Wufei's eyes grew shifty, not hiding that they were avoiding eyes contact. Still no one knew that Duo had been in the carnival at all, and there would be hell to pay if they found out that Wufei was a runaway convict. No one paid attention to how uneasy they were.

"I am going to donate money to that carnival." Quatre stated in a proud voice.

"Well, Mr. Nice Guy, the carnival is only in this town for a week or two."

"Then I will make sure that it is safe for the week."

Quatre stood and headed for the door, stopping and putting his coat on.

"Be safe.." He heard Trowa say behind him. Quatre turned and smiled at his Italian companion.

"If I'm not back in five hours something has happened to me." and this that he smiled gently and left the safe house, closing the door tightly behind him.

Trowa looked at the clock, 10:00 a.m.

Quatre bundled himself tightly in his coat, not fond of being cold. He walked quickly towards the carnival, so it didn't take him long to get there in the tiny town. There were quite a few people there despite the happenings the day before. His blue eyes searched the grounds for a carnie to talk to about donations, then he spotted an obvious one. It was a strange looking man with an eyes patch. Quatre walked up to him, and very politely he spoke.

"Excuse me..."

"Hey you!"

At that moment someone else began talking to the same carnie. Quatre stared at them, insulted, but keeping his comments to himself. He waited his turn patently, until finally they broke off.

"Excuse me." he said sternly.

"Anyway!" they continued talking.

Quatre's rich and spoiled nature began to kick in. He glared at the two men, but tried to keep his composure. He twirled a coin deep in his coat pocket, trying to keep his mind on something else, until again, there was a break.

"Excuse m-" The man stared talking again.

Quatre was not amused. He pulled the coin he had been twirling from his pocket and he flung it at the man. It hit his temple hard and the man fell to the ground. Quatre slammed his hands on the desk and stared evilly at the carnie.

"Excuse me!"

The man's one eyes opened wide in fear.


"My name is Quatre Raberba Winner and I would like to donate money to this carnival."

"Why didn't you just say so?" one eye smiled brightly "How 'bout you take a look around, huh?"

"Sure, I would like to see what I was putting my money into!" And with that Quatre happily stepped over the unconscious body of the rude pedestrian and moved on with his day.

Now, it doesn't matter who you are or how old you are, when you are in a carnival you are ten years old again, and Quatre was defiantly no acceptation. After only being there for ten minutes he had spotted an ice cream vendor, a man selling crapes, a necklace with his name on a piece of rice, and a person making balloon animals. He was quite happy with himself, but feeling sick from sweets already.

Duo would laugh at me. he laughed to himself, knowing he didn't have a stomach near and powerful as his American partner, but luckily the next thing that caught his attention wasn't food.

His eyes twinkled when he saw the big, deep poison purple tent. It was a fortune teller's tent. Quatre walked to it happily and pulled the curtain aside. Pale fog fled from the opening and danced around his feet. Surprisingly it was pitch black inside, despite how bright it was outside. After the curtain was closed behind him the only light in the darkness came from a candle sitting on a low table behind beads that hung from the top of the tent.'s much bigger on the inside. But his thoughts were interrupted by the frightening thin that caught his attention. He saw a face hovering in the dim light by the candle, it startled him quite a bit, but after a quick moment he saw that it was only a young gypsy dressed to match the darkness around her.

"Come in my child." It was the stereotyped gypsy voice so Quatre wasn't surprised. He gently moved the beads to one side and sat on a silk pillow opposite of the girl.

"My name is-"

"Quatre Raberba Winner, I know."

Quatre stared in amazement. Not many people knew his name, and everyone who did could hardly pronounce it, but she said it like it came up in regular conversations.

"How did you know?"

"I am unlike any fortune teller you have ever met, for I am no fraud."

Quatre just stared at her, unsure if he should trust her or not. There was still a good chance that she didn't know what she was doing.

"What can you read from the energy around me?" he asked with a challenge in his voice. She closed her eyes and held still like she was concentrating on something.

"You had two friends come through this carnival yesterday. They made quite a mess of things..."

"Who were they?"

She has to be fake, none of the guys were here yesterday!

"One was an obnoxious brunet with a very long braid, and the other was a cross little Chinese fellow complaining about justice..yet he had just escaped from the police."

Duo and Wufei? No way! Then again...that would explain their strange behavior...

The girl pulled from he long bellowing sleeves a deck of cards.

"Let me tell your fortune."

Tarot cards. This interested Quatre, he took the deck from her offering hand.

"Concentrate on one thing or person and don't let your mind veer from it or them."

Quatre did as he was told, and being gentle he began to shuffle the cards, but he had only shuffled for a minute when a card jumped from his hand.

"Ah-ah-ah!" She said, quickly but gently turning the card over.

The Lovers.

"I know of whom you were thinking of!" She said with a sly smile, taunting the poor blonde boy. Quatre blushed at the thought of Trowa, and he handed the cards over to the gypsy.

"I shall read your fortune for today." and one by one she laid the cards in a pattern and stared at them hard, slowly moving her hands over each one.

"This is so confusing. I can make any sense of it..."

"Perhaps...I can?"

Her deep brown hues met Quatre's ice blue hues and she nodded slowly.

"It says that you will be trapped in a room, trapped behind a door to heavy for you to move. You will grow frantic and frightened but you will be saved by a silent clown that never smiles.."

Quatre pondered that sentence, all the deeper meanings were frightening to him, but he hid that fear behind a gentle smile.

"Thank you." He spoke quietly, already very distant in his thoughts.

He buried his hand in his coat pocket and pulled out his wallet. He pulled money from the inside and dropped a hundred dollar bill on the table in front of the girl.

"Oh, it didn't cost this much, my child." She held the money out towards Quatre, he was very distracted but he still opened his wallet to find a smaller bill.

"I'm is all I have."

"Then it was free, my friend."

"Oh, then keep the change." He smiled kindly at her and left the large dark tent.

He wandered through the carnival, wading in thoughts.

Trapped in a room...with a door to heavy to open. What's going to happen to me? What does it mean? Depression..? I don't want to be sad, or maybe it means that there is something I want to say, or something that I need help with...something I'm not strong enough to deal with myself. What if it symbolizes my casket?! A door to heavy to open!! Oh my God! I'm going to die!!

He looked frantically around, not even trying to hide his fear. After all of the bad things that had happened in the carnival already he could hardly believe that he had come alone. He put his hands on his head and spoke aloud to himself.

"I'm so stupid!" he pounded himself on his head, "Stupid, stupid, stupid! I wish Trowa was here..."

At that moment a clown walked up to him, curious to why he was yelling at himself no doubt. She was dressed in brightly colored clothing, and her face was made up as a sad clown, with an eternally painted frown on her face.

"Hey darling, are you ok? Why don't you come with me..?"

Quatre stared up at her through the bangs of his hair, he almost replied to her when he remembered something.

You'll be saved by a frowning clown. Saved...? Saved?! Oh my God, she's an angel of death!!


Quatre turned and ran from her, looking for the safest place he could. Finally he saw a closet and he hid inside. When he closed the door he heard it click and he felt comforted by the sound. He slid his hand up the wall and flipped on the light switch. He was breathing hard and looking for something that could take his mind off of his horrible fortune. He needed something to calm his nerves. He looked around at the room. It was full of old machines that looked almost out of order. It couldn't hurt anything to just play with the old things so he started pressing the buttons.


Rides were malfunctioning, the tea cup ride spun so quickly it was flinging people from the seats, the roller coaster stopped in mid turn, lights flashed on and off, the bumper cars stopped moving, people scattered, children screaming something about ghosts, and workers running around trying to fix things again.

(back with Quatre)

"...and the red one, and the blue one, and this one, and that one..."

His heart was calming down, the beeping of the pressed buttons gave him a strange sense of comfort, but very soon Duo's A.D.D shone through him and he started playing music using the buttons on the console. His heart was beating normaly now, and he decided he was safe.

"I'll be ok, the gypsy is probably crazy, just messing with my head, that's all."

He walked over to the door and twisted the handle. It was locked. Quatre examined the cold metal in his hand and he discovered something very disturbing. The lock was on the outside, he was locked in. His heart started racing again, and he pushes and pulled and shoved on the door, but he couldn't budge it. He pressed his back onto it and put all of his weight into it, but it was no use. He slid down the wall and sat there, starring into oblivion.

"It's just to heavy..."

He paused and replayed that last sentence through his head.

"Oh my God..." he put his hands in his hair and started yelling. "Oh my God, Oh my God! It wasn't symbolic at all!! I'm trapped in a room with a heavy door! It wasn't symbolic AT ALL!!"

He started shaking and throwing things. He stood and ran in a circle, freaking out. He slammed his hands down on the machines several times, and after throwing a baby fit for a few minutes he rested his cheek on the cold machine. He spoke sadly and weakly, without breath.

"It wasn't symbolic at all..."

He closed his eyes, already thinking he was going to die in that room, but then he remembered something important.

"A silent frowning clown. Trowa!!"

Quickly Quatre looked at his watch. 12:00 a.m. He told Trowa to come for him in five hours and it had only been two. His head dropped sadly on the keyboard, causing the buttons to beep all at once, and he groaned his displeasure loudly.

"What did I do?!! I didn't mean to! This can't be happening...this can't be happening.." He crawled up onto the machine and laid his head down, ignoring the fact that he was pressing all of the buttons. Slowly he closed his eyes and he tried to relax, until he yelled as loud as he could:


Morals of this story:
Not all clowns are angels of death.

Five hours is TOO LONG!

If a carnival is shot up twice in one day, do not go alone.

Coins are lethal weapons too.

and most of all:

Your chinese friend is ALWAYS trying to cop a feel..
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