Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > A Itachi Love story Info

A Itachi Love story part 2

by chels789 0 reviews

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Itachi - Published: 2009-03-21 - Updated: 2009-03-22 - 249 words

So you go to the hot springs. you get undressed and rap a towl around your self. you could not wait for your friends to join the Akatsuki. you know for a fact they will join. you sat in the hot spring and relaxed. Man you alway got stuck with with missions like the last one. you have to wear short skirts and mini- tops.

You: man stupid missions.

you stand up and go to get out of the warm bath. you step out to see someone walking in. It was Itachi. you stared at him and he stared back. Little did you know you towl could be seen through.

you: umm.... bye

you left and ran to your room. you got dressed and went to make dinner. you slowly walk out of your room and to the kitchen.

you: Gosh that was embarrising.

Deidara: what was, mm?

you: None of your buisnesss! Stipid men I cook, I clean and now they want to know my buisness.

Deidara: Sorry I asked, yeah?

You: Dinner is done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you all sit at the table except Itachi. Boy, that made you made. He shouldn't be embarresed its not like you saw him in a see through towl. He saw you. So you dicide to go get him. you knock on his door. No awnser. You knock again. No awnser. so you just walk in. He is not in there. Atleast thats what you thought till you saw a light in his bathroom.
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