Categories > Original > Fantasy > Into The Jaws of Hell


by Natwadge 0 reviews

The backup.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-03-06 - Updated: 2009-03-07 - 902 words

I'm surrounded by a group of seven Wiccans. They're all blessed with extreme power and have never once lost a battle. They consist mainly of women, from sixteen to thirty years old, and one is a male about my age, with a scar from his eye running down to his neck. Along with council members and peaceful demons, I know a few Wiccan groups. This one is by far the most powerful group I know. The leader is a woman named Rowena. Her son Elir was attacked by a demon with razor claws and almost lost an eye. The girls are all from various Wiccan families, coming together for a common goal. Valea, Azahna, Jade and Shaea are the other witches between sixteen and twenty-two.
Chambers has a back room where Griffon has his magic sessions with Kaal after his shift, so we have assembled here to discuss my problem. Griffon has supplied us all with a glass of lemonade imbued with a magical rune. The rune is designed to protect us from prying ears. Kaal watches us from a seat across the room. So far all we have done is discuss what I've been up to lately. When I mentioned the deumus Rowena promised they would do what was necessary to help. The girls all wear a Magratian Gown in different colors depending on their status as a witch. Elir wears a ceremonial cloak in black, and fringed in dark blue. My clothes are a darker green color than the last time I was here.
“How long until the ceremony takes place?” Rowena asks. She has a slight Welsh accent and speaks softly. When doing magic her voice has the power to quiet a room.
I shrug my shoulders. “I don't know. It could be any time between now and a week from today. I know that he needs at least two days to properly clean my blood. He's already had at least one,” I answer. I take a sip before continuing. “In order to force me to come to him he's gonna send his minions to distract me. That's where all of you come in.”
Elir frowns, causing his scar to pale momentarily.
I wonder if mine does that?
“What are we supposed to do?” he asks. “What can we expect to run into?”
I shake my head again. “I don't know that either. Just don't worry about the vampire, he's mine. Make sure I have room to attack. I want you Elir to focus on the deumus. Keep it as far away from me as possible. It's fast so you'll have to be on your toes. Rowena, I want you to stick close to me and keep me protected with a spell. I don't want the vampire to be able to hurt me. I know it takes a lot of energy to maintain a protection spell, so I want Azahna to help you. Both of you should be able to hold it for awhile. I want Shaea and Valea to take care of the other demons. Jade and Diandra will work with Griffon guarding the perimeter. Nothing in or out once this starts. I won't allow humans to be harmed.”
Kaal raises his hand, “What about me?”
I look at Griffon who tugs on his beard in thought.
I wasn't sure if Griffon would want him to do magic in battle so soon. I thought he would probably want him watching the pub. Finally he shrugs. “I suppose I could close up the pub for a while if you want to help.”
Kaal grins broadly and looks at me expectantly.
I finish my lemonade while I think.
“Okay Kaal, you have a very important job. I want you to assist the others. Whether it's protecting the perimeter, fighting demons, or healing the wounded.”
Kaal sits up a little straighter.
I address everyone and look at each in turn. “Don't try to be a hero. You'll end up getting yourselves killed and your friends with you. Rowena, Griffon and Elir are in charge, so don't be afraid to ask for help. I know all of you will be a big help. So I want to thank you all ahead of time for backing me up.” I hate to say this last part, but I have to. “Some of you might not survive the battle. So if any of you want to back out...”
Rowena stops me with a hand. “We all knew the risk when we joined sides with you. This battle is what we have worked for. No matter what happens.”
Everyone seems eager to help, though the girls seem apprehensive about it. Each one of these Wiccans have been through a lot. Diandra and her sister Jade were forced into slavery at ten and twelve years old. Shaea, Valea, and Azahna were each traumatized by the things they had to do for a madman while kidnapped. Elir was tortured for six years by a demon with a fetish for chains. Even Kaal had been removed from home to home since he was five. I believe in each one of them. Thanks to Rowena and Griffon they are all stronger in their crafts. They have shown me numerous times how powerful a helping hand can be.
Ambrose may think he has the upper hand, but he has no chance against all of us.
Even he's not that powerful.
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