Categories > Celebrities > Guns n' Roses > Broken Wings

Broken Promises

by ILuvTracii 1 review

In which Vanessa and Axl have a fight about Vanessa going on tour with Axl, opposed to her spending time at home with her and Duff's son.

Category: Guns n' Roses - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2009-01-25 - Updated: 2009-01-25 - 1593 words - Complete

“Yes, yes of course we’ll come. I’ll call the boys tonight and tell them we’re doing the gigs for sure.” Axl said into the phone. Vanessa walked into his living room where he was pacing it anxiously. He looked at her and grinned.
“Yes, yes goodbye.” He said hurriedly and hung up the phone.
“Who was that?” She asked him in slight curiosity. He walked over to her and put his hands on both sides of her shoulders.
“Me and the band are doing a tour all across the state of California. I-It’s a really big tour, I won’t be back for five weeks, b-but . . . its amazing Vanessa! Think of the money we’ll get.” He said and she looked crestfallen.
“Five weeks?” She said disbelievingly. He nodded and smiled.
“Yeah and I want you to come with me. I-It’ll be fun I promise.” He said and she shook her head.
“Oh I can’t come, I can’t leave Brandon that long. I-I really want to Axl, it’s just that I’ve been away from him so long, he’s probably mad at me ya know?” She said.
“Your right about that Vanessa.” He said quietly and started backing away from her. She couldn’t read his face for he was doing such a good job of hiding his feelings from her right now. He always did a good job when he did that.
“Your right, your absolutely right . . . you should go home and see your son. I-I’m being selfish.” He said.
“Axl believe me, I do want to go with you, honest.” She tried to say but he cut her off.
“Go . . . don’t let me hold you back.” He said.
She laid her hand on his arm and he turned around. “Axl, you know I love you, it’s just that I want to see Brandon so much. He’s probably missing me a lot too.” She said weakly as she hugged his back.
“Go . . .” he said slowly and firmly. “Obviously I’m not good enough for you if you don’t want to stay here.”
He then shook her off him and walked down the hall to the screen door leading to his backyard and leaned on the door frame. She marched over to him and looked at him. He looked at her.
“Aren’t you gone yet?”
“Stop with the attitude Mr. Jealously.” She said.
“I’m not-”
“You are fucking jealous of a four-year old Axl. That is fucking immature.” She interrupted him.
“I just love you and I want to spend time with you a-and . . .” He said but couldn’t find the words. He knew Brandon was Duff’s child but he couldn’t just come out and say that he didn’t want her to go back home and see a bastard’s child! Brandon was her’s too. He sighed and began again. “Vanessa, I’m going to be gone for five weeks! I wouldn’t be able to stand not being around you for five weeks.”
“That’s sweet but I can’t come with you guys.” She said before she turned around and walked down the hall. He held open his arms and fallowed her into his bedroom.
“Come on baby doll, come with me!” He begged.
“Don’t worry, you’ll have fun, I promise.” She said. She laid her suitcase on his bed and tried to open the lid but he put his hand on it wouldn’t open. She looked at him.
“Sure its fun with just me and the guys, sure Duff’s hilarious as hell, but we’ll all like it more if you come.” He told her.
“Sure but what help will I be? All you guys will do is go to is strip clubs and bars.” She said.
“How dare you say that about me when I’ve got an even greater girl than any of those hookers would ever be to me.” He said. He held up his right hand. “I swear that if you go, aside from when we’re singing on stage, or sleeping, I will spend every waking minute with you.”
She smiled.
“Axl I just can’t go baby.” She said quietly. He rolled his eyes, groaned and plopped down on the edge of his bed. She sighed, crawled over behind him and put her arms around his neck.
“I’m sorry baby, I really am. I just got to spend time with Brandon. Besides if I go, Tommy will think something’s up.” She told him, He stood up abruptly and turned to face her, his arms outstretched.
“Why are you worried about him? So what if he divorces you? You have me Vanessa. I’m richer than he is. I can afford to send Brandon and any other kids we have to college. You will have food on your plate until you die. You will have a roof over your head for forever.” He told her.
“Its because to some degree I still love him.” She said. She could see the hurt look on his face before he turned around, walked from the room and into his walk-in closet.
“Axl but of course I don’t love him as much as I love you!” She whined as he came out, and throwing an arm full of some of the clothes she packed on the bed near her suitcase. “Axl I love you. You’re my love, you always were.” She said weakly as she walked over to him.
“You should have told me that before you told me you still loved your husband. Before we broke up in high school. Before we got divorced. Before I invited you to dinner with me and the boys then here, and before we starting having sex every other night while you were here. Use your common sense baby.” He told her, pointing a finger in her face.
“Face reality Vanessa. We don’t use condoms, and we don’t use birth control. What would happen if you got pregnant and you didn’t have sex with your husband? Huh, try explaining that to your beloved husband? Explain to him how you got pregnant. You’ll probably have to explain where you went on the night of the concert, how your mother never died, how you cheated on him and so on. I’m pretty sure he’s not going to love you all that much after you tell him the truth.” He said.
“Is anything I say going to undo you hating me right now?” She asked him.
“Yes . . .” he said, throwing another armful of clothes at her suitcase.
“What?” She said desperately.
“Come with me.” He said. She loved him more than anything. She just couldn’t go with him to California. In a way, she could see why he wanted her to go with him. He loved her and he wanted to be with her whenever he went. But in a different way, she thought he was being immature and selfish. She shook her head in defeat as she walked over to her suitcase and started packing her stuff. He looked like he just missed a really important part in a conversation. “W-what are you doing?” He asked her.
“I’m leaving you Axl. I’m sorry Axl, I’m sorry baby, but I just can’t go with you this time. No matter how much I want to go.” She said.
“Y-you know I-I’m going to be gone for five weeks.” He said and she nodded.
“I know and I hate that I won’t be able to see you for five weeks but Brandon needs me. He needs me more than he needs his father,” she said. For once in all her years of seeing and knowing him, she saw that he was at a loss for words, or a plan. He flinched when she said, ‘his father’. Jesus, Duff was driving a stake further and further into his heart each time Vanessa talked about Brandon.
“You could . . .” he tried to say but she interrupted him.
“No, I can’t keep running from the truth just to protect Tommy. Either I tell him the truth or-or we stop seeing each other.” She told him. She saw the look of horror in his eyes.
“No, no! I can’t live without you Vanessa. You don’t understand that.” He told her “I-I love you Vanessa.” He told her and she smiled.
“The words I love you are so simple to say, you don’t mean them-”
“No you don’t understand. Vanessa, I think I actually love you. None of that cheap shit we had back in high school, the real thing that we had when we were married.” He said. She looked at him in shock.
“You mean I love you as in get-married-and-lead-a-happy-life I love you?” She asked him and he nodded his head.
“I didn’t feel that way for you when we were dating but since I saw you again and since we had sex again I knew that I wanted to spend my whole entire life with you again. Get married again.” He told her and she hugged him.
“Tell you what.” He told her, breaking apart.
“If you go with me, I will let you spend at least a week at home with Brandon before we go.” He offered reluctantly and she nodded.
“I’ll try to get Tommy to let me go.”
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