Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > dont leave me down and out


by isuckatlifen 0 reviews

after not updating in ages i give you the long awaited answer to the poll

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-02-04 - Updated: 2009-02-05 - 324 words

Tonight was our big night the night we had been waiting for since we graduated high school. No more mundane jobs in a quite little mundane town if this went well we were in the big leagues.

After the guys had returned from their hotel they told us over dinner that they wanted us on tour with them Zakk was so excited he literally ran around the restaurant screaming “I’M GONNA BE FAMOUS!!!!” which of course caused us to get kicked out but instead we went back to my place and threw a party, minus the alcohol and drugs because my whole band is straight edge and of course Gerard can’t drink. We left for the tour a few days later as the opening act for my chemical romance and that’s how we ended up here. Waiting for our first gig to start.

“I think everyone’s a bit nervous” Gerard pointed out walking up behind me.
“Gee you think” I replied sarcastically “what gave you that Idea? Was it Joe rocking back and forth and mumbling some prayer? Or maybe it was Jodi sitting in the corner chewing on her drum stick? Or possibly Zack who is warming up his vocals with the line “we’re all gonna die” over and over again. The only one who doesn’t seem completely freaked is Kate who is just sitting there practicing her guitar.”

“Sheesh you don’t have to be so fucking sarcastic” he replied slightly offended

“Sorry” I mumbled “that’s how I get when i'm nervous of upset…”

“Oh so your nervous too?”

“No of course not!” I sarcastically snapped

To that he just laughed and walked away.

“Hey, you guys are on in 5 minutes are you ready to do this?” Mikey asked hugging my waist from behind

“I’m gonna have to be ready”

And with that I rounded up the band and we headed out on stage.
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