Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer


by technical_angel 0 reviews

Angel uses W&H resources for a loved one.

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Angel - Published: 2009-03-25 - Updated: 2009-03-25 - 585 words - Complete

Title: Savior

Disclaimer: If you think it belongs to Joss/ME/FOX/etc. it probably does.

Timeline: Right after the end of B7-A4.

Spoilers: B7-A4

Synopsis: Angel uses W&H resources for a loved one. Distribution: Want? Take. Have! Just let me know!

Author's Notes: I’ll never forget... but I still want cookies! Yes, I AM alive! I'm also a recent college grad. I had a fiance free night, so I figured I'd scratch out an idea that had been stuck in my head for awhile. It's short, it's fairly stupid. I'm thinking about another angle for it, but just let me know what you think!

Feedback: Pretty pretty pretty PLEASE??? I know this sucks, but still! Rating: If you can watch the show, then there is no conceivable reason why you couldn’t read this. If you can’t watch the show because of ratings reasons, then what the heck are you doing reading fanfic??????

Angel sat in a dark room in Wolfram and Hart. The only light came from a multitude of candles scattered around the room. Better to focus with, they said. Better to give him a headache he thought.

The men gathered around the table were absolutely silent. A vampire with around 250 years under his belt really didn’t have a problem with silence. He’d dealt with worse. Hell came to mind.

Part of his mind tried to convince the rest that what he was doing was not all that wise. But if he was going to take over an evil law firm, why not use a few of the perks? What he was doing right now was no different than standing in front of the special windows, or driving in the daylight in one of the many cars featuring the same kind of glass. No, he reasoned, this was no different. Why not give the one that he loved every little thing that the law firm let him give?

He was sure the psychics thought he was mad when he informed them of his mission. He was used to it. The Wolfram and Hart employees were having some transition problems. Once he killed enough of them, they’d deal with it.

Like these men.

They permitted themselves a small confused look, a small shake of the head before they went to work. The candles are necessary, sir. We must have complete silence, sir. You must concentrate very hard, sir. This may take awhile, sir.

They could take as long as they wanted. As long as it worked. It just had to work. She had been through so much, she deserved this, didn’t she? Of course she did.

Suddenly the atmosphere shifted, there was a clap of sound, a flash of light, and before him on the well polished table, between maps of Sunnydale, was one little dirty pink stuffed animal that went by the name, Mr. Gordo. Angel picked him up for an inspection. He was a little worse for the wear. He had been through a near apocalypse. Mr. Gordo deserved some pampering in the form of a dry cleaning, and a first class trip to the little pig’s mistress.

“Buffy had been through so much,” he told the pig as he walked down the hallway to his office. “But keep the evil law firm to yourself when you see Buffy, will you? I have to break it to her myself. Don’t worry. I’m sure she still loves you, Mr. Gordo.”
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