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Marax the first Vasto Lorde

by solomon1987 1 review

It can be lonely standing at the cusp of ultimate power. You ask my name and I will not give it. Only those worthy of dieing at my hands will know it. The son of my mortal enemy is such a man....

Category: Bleach - Rating: G - Genres:  - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2009-01-04 - Updated: 2009-01-04 - 105 words

There was a chill in the wind swept desert of Huecho mundo. Something in the air that made the hollows trembled. Unba didn’t mind being feared respect was of lesser key for a hollow. He moved across the dessert in hurried strides a cloud of menace swirling around his frame. Able to stand and look a shingami eye to eye and crowned with a mask of two horns, framed with boney projections marked him as a vasto lorde. The name in terms of power was a misnomer for their was one stronger than him. Far stronger.

“Lord Marax I’m coming as you beckon.”
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