Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Isn't This Band Pracice?

Isn't This Band Pracice?

by XxDemon_lovexX 2 reviews

My Chemical Romance is at "unknown" or "secret" headquarters, meeting for band practice,to work on their new album,expected at the end of the year.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2009-04-18 - Updated: 2009-04-19 - 1106 words

Frank: (Absent mindly playing with his lighter, puts it down) "I bored! Why isn't Mikey here yet? Gearard where is he?"

Gerard:(sitting in the corner,sipping coffee, notebook in hand) "How the hell should I know??"(sips coffee)"Shit!! I laft the coffepot on!"(whips out his cell phone,sends Lynsey a text message.)

Frank: "Uh...He is your brother!"

Gerard: "I don't look after him, I have a life!"

Bob: (Looks up from his seat at the druet) "Don't brag, You could drop dead any minute!!"

Gerard: (Dramatic gasp) "BOB, ARE YOU THREATENING TO KILL ME!?!?!?"

Ray: "There's a pocket knife in my back pocket." (Trying to fix a wire to a broken amp.)

Mikey: (Opens door) "Sorry I'm late, What's going on?"

Gerard: "Bob an Ray are plotting my death, and I'm trying to write lyrics."

Frank: "Even if they were, couldn't you just fly away, Peter Pan?"(smirks)

Gerard: (evil glare)"That was in fourth grade!!"

Bob: "Hello! Let's not fight like children we need to work!"(picks up drumsticks)

Mikey: "Speaing of children..."(everyone except Ray turns to look at Gerard, who is bent over his notebook.)

Frank: "Ah ha!! (has an ah ha moment)"We can't kill him, he's gonna be a daddy!!"

Gerard: (sets down notebook) "Sparing my life for my unborn child, Thank you!"

Ray:(puts down wire)"Yet, it amazes me how you even conceived a child, as ridiculously tight as your pants...or maybe theres nothing there!!"

Gerard: (stunned by Ray's insult)"You asshole!"(throws his notebook at Ray!)

Ray:(laughing uncontrollably) "Sorry Gee, I take it back, but it is odd..I'll have to ask Frank about it sometime!!"

Mikey: "ummm... You mean Lynsey?"

Ray: Frank is easier to ask."

(Whole room turns silent, Frank blushing, Gerard suddenly becomes fascinatd with the shinyness of his pen.)

Bob:(Getting highly annoyed) "Poofy-Head shut up and stop being a perve! We need to do something!NOW!

fRANK: "We can answer fan mail!"(pulls out a thick stack of envelopes, bound by a rubber band)

Bob: "This ought to be interestig. If another person tells me shave my beard, I'll kick their ass!"

Gerard: "Bob you do need to shave that shit!"

Bob: "Ray, I need that pocket knife"(Ray hands it to Bob.)(NOOOOOO)

Mikey: (laughs) "Alright, I'll sort them out"(takes stack, sorts into individual piles for each person, and then a pile for letters adressed to the whole band.)

Bob:(stares at pile) "Why do Gerard and Frank always get the most fan mail?"

(Ray draws an air heart)

Gerard: "Because teenage girls obsess over us!"(opens an envelope)

Frank: "Because everyone knows I hotter!" (laughs, and rips open a letter)

Gerard: "Sorry, but , your not, Frank, I mean look at me!"

Mikey: "Someones having a good day...or is it just the coffee??"

Gerard:(holds up coffee up)"6th cup today"

Bob: "Holy shit!"

Ray: "Would you rather have him drunk?"

Gerard: (jumps up furious)"Fuck you Ray! You help plot to kill me, insult my SIZE, then you bring that up!! FUCK YOU!"(storms out of room, slamming door)

Bob: "Can we ever just have one peaceful band get together?"(opens a red bull)

Mikey: "Ray whats yo problem today? Since when do you and Gerard fight?"

Frank: "They don't , oh I get a love letter!"(reads his letter)

Ray: "I'll go apologize"(leaves the room to go find Gerard.)

Frank: (shouts) "COOKIES!" (picks up bag of cookies, lying beside Gerards chair, opens bag) "Yes! Chcolate chip!" (eats cookie)

Mikey: "Frank, don't take his cookies"

Frank: (eats another) "I am" (smiles evily)

Mikey: I warned you" (picks up his stack of fan mail, reads through it)

(Door opens , Ray and Gerard enter, looking happier.)

Gerard:(spots Frank with the bagof cookies) "Hey, those are mine, bitch!"

Frank: (grins) "Not anymore, but they rock!"

Gerard: (glares at Frank) "Give me back my cookies!"

Frank: "Sure if you can get them!"

Bob: "Mikey, remind me why I didnt stay at home?"

Mikey: "You're the only one that can play the drums, making you valueable, and your a member of this band."

Bob: "And yet, my dogs might have more intelligence" (looks to Gerard and Frank)

Gerard: (lunges at Frank, misses the bag of cookies) "Give them back damn it!"

Frank: (laughs)"Someones out of shape" (runs around room, and Gerard chases him.)

Gerard: "Am not, Frank give them!" (grabs a hold of Franks hair) "Ah ha! Oww! (Frank grabs hold of Gee's hair)

(From out of nowhere, Bob pulls out video camera, and starts recording.)

Bob: "This is going on Youtube!"

Mikey: "I declare a chick fight!"

Frank: "You bastard, let go of my hair!"

Gerard: NOTE that Gee's hair is very pretty "Drop min motherfucker!" (Frank tightens his grip on Gerards hair) "Owwwwww!" (knees Frank in crotch)

Frank: "Son of a bitch!" (lets go of ees hair, and drops to his knees in pain)

Gerard: "Yes!" (snatches bag out of Franks hand) And... you messed up my hair!" (hurriedly attempts to fix his hair)

Frank: (on ground swearing) "Gerard, how could you, maybe I want children too!"

(Gerards expression softened, he bent down to help Frank up.)

Gerard: "Sorry Frank, but there my cookies, if you had asked, I would have shared!"

(Ray draws an air heart)

Gerard: (flicks of Ray, Ray laughs) "Sorry Frank"

Mikey: (gets bored, picks up Gerasrds mail) "Hey bro, you got hate letter"

Gerard: "Really? I love ahate mail. (reads out loud) "Gerard Way, yu're a poser. Your voice is nasily, Your but is ugly, like your hair. You're a fucking girl!!"

Frank: "Well you do have good legs!"

Gerard: (gasps) "Never say that again...I'll hurt you, but wait theres more" (reads from hate letter) "You fuck men and ducks, how did you ever get a wife, Your a disgrace. "Fuck you!" (puts down hate letter)

Mikey "That's harsh,, who sent that?" (picks letter back up) "Hmmm... some guy named Logan Kelso..."

Bob: (bashes drums to get everyones attention) "People we are having a band meeting! Ray, fix that damn amp, Frank, find your guitar, Gerard write some lyrics!"

Gerard: "No fair, Mikey didn't get in trouble!" (pouts)

Mikey: "Because I'm an anel" (smiles innocently)

Bob: "No, you're not pissing me off, but here throw this away!" (hands him empty red bull can)

Frank: "Ha! Ha!

Mikey: (throws can away) "You people use me too much!"

Bob: "No, you just do what you're told"

Gerard: "No he doesn't! Hey Mikey, lick Franks finger!"

Mikey: "Hell no!"

Gerard: "Told ya!" (gloats)

Bob: "Let's get something done alread!"

THE END!!!!!
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