Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It's Not A Fashion Statement It's A Deathwish

It's Not A Fashion Statement It's A Deathwish

by My--Toro--Romance 3 reviews

Slash fic. MCR High school, yes it's been done before, yes it's cliched. READ THIS CHAPTER FIRST. Ficwad upload = Fail.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2009-03-03 - Updated: 2009-03-05 - 1585 words

Ok, here it is, fanfic number 2. I know I still have [I Never Told You What I Do For A Living] outstanding but I thought of this and couldn't NOT write it! Just to clear it, this story is SLASH. If you don't like it, DON'T READ. I have used Mikey with glasses, Ray with the long slightly matted afro (lol), Frank with longish hair (not dreads) and Gee with long black hair.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the people you recognise (MCR) any familiarity between the characters and people you know is entirely coincidental (obviously not with MCR).
Enjoy and R&R!


Franks POV

I woke up in the early hours of the morning. Woke up and sighed. It had been like this for days now and the lack of sleep was really starting to show. Every night I would crash out on my bed and fall asleep. Only to wake up 4 or 5 hours later at some ungodly hour. And what was it that was keeping me awake? Not the sun bursting through my curtains (although that didn't help) or the dogs next door, barking at every bloody thing in the bloody sky (that didn't help much either). But no, the main reason wasn't sensible or rational. It was simply because vacation was at its end and on the horizon loomed a new school, new people and a shitload of trouble. This school, I knew, was going to be a whole lot worse than my previous `Catholic' School. Why? Because at this school, there is no school uniform. Now that might sound absolutely fan-fucking-tastic but no. At my old school, everyone wore the same blue and red uniform with the only variations being the length of your tie and your haircut. At this one, everyone was to wear their own clothes and, undoubtedly, anyone wearing less than the best gets beaten around and treated like turd.

After a while, I dozed, drifting in and out of sleep like a badly tuned radio. Eventually, after much tossing and turning I managed to fall asleep. However, not long after, I was woken by the sound of my mom's voice.

'Frank Anthony Iero, get your butt out of bed this second! I want you down here in 10 minutes ready for school!'

I jumped out of bed with a start. Shit! With all the worrying going on in my head, I had completely forgotten that today was the day I started at Belleville High School NJ.

Showering hurriedly, I wandered naked back to my bedroom. I stood in the middle trying to decide what to wear. Should I try to fit in and dress and wear my football kit or be myself and wear the clothes heaped on my floor in a pile? In the end I grabbed a fading Misfits t-shirt, some black skinnies, a studded belt and my high tops. I was about to pull on my pants when I remembered to grab a pair of boxers from the drawer. Dressed, I ran to the bathroom where I ran a comb and straighteners through my chin-length brown hair and outlined my hazel eyes with black eyeliner. I glanced in the mirror and, satisfied with the reflection, grabbed my messenger bag and ran down to breakfast.


I nervously clicked my lip ring against my teeth. I was standing outside the principal's office with my mom.

'Stop it Frank!' hissed my mom. I made a face and, testing the boundaries, clicked my ring one more time. She turned and hit me.

'Ow! Mom!'

'Shush you stupid boy, now behave!' Sullenly, I obeyed, slid down to the floor, plugged in my iPod and let the musical genius of Iron Maiden wash over me. Bored. Bored bored bored. Boooooooored. The door to the office opened and my mom kicked me to get up.

'Good morning Ms. Iero, Master Iero, do come in.'

~~~Time Passes~~~

I walked out of the office, clutching a planner and a map of the school campus. Glancing at it every now and again, I made it to my next lesson. It didn't look too bad. I entered the classroom. The chatter stopped. Nearly every eye was trained on me. All across the room I heard murmurs and sniggers.

'Ah' Said a voice 'I'm Mr Jamison and I'll be your arts teacher.' I turned to see a friendly looking man standing by an easel with a paintbrush in his hand.

'Yes sir, that's me' I replied.

'Great!' He smiled 'Take your pick of the seats around the room and grab some equipment.' I scanned the room for somewhere to sit. There were lots of empty seats but all of them were at the front where the particularly unfriendly looking kids sat. I was beginning to get desperate when I saw a guy at the back, painting. He seemed oblivious of his surroundings, engrossed in his picture. I weaved my way through the desks, avoiding legs stuck out to trip me as I went. Sitting down at the desk, I began to unpack my stuff. I collected paintbrushes, ink and a canvas from the back and set up my easel. I glanced at the others boy's picture. It was beautifully intricate with vampires seeming to appear from under his brush. I looked at the rest of the class's work and wasn't surprised to see the usual sloppy landscapes, uncute animals and (at the hands of many guys) butt naked and topless girls posing badly on the canvas. I looked back at my own desk and saw a scrap of paper. It read:

Dear New Boy,

I saw you looking at my work. What do you think?

For a moment I just stared. I had only just got here and I was already being asked my opinion! I scrawled a reply.

Dear Dark Mysterious Stranger,

It's Amazing! How comes you draw so well?! What's your name?

Frank. xo. (The New Boy )

I folded it and flicked it casually across the desk. He picked it up. Read it. Then spoke.


Gerard's POV

I squinted at my work, scrutinizing every inch of the canvas for mistakes. I dipped my paintbrush into the blood red ink and began again, redoing details and bathing the scene in blood. Hearing the teacher speak, I looked up and saw a boy standing at the front of the room. He looked young, well younger than me by at least 2 years. He looked worried. Maybe it was his first day. I noticed he was wearing a Misfits tee and smiled. The kid had good taste. My eyes swept over him, examining him like I would a painting. And I had to say, who ever had painted this particular work had created a masterpiece. From his outlined hazel eyes to the way his clothes hugged his body, he was gorgeous. His eyes flickered up to meet my gaze. I dropped my eyes, feeling my cheeks flush. I pretended to be working hard on my painting and, to my relief, saw that he was no longer looking at me. Thankfully I don't think he saw me looking at him either. Then I saw that the new guy was looking for somewhere to sit. Please not next to me I prayed. But, as usual, God wasn't listening and the new boy planted his stuff next to me.

He paused, staring at my picture, transfixed. Then he shook himself and glanced at the rather -ahem- crap efforts of the rest of the class. While he collected his equipment I scribbled a note to him, it wasn't much but it might break the ice. He dumped his stuff back on the table and saw the note. He read it and wrote a reply.

Dear Dark Mysterious Stranger,

It's Amazing! How comes you draw so well?! What's your name?

Frank. xo. (The New Boy)

He liked it! Wow, he actually liked it! No-one else, not even Mr Jamison, had ever said they liked my work. They said it was artistic and expressive but that they couldn't quite understand the hidden depths. With all this on my mind I nearly didn't see the last question.

What's your name?

And before I could think of anything clever to say I blurted out,


Franks POV

Gerard, Gerrraaarrd. Geeerard. Mmmm... what a gorgeous yummy scrummy name. It suited him. Dark and mysterious with his almost green eyes defined by smoky lines of black. A pale white face framed and shadowed by long, messy, black hair. I subtly let my eyes sweep over him. I saw how his IRON MAIDEN shirt clung to the hint of ever-so-slightly toned pecs underneath. A stripy scarf was draped around his slender shoulders. My gaze shifted, moving down, examining every bit of him...was it just me or was there tautness around the crotch of his skinny jeans. I lifted my head and met his eyes.

Suddenly he extended a hand. I grasped it in mine, our fingers interlocking. His skin was deliciously cool and smooth... Then I felt eyes on my back and turned. So did Gerard.

'Aww...The fags are holding hands!' The class tittered at the guy's lame joke. I turned back to Gerard and freed my hand from his.

'Settle down class, I'm sure Gerard and Frank are just getting acquainted' said Mr Jamison.

Gerard smiled at his words.

A beautiful crooked smile.


Huzzaah! First Chapter Done!!
R&R Please!

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