Categories > Original > Romance > Me, him and endless flirting : )

Art & Drama Are Missions Apart; but my love is always with you : )

by ginamaylambert 0 reviews

Dammit he is just soo, amazingg :)

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Sci-fi - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-03-29 - Updated: 2009-03-29 - 526 words

Him, Me and Endless Flirting

One shot about me and a boy im in complete love with…

“Right, get ready to go then yr 9” Mrs Walters moaned, my French class never listened to her, so she got angry at us frequently.

I picked up my rucksack, placed my book in miss’s hand and walked out of French block and into the breezy spring air, the sun was almost blinding for such a cold day.

One of my best friends walked beside me as we made our way to Art, all of a sudden I saw someone who shone brighter than the sun ever could.

I nudged my friend and she pushed me forwards; I locked eyes with him as he turned around and began walking over.

“what you got next?” he asked politely, he could have demanded it and I wouldn’t have noticed, his eyes were just so beautiful especially when combined with his dazzling smile.

“Art, you?” I replied shakily, still transfixed by the mere sight of him.

“Drama” we both frowned, drama and art were missions away from each other.

We continued walking, his eyes never leaving mine, silently flirting with each other whilst seeming perfectly innocent; people walked past, all hurrying off to they’re next lessons.

I was oblivious to the world around me, I always seemed to zone out when he was around; maybe it was his beautiful laugh or his funny character, either that or his sweet sensitive side coming out in each breath taking grin.

We came up to the science corridor, both in full knowledge we would have to part ways… again.

I turned sadly starting down the hallway, expecting him to walk off in the opposite direction.

“Isn’t Drama that way?” I questioned, as he had remained next to me.

I raised my eyebrow, and looked at him until something clicked.

“are you walking me to my lesson?” my frown turned into a grin as he kept by my side.

“what art do you have?” he asked with a smirk now on his face

“Mrs Penfold, right at the end of the corridor and up some stairs” my smile faded

“ I’ll walk you half way” he said grinning

We reached half way and he held the door open for me, I walked through gracefully
smiling and thanking him, then batting my eyelashes.

He held out his hand for me, this had become a growing tradition, palm in palm he pulled me towards him and I hugged him, breathing in his scent, I peeled myself off him and waved goodbye, another sad departure, he walked away smoothly turning
Back, which immediately made my legs feel like jelly.

I walked past Mr Parry’s class, up some stairs and into Mrs Penfold’s room; sitting down I chucked my bag beneath our table and sat up smiling a little to big maybe; my friends stared at me each with a different expression on they’re faces.

One had a look of a sincere ’aww’ and the other had no clue as to why I had a goofy grin on my face.

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Gina x
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