Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Grow Up Too Fast

Grow Up Too Fast

by lostmyfearoffalling 2 reviews

Standalones/one-shots from Gerard's daughter's life. In different POV's throughout. Should be fun....

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-04-12 - Updated: 2009-04-13 - 1138 words

Gerard's POV

"Daddy, I want to go to the picture book store!" Charley cried out excitedly from her car seat. Her black hair was tangled around her face, and her green eyes were sparkling. Everyone says she looks exactly like me. I'm still trying to decide. I smile as I listen to her, proud that at the age of four, my daughter frequently begs to visit the comic shop.

"Sorry baby, we've gotta go to the grocery store, and then home." To be honest, I would've given a lot to go to the comic store right now. However, Lyn-Z was gone; visiting a friend all the way in effing Florida, and I was in charge. I'd promised myself I'd try and be a good, normal dad. Ha. I'd already failed, because right now, Black Flag was playing loudly from my Trans-Am stereo. I can't think of normal dads that let their four year olds listen to Black Flag. So really, I should just screw the normal dad attempts right now.....

Focus Gerard! I tell myself. It's six already; we've gotta go home. I look at Charley's pouting face in my rear-view mirror. Then I remember something that's sure to make her happy. "Charley, Uncle Frankie and Uncle Mikey are gonna be there tonight."

Her grin lights up her face, and as corny as this sounds, it makes me feel warm inside. "Ray-Ray and Bobert too?" She asks me.

I smirk at the nick-names, then nod. "Yep. Ray-Ray and Bobert too."

I pull into a parking spot in front of Whole Foods. Charley has a confused expression as she looks out the window at the store. "Daddy, how come we're coming here, and not to the other store?"

"Because we have to get special food." I say as I get out of the car and unfasten her seat belt.

"Is it Frankie food?" She says, wrinkling her nose. There's even a little bit of fear in her eyes as she remembers some of the organic food Frank has attempted to feed her in the past.

"Yeah. But don't worry baby; you don't have to eat it." The smile comes back, and she hops down from the car, almost falling. I catch her and she giggles.

She runs ahead of me as we go through the automatic doors, and I have to jog to keep up with her. She runs to the baskets and takes one, nearly knocking over the entire stack. I make a very good save, grabbing them right before they avalanche her.

"Let's go Daddy!" She says, eager now that she knows she doesn't have to eat any "Frankie food". She loves grocery stores.

"Starbucks!" Charley says as we enter the store area. I perk up immediately at the sight of the mini Starbucks in the middle of the store. I had completely forgotten about that.

"You know what, Daddy's gonna get some of that." I say, more to myself. However, Charley jumps up and cheers because she knows that means she gets a treat. I'd feel bad if I got myself coffee and didn't get anything for her.

We walk up to the Starbucks kiosk, and I contemplate the menu. Charley tugs my hand repeatedly, and says something that I miss, because I'm debating between the Gingersnap Latte and the White Chocolate Mocha. Great parenting, right?

"Sir, can I help you?" An acne infested teen asks me from behind the counter.

"Uhh...yeah. Can I get an M&M cookie and a..." I bite my lip before finishing. "A gingersnap latte." Seasonal choice.

"Coming up." The kid says, handing me Charley's cookie. She takes it from me excitedly, taking a huge bite. I watch the kid make my drink. Poor guy. His acne goes down his neck, and probably farther than I'd care to look. He's really skinny, gangly. Kinda like Mikey was when he was a kid.

"Here you go," the guy says, sliding my drink across the counter into my awaiting hand. I take it gratefully, taking a big sip, and shutting my eyes for maximum enjoyment. I stand there for about ten seconds, savoring the amazingness that is coffee before opening my eyes.

"Ok Char. Let's go get food for Uncle Frankie." I look down to where she should be. Where she isn't. My head snaps up as my eyes search wildly for her. I can feel the coffee cup slipping through my fingers, but I can't stop it. It falls to the floor, splashing over me, and anything within a six foot radius. But I don't care. I walk quickly away from the Starbucks, scanning everything in front of me, looking for a small body with dark hair.

"Charley!" I yell. My heart is racing as I look down the seperate aisles, praying that I'll see her in each one. I go through six aisles without luck, and I'm ready to pull my hair out. Why are organic stores always so big?

"Charley! Where are you?" I scream. People are looking at me, but I don't care. I have to find her. I have to find her now.

Mind numbing panic is spreading through me. This is Los Angeles. Someone could have taken her. I didn't notice when she was gone. Maybe no one noticed. I've never felt fear like this in my life; not when I was about to kiss a girl for the first time, not before my first show, not before my first show sober, not even when that dude in San Franscisco said he was gonna knock me out. My whole body is tensed up as I cup my hands around my mouth and shout Charley's name again and again.

It's been almost ten minutes, and I'm positive that I've covered nearly the entire store. I feel tears in my eyes as I walk over to the wall and bang my head against it angrily. What if I've lost my baby?

"Daddy, how come you keep on hitting your head?" I whirl around to see Charley standing behind me, holding two things in her hands.. I pick her up and spin her around, burying my face in her tiny shoulder.

"Don't you ever go away from me again! You scared me Charley; I didn't know where you were!"

"Sorry Daddy; I went to go get Frankie food." She holds up a loaf of bread and a box with butter sticks. "Frankie makes yummy sandwiches!" I laugh, and it still has a panicky edge to it.

"Now I can eat food with Frankie that we both like!" Charley grins at me.

"Yeah, Charley, yeah." I hold her tightly until we get to car, not putting her down for anything, until she's strapped into her seat.

And I remind myself to chew out Frankie for feeding her butter sandwiches. Again.
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