Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Keep your soul like a secret in your throat.

Chapter 01

by TeenxXxAngst 0 reviews

Gerard is being followed...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Sci-fi - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-03-09 - Updated: 2009-03-10 - 1924 words

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A young man who didn't look a day over twenty was walking through a dark alley on his way home. He had an early class the next morning and he probably shouldn't have been out so late, but he had been invited to a party and Gerard Way being Gerard Way couldn't refuse a good party. The only sound to be heard by Gerard were the rain drops coming down around him. It was 2 am in Newark, New Jersey and there were no street lights to illuminate his surroundings. He sped up his pace, looking behind him. He couldn't hear or see anyone, but he could sense someone's presence. He turned his head back around, facing in front of him. He brushed his black bangs across his forehead. He took a deep breath. He knew in minutes he would be dead.

"Gerard," a stranger called.

Gerard stopped walking, again brushing his bangs from in front of his eyes. Gerard could feel the stranger close behind him now, the man's breath against his neck. A shiver ran down Gerard's spine.

"How do you know my name?" Gerard asked, shaking.

Gerard could feel the man standing right behind him but he did not turn to face the stranger. Not because he wasn't curious as to who it was but because he was scared of who or what he would be faced with.

"I know a lot of things," the stranger replied, "I know that no one knows where you are right now...your mother and you little brother both think you are home, safe in your bed."

Gerard was silent. He clenched his fists, preparing to face this stranger, to fight him, despite the fact he knew he would die. He didn't know how he knew this, but somewhere in the back of his mind he just knew.

It seemed as if the stranger could read Gerard's thoughts,
"You won't win. If you try and fight me."

"You're going to kill me," Gerard stated.

"Yes," the stranger replied.

Gerard slowly turned around to face the man. Their faces were only inches apart, although the man was a couple inches shorter than Gerard. Gerard looked into the man's eyes. His irises were glowing crimson, Gerard stumbled backwards, startled.

The stranger smiled softly as Gerard tripped over his own feet, falling onto his backside. Under normal circumstances Gerard wouldn't have been afraid of this man; if you could even call him that. Not because he wasn't human, but because he couldn't have been any older than eighteen. The stranger standing above Gerard barely reached 5'6" by Gerard's estimation and he had soft facial features.

Gerard's clothes were drenched as he sat on the wet ground, but his cold, wet underwear was the least of his worries right now. The stranger walked slowly toward Gerard. Gerard sat frozen on the ground.

"I won't lie to you," the man told him, "when I kill you, it will hurt."

The man moved so fast that Gerard barely even saw him. The next thing that Gerard knew was that he was lying on his back, the man was kneeling above him smirking, his hand around Gerard's throat. He wasn't choking him though, just holding him down.

"I'm Frank," the stranger told him. It was then that Gerard saw the man's fangs.
"it's nice to meet you," Frank continued.

And that was the last thing Gerard heard, after that he could only feel the excruciating pain of Frank's teeth tearing at the flesh of his forearm.


Mikey stretched his arms over his head, yawning. He reached out his arm to his bedside table, grabbing for his glasses. After putting them on he stumbled tiredly out of bed. The tall, gangly boy ran his hand through his dirty blonde hair, trying listlessly to flatten it to his head. Rubbing his eyes beneath his glasses he glanced over at his clock.

"Shit!" he exclaimed, realizing he was already late for school.

He put on the first clothes he grabbed off the floor, throwing them on without looking at them, not realizing he had grabbed the same clothes he had worn yesterday. He grabbed his wallet off of his dresser as he ran out of his bedroom. As he ran toward the staircase he saw that his older brother's door was still closed and that he had most likely over slept as well. Mikey stopped at his door.

"Gerard!" Mikey called, banging his fist against the door,
"Gerard, get up you're gonna be late!"

Mikey, hearing no response, opened his brother's door only to find the room empty. Mikey shrugged, figuring his brother must have left already. He ran down the stairs and almost out of the door, before realizing he didn't have any shoes on.

Mikey stood at the bus stop, shoes on, cell phone pressed to his ear.

"Line 14 to Orange Avenue, arriving in 22 minutes." The automated voice told him.

"God dammit," Mikey mumbled, snapping his flip phone shut.

He threw his backpack against the wall of the bus shelter, sighing. It was the third time this week he would be late to his first period class and he knew for sure that Mr. Sletmoe would give him after school detention.

Even though Mikey knew the bus would not be there for 22 minutes he walked to the edge of the curb and looked down the street, paying no attention to the car coming toward him. He failed to notice the sizable puddle that was unfortunately placed in front of him and as the car drove past him the water from the puddle splashed up, completely soaking the bottom half of his jeans.

"Just your luck, huh, Way?"

Mikey spun around to see that it was Ray Toro who had spoken. He and Ray were not good friends, merely acquaintances; they had 3rd period chemistry together. Mikey wondered what Ray knew about his luck when he remembered that they had been lab partners for a short period of time earlier in the year. During said time Mikey had succeed in burning off half of one of his own eyebrows.

Mikey nodded, "You late, too?"

"Nah," Ray responded, "I don't have a first period."

After 20 minutes of small talk between the two boys the bus finally arrived to pick them up. Mikey boarded first and walked all the way to the back of the bus, Ray followed. Mikey didn't know why Ray chose to sat next to him when there were plenty of other empty seats. He supposed Ray was just being amiable or maybe he wanted to be friends with Mikey for some strange reason.

Mikey was not in denial, he knew he was a nerd, he also knew that more than half of the student body would not be caught dead talking to him out of fear that it would tarnish their reputation. Mikey had stopped trying to make friends after his freshman year, he was content just having his best friend Bob Bryar.

"Are you going to Winter Formal?" Ray asked.

"Uh, no," Mikey said, "I don't dance."

Ray shrugged, "Me neither, but my girlfriend is dragging me."

Mikey looked at Ray and tried not to seem surprised. Mikey didn't know that Ray had a girlfriend. Ray was almost as big of a nerd and he was, if Ray had glasses and asthma they would've been on the same nerdiness level. It was a blow to Mikey's already miniscule ego, how could Ray get a girlfriend, when Mikey couldn't even get a girl to look at him?

"Oh, that sucks," Mikey said, unsure of what else to say.

He and Ray had lockers close to each other in Sophomore Hall, as they walked toward them Mikey could hear his wet socks squishing around in his wet shoes. As they rounded the corner by the library Mikey caught sight of the Hall Monitor and sighed. He had hoped that he could just get to his locker and get to class, but no, he was going to get a demerit.

"Toro!" the Hall Monitor called, recognizing Ray all the way down the hallway, probably because of Ray's giant, ginger afro.

Mikey was confused as to why the Hall Monitor was saying his name as if it were a question. It wasn't like this was the first time he was late and although he didn't know the Hall Monitor's name he was sure the kid knew his.

The three of them met in the middle of the hall.

"Are you on you're way home, Way?" The Hall Monitor asked.

"Uh, no, I'm on my way to english," Mikey told him, confused.

"Oh, I thought with what happened last night you would've stayed home."

Mikey looked at the Hall Monitor, confused.

"What happened last night?" Mikey asked.

The Hall Monitor hesitated, he didn't know what was going on, surely Way knew that his brother was murdered last night. Ray just watched the situation, almost as confused as Mikey was.

"You're brother..." The Hall Monitor began.

"What about my brother?" Mikey asked, slowly.

"He was...Well I mean, it was on the news...someone attacked him?" Even though the Hall Monitor knew it to be true, his statement wavered. He was sure that it was Gerard Way's name he had heard on the morning news.

"No, you must be confused," Mikey told him, reaching for his cell phone in his front pocket.
Opening it up he saw that he had missed 20 calls from his mother in the last 5 minutes.

Ray and the Hall Monitor both saw Mikey's face become pale. Mikey felt sick, he turned sharply, running back the way he had came, through the halls and out of the front doors of the school, ignoring Ray yelling at him asking him where he was going.

Mikey flung his backpack off, collapsing on to the grass next to the school. He didn't have to call his mother back to realize that the Hall Monitor had been right, something had happened to Gerard. As soon as Mikey caught his breath he opened his cell phone and dialed his mom's number, it only rang once before she picked up.

Mikey could hear the tears in his mother's voice,
"Are you at school? I-"

"Mom!" Mikey interrupted, "What happened to Gerard? Are you with him right now?"

"I'm going to come and get you-"

"Tell me what happened!" Mikey demanded.

The line was silent, Mikey could hear his mother trying to breath evenly, to no avail.

"He was out last night and-" She broke off in a sob.

Mikey knew that Gerard had been attacked! He just wanted to know how he was!

"How is he!? Is he in the hospital!?" Mikey had not realized he was yelling at his mom.

"The police found him the morning-" she sobbed, "he's dead."

Mikey moved the phone from his ear, throwing it as far as he could across the street. Tears leaking from his eyes. He couldn't believe it. He wouldn't. He had just seen Gerard at dinner the previous night. Gerard had told Mikey that he would teach him how to drive the stick shift that weekend. He had promised.

Mikey curled his knees up to his chest, lowering his head against his knees, now crying so hard that he couldn't breath properly. The thought passed through his mind that he might have an asthma attack, but he didn't care. Sitting there in the grass, Mikey pulled hard at his hair, clenching his teeth and crying.
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