Categories > Original > Drama > Karin's Wedding


by paladin313 0 reviews


Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror,Humor - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-05-19 - Updated: 2009-05-19 - 2901 words - Complete


Chapter 20

Eldastuck close to Victor, while Ai and Ryuu stayed with Wiener. Considering the situation, it was thought best that Wiener go on his own with Ai and Ryuu. They figured that Eldawould want to ease Victor into things. "Honestly, I never understood why you pure bloods have to wait three days before feeding,"said Ai, "Normally, you feed first, and then mope. You two didn't even feed, and you are now both ravenous!"

"My head swims!" said Wiener, "Can't do this, hunger grows, must feed, must keep humanity"

He stumbled around, trying to fight the urge to feed. Granted, he was reformed from his former ways. However, there were still things that ran in his head, and ran in conflict. There was the myth that a vampire grew less and less human with each feed, becoming more of a monster than a man. However, in the years that he had been exposed to the genuine article, he knew well that this was not the case. Being a Clan member meant putting your life on the line for one another, and he had never seen any of his friends that were permitted to cross over when they requested it become ravenous beasts. However, just the thought of feeding on blood made him wretch. The biggest problem was figuring out his blood preference. Yet, if he kept refusing to approach someone to find out, Ryuu and Ai were not going to go anywhere. The two elder vampires there also understood that, if he did not feed soon, he would go into bloodlust, and either become the beast he dreaded, or wait too long and go into torpor. Ryuu was becoming indignant, and he said, "Stop acting like a baby and take care of business!"

"This is just not me!" said Wiener.

"Sorry, kid," said Ai, "It is you now, like it or not!"

"Come on, Wiener!" snapped Ryuu, "You've seen people make the change often enough to know that it is all okay. They're vampires, and they have no regrets! Get a spine, will you?"

"Maybe he needs the right motivation,"said a familiar voice. They all looked over to see Jean-Claude in hunting mode. It was that time of the month, and even though he would rather be looking over his wife and kids, he knew that no one could get on that hilltop, so he could take this chance. He happened to bump into the crew, and he figured that he would lend a hand. With all that was going on, any bokor that showed up was going to be in a world of hurt, especially since it was that time for him. He looked at Wiener, and said, "I had the same problem, until my mentors found the right motivation."

"What did you do?" asked Wiener.

"I found a reason," said Jean-Claude, "It made it easier, and even more so when I found out that my preference was evil."

"Do you think that it is the same with him?" asked Ai.

"I don't know," said Jean-Claude, "But it is worth a chance to find out."

He then looked at Wiener, and said, "Let's go to the rooftops. Let's see what we can find."

They patrolled the neighborhood, and Jean-Claude was looking for something to bust. They then came across a couple of men in nice suits at the door of an old man and woman, making demands on them. The old man was doing what he could to comply, and handing over the money, but the man acted like whatever he was given was not enough. "Greedy, evil pigs!" snapped Jean-Claude.

"What's all that about?" asked Ai.

"They're Yakuzai foot soldiers," said Ryuu, "It looks like an extortion effort."

A smirk curled underneath the scarf, and Jean-Claude said, "This is where I make it happen, Wiener. Watch..."

Yet, Wiener looked mesmerized at what he was seeing. "Greedy man...glowing bright...he looks delicious!" drooled Wiener.

Jean-Claude smiled, and said, "Perfect!" and then looked at Ryuu. "It looks like greed is his preference."

"What are you getting at?" asked Ai.

"He has a reason now to feed," said Jean-Claude,"He can now go out nightly and remove, at least temporarily, greedy people from the face of the earth! Now that is what I call motivation."

He then turned his attention to Wiener, who was now smiling lustfully at the sight. "That's right, Wiener," said Jean-Claude, "Doesn't he look good? What do you want to do to that greedy pig?"

The answer came when Wiener pounced on one of the unsuspecting men, flipped him over, and landed on his chest. Before the man could scream, Wiener was already feeding. Jean-Claude followed up as he watched the man's partner move in. Jean-Claude landed in front of him and said, "My friend is hungry! Don't disturb his meal."

Without hesitation, the man thrust forward, and Jean-Claude hurled him into the street. The man got up and foolishly charged him again. This time, Jean-Claude choke slammed the man to the sidewalk, and straddled the man who was writhing in pain. He then looked at Ryuu and said, "Don't let Wiener drain him. Keep him hungry so he can find some other scumbag to feed on tonight."

With that, he looked at the man and said, "Tonight was your last hit, filth!"

Jean-Claude lowered his scarf and extended his fangs, after pulling the man off the sidewalk. The man wanted to scream, but the eyes mesmerized him. Jean-Claude sunk in his fangs and drank deeply. While that was going on, Ryuu and Ai were pulling Wiener off his prey. "No, don't do this: feeling returning...strength coming back...exquisite pleasure..."

"Don't worry," said Ryuu, "There are plenty other greedy people to work on."

When Jean-Claude finished, he dropped the man on the ground. He scanned the two for any bad injuries. When they had none, he said, "Watch, Wiener-this is how you erase memories."

He extended his hand over the men, and said, "Concentrate on their minds. Once you feed on someone, then that becomes easier to do, because, in a way, you become one with that person. When you do this, you can either concentrate on the moment, and then just will it out, or do what I'm about to do."

He turned his attention on the two unconscious gangsters, and said, "You greedy, evil scum of the earth: the only thing you will remember about this night is pain. Excruciating pain to all your joints is all you shall feel whenever you try to do something like this again, and even ponder doing an act like this."

He then reached into the man's pockets and removed every yen the gangster had on him. He then went to the door of the old couple, handed them all the money, and then raised a hand over the terrified two. He erased any memory of the night's doing, and told them to be at peace and to rest for the evening. This they did robotically, and all they would remember was that they now had more money than they had given out. Jean-Claude then went back, removed the men's belts and shoelaces, and bound them hand and foot. He then left a note for the police that stated who these men were, and what they were doing. He was hopeful that the police would investigate, and then provide protection to the old couple. "Looks like greed is to your taste, son," said Jean-Claude, "How did it feel?"

"I never knew it could be like that!" said Wiener, "And I am still hungry!"

"Then let us find more scum like this,"said Jean-Claude, "This man wasn't satisfying enough. I need another bite!"

While this was going on, Eldawas guiding Victor in his endeavors. "The first thing we need to do is find your blood type."

"I know that," Victor said, looking at her oddly, "It's B-."

"That's not what I meant, silly!" said Elda,"What I mean is your blood preference!"

"I don't understand," said Victor.

"In truth, we can survive off any kind of blood," said Elda, "But if we have to, it tastes disgusting. However, it's not necessarily the blood as much as it is the adrenaline in the blood that sets us off."

"You make it sound like we are addicted to endorphins," said Victor.

"Well, just a touch," said Elda,"but we do need to drink to survive. The adrenaline is a plus. However, emotions cause different amounts of adrenaline, chemical mixes, and so forth, which is why each of us has a different emotional taste. Oddly, it's the same way that humans select colognes. The same cologne smells different on two different people because of each person's chemical make up. With vampires, the same emotion may taste different to two different vampires, depending on the chemical make up of the vampire. When the blood is right, the mix of the new adrenaline in the system causes an ecstatic state, and it satisfies the soul as well as the body."

Victor was taking this all in, and Eldawas thankful for the discipline in the man. Though he still took a few days to come to accept things, he was able to disengage his emotions from the situation and rationalize things. He was what he was now, and there was no changing it. By his ability to do this, he started to look at the positives. He was nearly immortal, he had someone who loved him dearly, and whom he could be with for all time, he was in a young body again, he was as fit as a fiddle, he had new abilities, and by them, he could do this world some good. Since part of his job was a man-at-arms for the Clan, he could better serve them. It felt good to get up from sleep not feeling sore and tired. If this was the hand he was dealt, he was going to make the best out of it that he could. He was going to find the courage to make it happen. Besides, he figured that, if he still had any doubts, he could try to feed, and see if that removed them. It made things better when there was someone to walk you through this new world, and show you all the good things that there was. Victor then asked her, "How will Iknow when I have found what I wanted?"

"I guess I need to teach you how to read auras," said Elda, "An aura is merely the supernatural energy released from the souls of all sentient creatures. An aura can tell you what someone is, what one's emotional state is, and whether or not someone is fibbing to you. Look there!"

Eldapointed to a couple who were walking, and appeared to be trying to become one entity. Eldathen said, "Now, squint your eyes, and concentrate on the edge of their forms,"said Elda.

When he did, he noticed a glow around them with a distinctive color, of which he told Eldawhat it was. "Indeed, that's the color for love and romance," said Elda, "But for me, that is my preference, and because of that, I can see it all over them without trying. Now, if you will excuse me for one minute, I'll show you how it's done."

There was no real way to seduce someone away in this state, but Elda had her ways. She had been alive for over 200 years, and she had learned a few things in her time. She leapt in front of the couple, and they were both about to scream. However, she waived her hand before their eyes, and they stiffened. She then made beckoning motions to them, and they followed her into an alley. She then fed on both. She subdued one while she fed on the other, and then fed on the one. She then waived her hand before their eyes, and let them sleep it off. She then rejoined Victor as she licked her lips of the last few drops. Eldalooked as if she were immensely enjoying the situation. "See, it's that easy! No one was hurt, and they'll just sleep it off. They may fuss for a bit, but they'll get over it. In about a month, they'll forget what they were fighting about and reconcile. It actually will aid their relationship and strengthen it. Now, let's find your preference."

As fate would have it, Eldaand Victor were happening upon a group of five boys who looked college age, cornering a couple of western tourists who had taken a wrong turn. This was about the same time that Jean-Claude and co. approached the scene. When they approached, they heard the boys speaking in a rough English to the couple, "Yougyjin have the nerve to come here! Now you pay!"

As they spoke, Victor looked, and saw the aura of prejudice glowing off all five as if they were on fire, Victor's nostrils flared, and his fangs extended automatically. Eldasaw this, and said, "Be careful of the couple."

"Yes, do," said Jean-Claude, as he approached,"We don't need the cops getting involved."

As it was, the five that sought to feed were happy to find their preferences all in them. In a flash, the five were pounced on from behind, and dragged into the darkness. Weak whimpers were heard as they were openly fed upon, and then dropped to the dirt. Jean-Claude taught on erasing memories again, and encouraged everyone to create the best nightmares for their actions. Ryuu then went up and erased the memories of the couple, lest they say anything. Wiener started to feel more confidence in himself, and said, "Heart racing...courage coursing..." and then he felt a hard pinch on his earlobe, followed by, "Mouth flapping!"

It was Maki, who showed up just in time to see the end to the festivities. "I could have hoped there were changes to your mouth, but I guess I was wrong!"

"Ow, ow, ow, okay, Maki, I get it! Let go!" begged Wiener.

"How's everyone doing?" asked Karin.

Victor looked as preened as a peacock, thumping his chest, and saying, "I'm as fit as a horse, and just as strong! I haven't felt like this since I was 19!"

"You look as frisky as a horse, too,"smiled Elda.

Maki was also getting the look in her eye, and said, "Wiener, let's go to my place-or should I say-our place!"

She followed that up with pumping her eyebrows up and down. Of course, Wiener was oblivious to her intent, and she took his hand, and said, "Baby, I'll explain on the way! You're going to like what you hear!"

As the two went off, Eldasaid, "Well, stud, shall we call it a night?"

His face spread a grin, and he contently grunted as he swept Elda off her feet, and said, "You have no idea how long I've waited for this!"

She let off a playful growl as he bounded off towards his house, not at all ashamed to use his new vampire abilities. The rest looked contented as they realized that, though there were those that meant harm by what had happened, good results came out of it.

At Tokyo International Airport, seven individuals came off a plane arriving from Bangor International Airport. They all looked like a rough crowd. Three of them had scruffy beards, collar length hair, leather jackets, jeans, cowboy boots, and floppy hats. Four of them had tanner skin, headbands, and leather jackets with fringes, jeans, and calf-length moccasins. After they retrieved their bags, they went to the phones and contacted Henry to let him know they were in the area, and to get instructions on how to get to the house. As they walked along, they ran straight into Clarice. The natives smiled contentedly and said, "Clarice, fancy meeting you here!"

"Yes," she said, "And it's been a long time, chief. I sensed your approaching!"

About that time, Antonio arrived, and said, "Clarice let me know to come, and that there was something great coming."

"Ah, Brown Robe," said the chief, "I trust all is well with you and the Great Spirit."

"Thank you for your warm greeting, chief,"said Tony, "I enjoyed your company since the last time I was examining the flora and fauna of New England."

"I would say," said another of the bunch, "If the inquisition ever knew..."

"Those fanatics!" he sniffed, "The real inquisition died centuries ago. It's only that handful of lunatics that cannot let go of old grudges that even cause trouble. Even then, they are not aproblem."

"Do you know what the problem is?" asked Clarice.

"Black Knife told me some of it, but Ihope to get more details when I arrive," said the chief.

"Black Knife?" asked Tony.

"He refers to Jean-Claude," said Clarice.

"Anyway, you may have trouble if what Isuspect is true," said the chief, "There is a demonic force that is aiming to aid the bokor."

"Yes," said Clarice, "I felt it in the ethereal streams."

The other that had spoke said, "I hope you've ran your beads, friar, because you are going to need as much God as you can get."

With that, they went to the Marker's, hoping that they could come up with some kind of plan to put an end to this.
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