Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Tear My Heart Open Just To Feel

Chapter 7: Exaggerations

by Mrs_Stump221 0 reviews

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Published: 2009-05-21 - Updated: 2009-05-21 - 644 words

Mackenzie POV

"Mommy...." I heard Aaron's soft voice said to me and I looked up at him from the bills that laid in front of me. He pointed to the t.v. and I looked and saw pictures of Pete and I hugging as he left the house this morning.

"Why are you on T.v Are you famous?" He asked me his index finger in his mouth.

"I - I don't know honey." I said to him just as my cell phone buzzed angrily on the wooden table. I picked it up and looked at the caller ID, it read "Peter Panda" I answered it.

"Have you seen it yet?"He asked and I sighed a bit.
"Yeah." I told him as Aaron waddled back into the living watching TV. I have turned it to Cartoon net work.

"I'm sorry to have had this happen."He told me gentle.

"It was inevitable, don't know why i didn't think about it before. But its done now, and Aaron wants to see you, you gonna come over?" I asked with out thinking.

"I can come over now, if you want..."He said to me and I smiled to myself.

"Sure." I said and I could feel the smile playing on his lips, this was going to be bad and I knew. What did i have to loose though? I hung up and smiled as Aaron danced to the music that played on television. I continued to count the money i would need to pay bills this month and I felt tears sting my eyes.

I would need and extra 300 dollars. Everything was getting so expensive, from clothes to food and Gas for the car everything was going up and we were going down. I heard the front door open then shut, I looked up and Pete walked over to me concerned.

"Whats wrong?"He asked, I hadnt realized i was so out of it that he had enough time to get here.

"I dont have enough money to pay all our bills im going to have to cut off something, like DVR or some internet." I said to him softly and he shook his head.

"No you wont, I'll help you pay."Pete said seriously.

"No, i Couldnt.."I started but he looked at me and touched my face standing closer to me which was making me nervous.

"Mackie, I love you and our son. I'm going to take care of both of you, you have to trust me on this." Pete told me his thumb running over my bottom lip making me shiver slightly, he pressed his lips to mine then sucking on my bottom lip gently forcing a soft whimper to pass through my lips.

"Pete, I- " I started but he wouldn't let me finish because he had pressed his lips agaisnt mine in a passionate kiss. My hands tangled into his short hair and his hips were between my legs. It'd been so long...but I couldn't.

"Pete." I said pulling away and he looked at me his eyes clouded over with lust.
"Yeah...."He said attaching his lips to my neck making me gulp nervously, how could I say no to this is had been so long since I had been loved or been made love to.

"Let me show you I'm not the same guy I was three years ago, let me show you I could be the one you have been waiting for...."He said kissing me softly. I had a tingling feeling in my gut that I would regret this later, but who was I to tempt fate. I will just have to let this run its course. Joe is engadged I need to get that through my head, he left without even waiting for me to answer him os it must not have mattered to much...right?
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