Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Things Have Changed

Chapter 3

by nicxquinn 2 reviews

Chapter 3 Review pwease

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2009-02-16 - Updated: 2009-02-16 - 1331 words

Ryan woke me up early the next morning so we could go to the bus and leave. I didn’t even bother to get dressed I just grabbed a hoodie and walked sleepily to the Keltie’s car. I dosed in the car, but I knew I was useless because the bus depot was only about ten minutes from Ryan’s condo.
We got there to see Spencer and Haley making out against the bus. I just rolled my eyes know that soon Ryan and Keltie, and Jon and Cassie would be joining them.
“Don’t forget to use a condom,” I said walking past the lip locked couple, and getting on the bus.
I went to my bunk to check and make sure no one had messed with my stuff or set a prank up in my bunk. Everything looked fine so I went back to the front of the bus to raid the fridge. The only thing that was in there was lots of beer, Red Bull, and a box of Capri Sun that had Brendon’s name written on it. I ignored the label on the Capri Sun and took one along with a red bull. I got out a glass and mixed the two together. I sat on the couch and turned on the T.V., Brendon walked in soon after.
“Did you steal one of my Capri Sun’s?” Brendon asked.
“Yep,” I replied taking a big drink.
“Those are your Capri Sun’s that Ryan put in the fridge. I just wrote my name on the box to see if you would still drink them.”
“My evil plan has been destroyed,” I replied jokingly and putting my now empty glass on the counter. “You’re going to be my pillow,” I said laying my head on Brendon’s lap.
“Why do I have to de your pillow if you pretty much hate me?”
“Because I said so, and Spencer id sucking face with Haley,” I replied getting comfortable.
“You comfortable enough?”
“Yes, now I’m going to sleep. Keep Brendon Jr. under control please.”
“You’re the only person I know who can go to sleep right after drink an energy drink.”
“Shush, Urie, I’m close to your dick and I am not afraid to cause you sever pain,” I said closing my eyes and falling asleep.
I was woken up by Ryan a few hours later so I could go do sound check with the guys. I was no longer in Brendon’s lap; instead I was in my bunk. I’m guessing someone moved me after I feel asleep. I got up and got dressed in something other than my sweats.
“Ryry will you carry me to then venue,” I asked try to jump on to my brother’s back.
“No, your nineteen you can walk besides we need you awake so our sound is good tonight,” he replied.
“Fine, be that way, George,” I replied walking off the bus and to the venue.
I got to the venue and went to the sound board. Sound check took a little longer than usual because the lighting guys had to make sure the lights were timed right with the songs. The guys headed to the dressing room when they were done and I shut the sound system down then made my way back to the dressing room.
“Hey,” Brendon said grabbing my arm and pulling me around the corner of a wall near the dressing room.
“What do you want?” I asked annoyed
“Why are you being mean to me?” he asked.
“Are you really asking me this question? You of all people should know why?”
“Is this because of what happened right before you left?”
“You broke my heart by cheating on me with that whore you met at a bar.”
“I didn’t mean to. She kissed me and I didn’t have a chance to push her away before you came into the room. I loved you then and I still love you; I will always love you.”
“Brendon, don’t do this,” I said quietly and hoping that I could suppress my feeling towards him.
“Why Nicole? Why shouldn’t I tell you how I feel? Tell me the truth,” he said moving closer to me.
“Because,” I said tears forming in my eyes, “because.”
“Because, what? Tell me,” he demanded
“Because I still love you to,” I blurted out and ran towards the dressing room and right into Ryan.
“What happened? Are you alright?” he asked seeing the tears in my eyes.
I didn’t respond I just cried into his chest until he saw Brendon walking away from where we were talking.
“What did you do to her?” Ryan said gently pushing me off him and walking over to Brendon. “What do you do to my little sister you bastard?” Ryan said grabbing Brendon by his collar and forming a fist.
“Ryan, it’s my fault. We were talking and I brought up a bad subject thinking I could handle it, but obviously I couldn’t,” I lied hopefully saving Brendon from getting beat up by Ryan.
“You don’t have to take them blame for whatever he did,” Ryan snapped.
“I’m not taking the blame for him,” I lied again. “Please stop before one or both of you get hurt.”
“You’re lucky my sister is such a nice person,” Ryan said storming off.
“Thanks,” Brendon said.
“I did it to keep Ryan from getting. It would make things a lot easier if u weren’t a part of my life,” I replied and went to go find Ryan.
Thankfully I was able to find him and calm him down before so that the audience could tell that there was tension between two of the band members. Then tension was felt in the dressing and back on the bus is where it hit its max.
Ryan hit Brendon and Brendon of course defended him causing a fight to break out. It took the bus driver, Spencer, Jon, Zack, and I to break it up. Both of them look bad Ryan had a deep cut on his face most likely from when Brendon shoved him into the kitchenette’s counter. Brendon looked like he was getting a black eye and a broken finger from when he missed and punched a wall.
I went with then to the emergency room because Zack figured that he should stay and protect the bus from and crazy fans and if anything happened at the hospital an orderly could break it up. We got to the emergency room and Ryan was taken back fairly quickly because the cut on his face was bleeding a lot and the doctors need to close it up. That left me stuck in the waiting room holding ice on Brendon’s eye while he held some on his broken finger.
“You should have just ended the fight,” I said to Brendon lifting to ice off his eye to see how it was looking.
“I know,” he replied looking down, “but Ryan shouldn’t have hit me.”
“You know how Ryan is; if someone hurts me somehow he makes sure they won’t again.”
Brendon didn’t reply because Ryan came back out with four stitches over his left eyebrow. He sat next to me to wait for Brendon to get seen by a doctor and get his finger set. It took about an hour after Ryan got back for Brendon to get called back and he emerged another hour later with his finger in a splint and the fingers next to the broken one wrapped against the splint; it was obvios Brendon would no longer be playing the guitar on this tour. We went back to the bus and I made the two injured boys go to bed while I figured out how we were going to get a guitar player for the show tomorrow night.
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