Categories > Books > Harry Potter

..... (can't think of anything at the moment)

by kristinia 1 review

In which Ff7 is sent to Harry's world. Oh... and there will be yaoi as a warning. If you don't like then don't read.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Ron,Voldemort - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-02-14 - Updated: 2009-02-14 - 76 words

Silver and gold and many colors clashed as the group stood together, eyes closed tightly. Not knowing what was going on, no one opened their eyes until they sensed everything had stopped. When they opened their eyes they were in front of a very large castle and a few feet away from them was none other than a elderly man, wearing a black robe, with long silver hair and a long silver beard, blue eyes twinkling.
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