Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Fallen Leaves


by mizumi_hyoshi 0 reviews


Category: Naruto - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Itachi,Kakashi,Obito,Rin,Sasuke,Yondaime - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2009-04-27 - Updated: 2009-04-27 - 242 words

Chapter One: The Dream

The sky was dark and threatening. It had grown steadily darker by the hour, and now, with the sun at its apex, the world looked as dark as a moonless night.

A figure ran through the forest, gasping in exhaustion and fright. Shadows blacker than this sunless day pursued her silently.

They came closer, snapping their seamless edges at her heels. Her breath came in racking spurts. Her pulse thundered in her ears and the sound seemed to be the approach of an endless army of shadows behind her.

A light glimmered from ahead. Shining brightly, now gone, and appearing again, steadily growing larger each time it reappeared.

With her last ounce of energy, she pushed herself faster, praying that she could outrun the shadows that hunted her. A house appeared, and a silver-haired ninja was standing in the doorway, calling her name.

She stumbled at the fringes of the forest, nearly at the house's threshold, and fell to the ground. He stood looking down at her, his single Sharingan eye the only color in this black world.

He said her name once more, and then the shadows pounced, devouring and thirsty. He disappeared from her view as they swarmed over her face, blocking out the light he held, the light that shone from his face, the only light that could ever make her herself again.

Blackness closed over her; she was drowning; she couldn't breathe.

She screamed.
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