Categories > Original > Drama > Karin's Wedding


by paladin313 0 reviews


Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror,Humor - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-05-19 - Updated: 2009-05-19 - 3271 words - Complete


Chapter 5

Ren had no idea what awaited him that evening. Furthermore, the girls were energized, knowing that they were going to accomplish much that evening concerning Ren and the wedding. Ai was grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Weddings, awesome-I am a good wedding planner!" Ai said smiling.

Ai was all agog. This would be the first wedding that she could remember as having attended in centuries. She was happy, but she also hoped that the concepts of a traditional wedding had not been lost. As the girls headed out to fetch Anjou, Karin, and hopefully, Yukkiko, Eldabegan to chuckle. "What's so funny, Elda,"said Yuriya.

"All this fuss," she said, "It is so much simpler in our world. Its normally, 'Here he is!' and it's done-no questions asked!"

"True," said Yuriya, "There is something lost in the shuffle."

"I found it funny about you two," said Eldato Yuriya, "I am surprised Jean-Claude did not go for the fancy thing. How did you talk him out of that?"

Yuriya just smiled a half-pleasurable, half-devious smile as she walked. That said all that was needed to be known! Eldagave Yuriya an encouraging smack on the back, "That's how ya' do it, ultimate seduction!" she said, appraisingly. As the three approached the Cavern, Anjouwas locking up the club, with Karin and Kenta standing there, along with Yukkiko, looking quite forlorn. Kenta gave a warm greeting, but Eldalooked at him in that certain way, and said, "Go home, male: there are important matters we must discuss."

Kenta felt bad, feeling like this was old vampire treatment of humans, and said, offended, "This isn't some vampire thing, is it?"

Yuriya sauntered up, smirking, pulled him to her, and said, "No, its women matters-GOT IT!"

Kenta was beginning to get the hint, and Karin rubbed his back, and said, "Its okay, baby, I'll see you at the house."

With a quick peck on the cheek, she sent him along. Karin then said, "What women matters are you talking about?"

"Three," said Elda,"Your wedding, consoling a soul sister, and knocking some sense into a certain vampire who cannot see the forest for the trees!"

As they walked along, Karin began to realize that the certain vampire just had to be Ren. What other vampire was there that acted as if he knew everything, and was yet clueless to the realities of life? He lived the "sexy, seductive vampire" role for so long that he had lost his grip on what was truly important. Karin began to recall all those years of torment from Ren, being told that she was a failure of a vampire and that she had no clue. However, thanks to Jean-Claude, she knew now more of what it meant to be a vampire than she ever had, and she now embraced it. Because of this, she now knew that Ren's torment was very hypocritical. However, instead of hating him, the prospect of having an opportunity to get him back and help Ren at the same time seemed more and more appealing as the moments passed. Finally, Karin exclaimed with an evil grin, "Yea! I get to harass big brother Ren-it's payback time."

"So, as to the first matter," said Anjou,"Let me go through the bridal magazines and see what we can find for a good dress."

Eldathen said, "Then, how are we to get Ren's attention-subtly, or 'in-your-face?'"

That was something that Ai knew how to do well. "I will be right back," Ai said, stomping away.

She sat outside the love hotel where he was "holding court," and waited for him to emerge. As soon as the woman parted, Ai flaunted all the femininity to which he was attracted, and began to have him chase her. She was not running per se, but she was walking briskly, giggling at the ambush into which she was leading Ren. Ren chased her like a lovesick puppy. Eldawas the first to tackle him, pinning him to the ground, then Ai tackled him as well, and waited for the others to pig-pile him. Eldawas making certain that he was going to be a participant in that evening's activities, whether he liked it or not! Karin then said, "Looks like it's 'in-your-face!'" and joined the fray. Yuriya sauntered over and just took a seat on his back, crossed her legs, and patted him on the head, saying, "'t he ceeuuute!"

All this time, Ren was cursing up a storm, hollering up this threat or that. Yet, all the girls knew that this was ahollow thing. Shakespeare once wrote that Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Now, here were five women, speaking for the scorned masses that Ren left in his wake. If the women that he had used had any clue to why he did what he did, (outside of feeding,) they would hang him higher than Haman! Yukkiko came round the corner, moping about Chiyuki's distressed state, and then was pleasantly surprised to see the very reason for her sorrow pinned to the ground by all her friends, minus Anjou, who was now kneeling in front of Ren. Yukkiko could not resist, and yelled, "BANZAI!"as she dove between Karin and Yuriya. Ren let out a loud "OOF!" as she landed. Ren looked up at Anjou, expecting some kind of mercy, but all she could say was, "Ren, your life-as you know it-has ended!"

This was followed by a loud and high-pitched shrill scream from the girls. Someone was in for a lesson! It was good that the police were nowhere to be seen; else, they would have thought this an odd mugging, or the oddest-looking gang rape in history!

Ai giggled as Eldapicked him up over her shoulder and walked away, saying, "Let's go torture him at home," and Karin couldn't resist a smile. Yuriya and Yukkiko were not so sure that such drastic measures were necessary. However, they had to know. "Um..." uttered Yuriya, "What exactly is meant by 'torture' here?"

"How did Chiyuki put it, beat the lesson into him?" Elda said, scratching her chin and pausing for a moment.

Ren was sweating bullets by this point. He knew well of what his grandmother was capable, and she was always so nonchalant about these kinds of things when it came right down to it. Anjoupiped up, and said, "I thought that we wanted to deliver the package alive? Is this not like curing the disease by killing the patient. I believe the humans have a saying: convinced against one's will is unconvinced still. I think she would want his love by his own free will?"

Ai smiled, and said, casually, "That is true, but we are going to teach Ren a little something about real women compared to the human sluts he dates."

"Aha!" said Karin, "So, we're talking about psychological torture here?"

Ai nodded, and said, smiling, "Yup!"

"Oh," said Anjou,"In that case, let's stop by the corner store for some drinks and snacks. This could take a while."

"Snacks and drinks!" said Ren, "Have I now become a stinking sporting event?"

"No, you're just the prime time entertainment," Karin said, evilly.

Anjoualso thought for a moment, and then said, "Shall I phone ahead to my parents, and let them know the plan, and that they should not interfere...unless mother wants to get involved?"

Karin nodded, and said as she glared smugly at Ren, "Go ahead!"

Ren tried to struggle, but to no avail. The combined strength of Ai and Eldawere an overmatch for this young and arrogant vampire. Anjouflipped the phone opened, and called home. Fortunately, Calera answered, becauseAnjou knew that her father just might put a stop to the proceedings if he caught wind of the intentions. After giving the explanation, Calera said from the other side of the phone, "So you want to torture Ren...mind if I help?"

Anjouput on that Mona Lisa grin and chuckled. She gave a knowing look to Elda, and then asked, "Would you mind if mother helped? I know you two have had your differences, but I think this would work well, don't you think?"

"Hey who knows, it might even be a good bonding moment!" Ai added in.

Eventually, they made their way to the Marker manner. Fumio was sound asleep by this point, as was Kenta, so that would pull them out of any interference. Jean-Claude was too busy trying to console the twins over great-grandmamma's "affection" to get involved. In short, there was no help for Ren. Eldathrew Ren into one of their interrogation rooms and pulled up a chair as everyone else filed in. Caldera walked in and locked the door behind her, holding a slipper, smiling broadly, as they made Ren's hands fast. "My, my, my," said Calera, "Isn't this a sight! You know, for years, son, I've tolerated this, considering that you do have to feed and all. However, now that Karin is being wed and Anjousoon as well, I just cannot let you lounge around doing nothing. The propagation of the species is at hand here, and you must play your part."

All this was going on as drinks and snacks were being handed around. Yukkiko asked, "What music does he dislike the most?"

"Rap," Karin said, smugly.

Rap was not necessarily Calera or Elda's choice of music either, however, considering what needed to be accomplished; they were willing to endure it. Ren stared at Karin, and said, both sarcastically and angrily, "Boy, you are sure enjoying this, aren't you!"

"Uh-huh," she said, in singsong, fluttering her eyelashes. She passed cotton around to everyone except Ren. Yukkiko came up to Eldaand asked, "Um, what exactly are we trying to get Ren to do? I mean, we're not trying to brainwash him or anything, are we? What are we trying to get out of him?I'm not sure I follow the process?"

"I dunno, I just want to torture him,"Karin said happily.

"Come, come now," said Calera, "There has to be some kind of goal here. Besides, I have never seen you like this, Karin. Where did this vicious streak come from?"

"This is payback for all the times Ren has harassed me," she said.

"Hey, look," said Ren, "You were being foolish with Kenta! I was just trying to knock some sense into you!"

Anjoucame up and said, "If you want out of this, you must promise to apologize to Chiyuki for what you have done. Secondly, you must take her out for at least one date, /and act like a gentleman/-just like Big Brother. Third, you will have to promise that you will find someone and settle down."

With that, Anjoustarted up the "music" and grabbed some bridal magazines, sitting beside him, and began to ask him what dress would be best for big sister. "What? Wait!" he said. When the music started, he tried to cover his ears, and screeched, "I AGREE I AGREE!"

Karin was enjoying every minute. Eldasighed, a bit disappointed that Ren caved so easily. Ai then said, "Remember, Ren, you have said it, so there is no backing out now. Right now, Chiyuki is having some bad flashbacks, because you remind her of a lost love. She misses him dearly, and your presence dredged up some sad memories. You must figure out a way to apologize to her for being a creep without hurting her more than she is right now. You then must agree on a suitable date..." and then she leaned forward with a stern look on her face, saying, "...not involving a date hotel! Who knows, Ren, she may be Miss Right. However, do remember that she is not Miss Right Now-MESS THIS UP, AND THIS WILL GO TO THE 25TH POWER."

Knowing how things are handled in the vampire world, Karin was very happy that Kenta was not here for this. Ai then walked away, and said before leaving,"You had better keep your promise Ren."

Elda, to punctuate things said, "Okay, that's done! Now, let's talk wedding motifs,"and headed upstairs with the rest of the girls. Ren suddenly wondered about what he was feeling at that point. Was this how those girls felt when he did what he did? Worse, what was he going to say to Chiyuki? He grabbed Anjouby the arm and said, "Look, things have been humiliating enough. Yet, now Ihave to eat more crow. What do I say to her, and where do I take her? Oddly enough, doing things this way is new to me!"

Ren looked for Ai to tell him more, but Ai had already gone upstairs, ready to plan the wedding. Ai started talking to Karin the instant she got in there: "What is you favorite color, your favorite music..." and such. Anjouthought this an odd thing. Here was the eldest Marker child asking /her/for advice. A grin curled up on her lip, and she turned on her heel to go upstairs, saying, "Consider this part of the learning curve of tonight. You know the old saying: the burned hand learns best."

She gave a quick chuckle, and went upstairs with the rest of the ladies, leaving Ren holding the bag! Ren slipped past the conversation in the main room as he went out, trying to figure out what to do. He decided to try to find Chiyuki the next night, try the flower thing, and went out trying to figure out what to say.

The next evening, as soon as the sun had set, Ren made his way out the door, hoping to avoid /any /of the girls, and headed out to the first florist that was open. Chiyuki was walking around, kicking a rock the size of her thumb around. Ren, not sure what to get, (and unaware that certain flowers give off certain messages,)went for a dozen red roses. He then set out to find Chiyuki. However, he now realized that he was not quite sure just how to find her. As it happened, Chiyuki was walking by there right at that moment and was stunned to find Ren there, "Those for Ai-chan,"she said, trying (and failing) to not sound bitter.

Ren saw the look on her face, hung his head, and said, "No, these are for you. I've been an idiot. Please forgive me."

The look on her face suddenly loosened his tongue, and he found it easier to speak than he had expected. Chiyuki stared at him, shock being the main facial expression for Chiyuki. "Who tortured you into this?" she said, giggling.

Ren curled his toes to the point where they almost went through his shoes. In his mind, he said, "Did she know?"

He shook it off, and said, "Let's...not go there. Um...I was wondering wouldn't mind...mmm...going somewhere or doing something...y'know."

All the while, he shuffled his feet as if he were a shy 12-year-old boy asking a girl out for the first time. Chiyuki stood next to him and put her arm through one of his. "Where did you intend on taking me?" she asked.

Now Ren was lost. Normally, his tactics with humans were to take them to a bar, get a few drinks, get them to a hotel, do his thing, feed, end of story. He was always in control. Now, he was in asituation where the girl was not human, it had to go well, and it may not end the way it normally would. He had to man up and confess. "To be honest with you," he said, trying to be as humble as he could, "Doing things this way is kind of new to me. I've never been on a date like this. You're going to have to be my teacher. Maybe I should ask you where you would like to go."

"That is good manners, but I have no particular place in mind, besides a walk through the park," she said, shrugging.

"Uh...okay," he said, not so certain what was the attraction to just walking through the park, (completely oblivious to the term "romance,") "Then, let's go."

Of course, he was not thinking completely clear, considering how close to the hill the park was which would give Anjou, and the ladies, the opportunity to spy on the happenings. Her bats were-placed well and all the vampiric empowered were sitting, holding hands, and linking with Anjou. Fumio had to settle for a play-by-play. Ai was relaying things back to her as she saw them. Meanwhile, Chiyuki chuckled at Ren's dumbfounded face. As they walked, he then realized that being silent was no good, and getting him to talk was the aim of the whole thing. He knew to stay away from the past, so he thought hard over that which he should speak. He then said, "Um...I hear Jean-Claude is trying to get a moonlight hockey league started at the local rink-you know, ammeter players playing for the fun of it. I remember you when you played for the girls those three years. They never lost the championship, thanks to you."

He figured that would be good: keep it current, stay with her interests, and let her do the talking. However, she was not going to let him off the hook so easily. He was trying to keep from being too involved, and she saw right through it. She would have none of it! "You know my interest, I want to know yours,"she said, putting the heat back on him.

Beads of sweat were now rolling down his face. What were his interests: womanizing, drinking, sucking blood? He was at a loss. Then it hit him. He had been to a few casinos in his time. He remembered a few times where he was able to get some prey from some guy he whipped at Texas Hold 'Em. It was easy for him, considering that he could read auras as well as gambling bluffs. Maybe that would do it. "Well," he said, "You know how popular poker has gotten now. I've turned a card or two in my time. Casinos can be fun sometimes. These humans can get so greedy."

He was hoping that she would show some interest. It would be more active than just walking in the park. Maybe she would like to go there, and that would take the edge off things. What he did not realize was that he was experiencing emotions that he had never truly felt before. He was feeling real affection for the first time. This was not like one of his floozies that just wanted his body. This was someone that seemed genuinely concerned for him, and wanted to know his mind. Perhaps this was what kept driving Karin and Kenta together. Was this was Jean-Claude spoke of when he had described his definition of love not three and a half years earlier? Was this love? Chiyuki thought if going to acasino would be a good thing at that moment. She had turned a card or two in her time, and perhaps beating him on the felt might get his attention. She would have to think about that. For that moment, however, she also was feeling something for someone that she had not felt in ages.

While all this was going on, a certain cat was watching the ordeal. Neko was intense on the situation, and he even began to feel some things he had not in ages. Perhaps it was time to reintroduce herself to Ai after all this time...
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