Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Man Eater

by SublimeWriter 2 reviews

Ray's Sister Jocelyn comes home after a "terrible" break-up. Only to stir up trouble.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-02-19 - Updated: 2009-02-20 - 908 words

Ray: Hello There

Ray stood at the end of the long tunnel in the airport with the rest of the
band goofing around next to him. He was there to pick up his little sister Jocelyn; he hadn’t seen her in a long time. It wasn’t his idea for her to come home to Newark, in fact she had called him hysterically crying demanding that he come pick her up. Jocelyn crying to him on the phone was something that she never did, actually he had never really seen her cry. Not even when the engagement to her low life fiancé was ended. She spent that night going to exclusive clubs, having older men buy her drinks. At least that’s how she explained it.

He looked down at his watch, she was late as always. Frank started repeatedly tapping Ray on the shoulder.

“What do you want?” he laughed.

Frank responded quietly, “Dude is that your sister?”

Ray looked up to see his sister brightly smiling, she didn’t look as shattered as she sounded. Her thick auburn curls were pinned down against her head and the rest cascading behind her. She was wearing a bright yellow sundress with a neckline swooping a bit too low. She grabbed Ray up into a big hug, he whispered into her ear, “Don’t even think about it Jo.” She pushed him away lightly, “Let me have my fun…and grab my bags.” Ray shook his head as he picked them up he watched her endlessly flirt with Frank.

Jocelyn: Last Week

She sat on the expensive black leather couch with her legs crossed, peaking from beneath her short pink cocktail dress. She had recited the line over and over in her head, so she could walk away with no strings attached.

“I would say, Its me not you but honestly I can’t. Its you not me, we’ve been together for 7 months now and I feel its too long. Sorry.”

She delivered the words like a lawyer, forceful and straight to the point. Tanner stared at her like he had just been shot, not in a million years would he imagine a girl like Jocelyn dumping him on the spot. That was his job…

“You’re kidding right? You said you were serious about us, I thought you were committed to our relationship Jo.”

She smiled. “You’ve got to be kidding me, I didn’t know I had you wrapped around my finger like that Tanner. I mean look at me, do you think a girl like me is in it for the long haul? My motto is either you want to be me or be with me, just be happy you had that chance. Don’t feel bad, no one ever makes it.”

She got up quickly kissed his lips and walked out the door without any trouble. She smiled, finally she was free again. It was time to play some games and have fun. She worked up some emotion and tears, while dialing her brothers number.

“Ray! I’m coming home!”

Frank: Amazement

Frank had been talking with Jocelyn for awhile now on the way to the car. She abruptly stopped grasping Frank’s arm, he felt his face overcome with heat. She looked over at him with a big smile on her face.

“Where is the car?”

Frank frowned. “Uh…over there. The black van.”

She tilted her head back laughing loudly. “Race ya!”

Frank couldn’t believe what he was seeing, Jocelyn in a overly feminine sundress and clunky wedges running towards the car with all her might. This was Frank’s kind of girl, he chased after her almost crashing into Ray who was till lagging behind with Jocelyn’s bags. Jocelyn had beat him by a second, she looked around as if she was checking for Ray. Then tugged on Frank’s arm and pressed back against the car.

“Kiss me.” A mischievous smile was on her face.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, I mean I kind of have someone that I’m sort of with right. What about Ray, ya know?”

She giggled. “Sort of with, doesn’t sound like you’re trying hard to turn me down ol’Frankie boy. Oh, and the Ray thing isn’t a thing at all.”

Before he could protest anymore, she had pulled him against her. At first he just stood there with his arms to his sides like and awkward schoolboy, but then he put his hands on her warm freckled shoulders. She reached up, running her fingers through his hair. Then she pushed him away, like it was nothing at all. She was like a snake,striking quickly and swallowing her prey slowly. He looked at her in amazement, Ray was walking towards the car. It was if she had planned it all out.
Bob tapped him on his shoulder. “Don’t even go there dude. I’m warning you now, Ray told me all the horror stories.”

Frank shook his head, maybe he’s right he thought. But then Jocelyn swung open the car door and patted her hand on the set next to her.

She giggled. “The back is always fun…”

Ray glared at her and she stuck her tongue out.

“…because its more bumpy of course.”

Frank smiled and climbed in.

Heya, you should so so so review.
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