Categories > Original > Poetry

My Heart Must Stand Alone

by Angel_wing364 2 reviews

My Story. A tale of loveless days, but somehow finding happiness.

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Published: 2009-04-20 - Updated: 2009-04-20 - 142 words - Complete

He with dark hair and enchanting eyes
He with the soft laugh and crooked smile
He with strong arms that could hold me tight
He that might walk for me, over a mile.

He that has her, beauty and grace
He who ignores me, and walks ahead
He who kisses, but not on my lips
He who loves her, not me.

I am alone in this lovesick world
I am forlorn, my mind is a whirl
with all the thoughts that could be, and should,
but I know it will never be.

I have my friends, sweet solitude
I have my family to get me through
I have a dream, that someday, somewhere,
I'll have my prince charming,
and He will regret.

~Please rate. My first poem, ever, outside of a school asignment.^_^ Feedback too, if you have the time. Thank you!~
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