Categories > Original > Drama

Helping The Helpless[001]

by KissedByANerd 0 reviews

I hope you enjoy this! Review and tell me if I should keep going! I have great ideas for this story. God Bless. =]

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2009-03-07 - Updated: 2009-03-07 - 1102 words

Blue. Red. Blue. Red. Flashing lights were seen behind my eyelids as I lay stiff on the cold wet ground. My eyes slowly opened to find a pool of blood next to my head; my cheek was sitting in it.
“Son? We are going to get you to the hospital as fast as we can.” A voice faded as I went in and out of consciousness.
“Who...” Was all I could manage at that moment?
What is happening?
Where am I going?
Who do these voices belong to?
Why does my body feel so numb?
These were the questions that went through my head as I was carried into an ambulance.
“Can you tell us your name, son?”
My name? What is my name?
“It says here he lives on 1967 Mavens Ville Court…the house is under the name Snider, Ryan.”
Ryan Snider…where have I heard that name?
“This is Ryan Snider’s kid? The attorney?” A male’s voice asked surprised.
Attorney Ryan Snider is my father?
“Does the kid have a wallet?”
I felt a strong hand reach into my pants pocket and pull out my wallet. They weren’t going to find much…I don’t have any money on me.
“No source of I.D. I’m sure once we get to the hospital Mr. Snider will be there anxiously waiting his sons arrival.”
A bright light appeared behind my eyes and my body tingled.
My eyes opened slowly to find myself no longer in the ambulance…but in a room. Not a hospital room either…but my room at home. I lifted my hand to my head, no bumps or scratches.
“How in the world?” I mumbled swinging my legs over the side of the bed. My feet hit the cold hardwood floor with a thump.
‘Caleb? Are you awake?’
My heart started to pound in my chest. “Hello?” I asked shakily.
‘I was worried you weren’t going to fully wake up.’
“Fully wake up? What is going on? Who are you?”
‘You can’t see me?’
“See you? What do you mean see you?”
My vision blurred and a woman about my age with short brown hair stood before me.
‘How about now?’ She asked slowly turning so I could see that she was actually there.
“Who are you?” I asked slowly standing, cautiously.
‘I’m Alison Dent, and you are Caleb Snider. You are seventeen years old and just got into a fatal car accident where a drunk driver hit you head on-on I-69.’
“How do you know my name?”
‘I was sent to you…well not exactly sent but all I know is that I need to help you through your comma.’
“Comma, Im in comma?”
‘That would be correct.’
I studied the girl. She was petite, about 5’2 and had the most gorgeous set of green eyes I’ve ever seen.
“Where am I?”
‘You see, that im not to sure of. It’s like another world…in your mind.’
“So…im dreaming?”
‘Not exactly, you are really here in your mind…watch.” She lifted her hand to my cheek and gently carried her hand across a scar I got when I was seven.
‘Your brother, Ian, tripped you while you were at your Grandmas house one Sunday and you busted your cheek open on the fire place.’ Alison said, her eyes locked on mine.
“How did you know that?” I asked astonished.
She chuckled. “As I said, im in your mind…you made me, I know everything about you.’
“Will I ever be normal again?”
‘Normal? You mean will you wake up from your comma?’
“Uh huh.”
‘That im not sure of.’
“I will wake up…”
‘That’s good, think positive.’
“So what do I do here? Stay in my room until I find some way of waking up?”
‘You control what happens here, not me. There are some rules though.’
“And those would be?”
“You can’t see any of your friends or family while you are in here…it would affect them back in the ‘real world’’
“How would it affect them?”
‘I don’t make the rules…but im not going to let you take the chance of finding out.’
“What do I have to do?”
‘It will come to you when you are ready…just focus and it will happen.’
I closed my eyes and my mind went blank. “Why cant I think of anything?”
‘You are, its complicated...” Alison sighed. ‘Open your eyes Caleb…’
I opened my eyes to find us in a field of green grass. It was mine and my brother’s special place.
“How did I get here?”
‘Your secret fears and ambitions are what you dream about…sometimes people set their dreams in a place they feel most comfortable. This happens to be your place.’
The sun shone down on us as I lay down on the soft green blades of grass.
“So where exactly did you come from Alison?”
‘I guess you can say Heaven...’
“Heaven… So you are like an angel?”
‘I guess you can put it that way.” Alison smiles to reveal a row of perfect white teeth.
“You know everything about me right?”
Alison nods and picks the blades one by one.
“So you know what is going on back in the hospital?”
She stops and looks up at me. ‘I can’t see what is going on right this moment…but I do know that whatever is happening, it’s good.’
“Good as in I’m getting better and I will be back soon?”
‘Good as in good. I cant and don’t know what the definition of good is in this situation. I wish I did but I don’t.’
Her eyes were full of sorrow as I stared into her eyes. I melted when she stared right back.
‘What are you thinking about?’ Alison asked scooting closer to me.
“I thought you knew everything.” I said smirking. Alison smiled and shrugged,
‘Not everything…you do know that I will be here if anything happens right?’
“So you do know what im thinking?”
‘Nah, im just a good guesser.’ A smile crept onto her face and she cupped her hand over mine.
“You promise?”
‘Don’t worry…I will always be here even when you don’t want me to be. Trust me.’ The son radiated Alison’s perfect pale skin.
“Something tells me you are lying.”
Alison rolled her eyes and looked up at the blue sky, ‘Your just going to have to trust me Caleb, that’s all you can really do right now.’
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