Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > I'M A DIVA

Welcome To Hell! How May I Take Your Order?

by PanicAtTheDiscoluvr 2 reviews

ugh what iz Bden doing!

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2009-02-14 - Updated: 2009-02-14 - 367 words

a/nHa I wonder what Bden iz going to do? And I Luv Reviews. Happy Valentine's Day! Fell bad for me I got a horrible haircut! =( it should be nice to tell u this but the bold is thoughts)

So Ryan is dead and there is like no reason to live. Brendon thought to himself. How will I "Hello, welcome to Lowes! How may I help you?" "Screwdriver. Very strong screw driver." "Anything else?"

"Yea. Barbed wire. Very srong barbed wire." "Sure..." "Here ya go, anything else?" "Nothing, nothing at all." You sound like a robot. Stop, your scaring the poor girl. "I really don't care." "What was that, sir?" "What!? Oh nothing."

"Ok. Here's your purchaes. Please come again soon." "Yea, yea." Brendon said waving the girl off. Your acting like a jerk! Look conscience I do not give a shit, ok? Piss off." I wish I could get away from a jerk like you Mr. Urie but ain't happening. Fuck You.

What Time? Jerk. Over sensitive baby All of the sudden Brendon started screaming in the middle of the parking lot. "Sir is there something wrong, because I know a hos-" "FUCK YOU!." And with that he ran off to Wal-Mart.

"Razors. Sharp, sharp razors." Please do not do this to yourself Brendon "Alcohol. Very strong, fast working alcohol." "This it?" "Yea." "Thanks for shopping at Wal-Mart please co-" "I will never come here again." Brendon said a little to coldly.

"Ah home sweet home." This house will never be a home Shut it. "Ah first we drink all of our problems away." Brendon said as he grabbed the alcohol and chugged all of it down. "There, now the razors." Sly smile appering on his face. Please stop Brendon Not today.

Slice, slit, cold blood dripping down his arm. Why did you need a screwdriver? Thought I would look important with it. Stupid. "Barbed Wire where are you?" He called out in a sing song voice. "Gotcha! Hang you up here, tie you around my neck like this." Stop Urie! Never "Brendon?" Shit it was Jon. "Stop Brendon!"

Jump. Faint screams. Light. Ambulance alarms. Ryan in my arms again. This is where I belong.
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